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Comment Re:Similar argument for desktops (Score 1) 175

Especially in Windows 8 where you just assign the connection as a metered connection and most of the background stuff gets turned off without diving any further into the system. (Yes I know tech sites like to bag on Win8, and in many cases deservedly so, but there are genuine innovations that are useful contained in it)

Comment Re:The problem is the other way round... (Score 2) 962

None of this is at all true. Go look at actual research data on things like how much people interrupt and get interrupted, or how likely people are to react to something someone says.

Most women who are in professional environments have had the experience where they propose a course of action, and people ignore them and keep talking, and then some guy proposes the same exact course of action, and everyone agrees with it, and concludes that the guy had the idea. Watch carefully in meetings and you can see it too. It's sort of magical.

Comment Re:Limited perspective (Score 2) 962

See, you're complaining that they don't know what your experiences are like. But you don't know what theirs are like, and given how you talk about it, you certainly aren't spending time talking to people to learn enough that you could make the comparison.

You know what I rarely come across? Aspiring software engineers, at all, period. I mean, I'm not in college. It doesn't come up.

But given the level of overt hostility women encounter, my first explanation for an apparent shortage of "good female software engineers" would be that the people who would have been good at it left because they wanted to have a job where people didn't habitually harass them.

Comment Re:Just because... (Score 1) 962


Actually, it is pretty much the case that women in general are harassed by men.

I'm 42. I've known dozens of women well enough to talk to them about their experiences. I think maybe one or two of them report that harassment stuff like this is fairly rare for them. The rest regard it as pretty ordinary.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 5, Informative) 962

It's actually really easy to check this out, because you can use whatever name you want on the Internet.

Someone decided to prove that women were just whining, recently.

What happened? He lasted two hours. Then he deleted the account, because he couldn't take it. The women I've talked to report that what he encountered is normal for them.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 1) 962

I've been seeing how men treat other men for a very long time now, and it is in general not even remotely similar to the kinds of abuse that the women I know take for granted in gaming communities. Like, for instance, I can post about how I like a game someone else dislikes, or dislike a game they like, and no one who thinks I'm male will threaten to rape me for it.

Comment Re:Slashvertisement? (Score 5, Insightful) 92

Amen to this, we run ~400 VM's on 14 hosts, using less than 1/3rd the power we did when we ran 160-180 physical boxes and everything is easier to manage, new deployments take minutes instead of weeks. We've saved a few million by not needing to grow our datacenter, probably over a million on Microsoft licensing, and made both my staff and my customers happier. There's no way I'd run things on old physical boxes just to save a few dollars on capital expenses.

Comment Re:Wrong Control Variable? (Score 1) 619

Socialism or attempted communism is not the wrong variable, it is the correct variable, what do you think socialism and communism lead to? Massive poverty, lack of equality under the law, lack of opportunities to get out of poverty.

Sure, you can say that the problem is poverty, but poverty in the socialist countries came from socialism - lack of private ownership and operation of property, lack of individual freedoms.

Today's USA and most of Europe and Japan and many others are lacking individual freedom where it comes to freedom to make your own choices in life, to run your own business without getting hit in the head by governments. There are fewer and fewer freedoms available and because of that the moral compass is getting more and more off track. People are willing to cheat more in a system that does not allow them to be equal and free under the law. When I say equal, I am not talking about equality of outcomes, I am talking about equality of application of the law.

If the law is applied differently to some people even in such concepts as different tax brackets and different tax breaks you will have less economic freedom, less initiative, fewer opportunities, fewer people trying to get ahead the honest way because the honest way is made so much more expensive (whatever the costs are, they are raised considerably before the newcomers so that vast majority of people just gives up and doesn't even try). In that case you will have more cheating, more lying, people not honouring contracts, people expecting to steal from each other by any means and considering that to be 'justice' (like 'just society' actually meaning a society that steals from some to subsidise others).

You cannot redefine words that mean justice to mean theft and corruption and expect the people to not notice and not to change their behaviour and not to become morally corrupt.

Social or economic justice redefines the meaning of the word justice as much as the government redefines the definition of what inflation is in order to pretend it doesn't exist.

Redefining the word of what unemployment is to pretend it doesn't exist.

Redefining what 'GDP' is to pretend it is growing.

Redefining words is a political game, it is played by the government and it is there to lie to you, to destroy your ability to differentiate between reality and fiction, to destroy your moral compass. Immoral people are easier to use in a mob settings, immoral people do not have a problem stealing and calling it 'being just'. When I say immoral, I am not talking about any religion either, I am talking about willingness to lie and cheat and steal, to give half truths, to not honour contracts, to pretend, to use government system to steal on your behalf, that's what I am talking about.

Of-course there are very few moral people in an immoral system.

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