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Comment Re:What's this? (Score 1) 8

Amazon was an experiment. I read the library's copy of Andy Wier's The Martian, really liked it, and googled to see if he had any more titles. Wikipedia said that he couldn't get a publisher so he introduced it as an Amazon ebook, it went to their best seller list, and a publisher bought the hardcover rights for a six figure sum.

So I thought, what the hell, why not give it a try? I thought it might give me extra exposure, but I was wrong.

Comment Re:Absolutely fair.. (Score 2) 114

It depends what they are actually saying when they say they want to security audit the devices. I take that to mean complete access to the source code for all software supplied with the device and complete access to detailed hardware designs. So yep, a security audit will allow the Government of China to hunt down bugs and make use of them "to access secure information stored on confiscated iPhones from activists, dissidents, journalists, and other troublemakers". Likely it goes deeper than this and they want to access all possible associated Apple devices with or without the users permission upon a global basis and Apple is like 'meh' profits first. Apple users in the US better watch out, it's not like the Government of China's investigatory agencies are even slightly free of corruption and many of the 'er' hidden features they find are pretty much guaranteed to become available to organised crime.

Comment Re:Be afraid (Score 1) 110

Apparently apart from these people or these people but hey believe what ever you want to believe. I think the word you were looking for was LulzSec rather than 'Anonymous' but then those members of LulzSec choose to temporarily associate themselves with the idea of 'Anonymous' and choose their own approach, including the decision by the masters FBI to commit crimes in others countries by molesting children ie grooming minors to commit crimes, supplying the tools, the knowledge and the targets and those agents should have been extradited and prosecuted for their criminal actions.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 1) 180

I specifically mentioned no organisation as this is a global issue and that globally, yes, investigatory agencies do have very skilled people working for them and I thought I was pretty clear on that. Note, those same agencies just by the application of statistics also get very low skilled people working for them. Some agencies are even stupid enough to use lie detectors, which ensure those most skilled at lying ie psychopaths still get hired and they are far more interested in pursuing their own ego and their ability to abuse power than they are in justice. So the majority of investigations are done well but also some investigations are completely botched up by incompetent people out of their depth or by those pursuing their own ego ahead of justice. Inevitably they seek to twist evidence to make up for the incorrect original guesses to which they become administratively bound as a result of the agencies resources they have expended and this ultimately fails to the shame and dishonour of all those involve, this as exemplified by abusive and corrupt plea bargain arrangements. You are kidding yourself if you think all investigatory officers are equal and in fact, some are so bad not only should they not be on the job, they should also be investigated and prosecuted for the criminal misconduct.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, crap... 8

Patty emailed me and solved the "why isn't anybody buying the Amazon ebook" question -- according to her, it's nearly impossible. She says they won't take a credit or debit card, you have to either have an Amazon gift card or that Amazon Prime crap.

So I don't know what to do. I'd just pull it and put it on the site for free like the other two books, but that would hardly be fair to the two people who jumped through Amazon's hoops.

Suggestions are very welcome.

Comment Re:Choose a CMS you like (Score 1) 302

- No security issues (other than bad Javascript or the web server itself): there's nothing to hack, and if someone were to hack the web server itself, restoring the site is as easy as re-uploading the files (all of which can be maintained in version control like git).

For something like Jekyll, this also applies to the input. I use it for a couple of sites and, in both cases, the sources are Markdown files (easy to edit with your favourite text editor) stored in a git repo. When I'm working on updates, I run 'jekyll serve' locally and get a copy of the site on the loopback. When I want to push them, I can do jekyll build and then rsync the results to the web server (or do something more clever if I'm less lazy and want atomic updates). The entire change history of the site is stored in revision control and the revision control system contains everything necessary to recreate the site at any point in its history.

I've yet to see a CMS that allows trivial rollback to earlier versions of the site or which makes it easy to store the content in such a way that a compromised web server can't damage it.

Comment Re:HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

I'm not sure I agree with your first premise. There are fairly trivial combinators that you can write in lambda calculus that are conditional flow control (i.e. reduce to either the left or right lambda expression based on a value). The implementation of ifTrue in Smalltalk (loosely) follows this model.

More mundanely, the statement is obviously false because a language constructed with the basic arithmetic operators and unconditional branches is also turing complete.

Only if the unconditional branch is a computed branch. Otherwise how would you implement a program that either terminates or does not terminate based on user input? The example that comes to mind is the x86 MOV instruction which, with a single unconditional backwards branch is Turing complete, but this relies on several other aspects of the surroundings that allow you to implement a conditional branch (or, at least, a select, which is morally equivalent).

The simplest Turing-complete instruction set is a subtract-and-branch-if-not-negative instruction, but this is a conditional branch.

I agree that conditional flow control is slightly too broad a requirement, as it depends on an imperative model. Conditional execution depending on input data might be a better way of phrasing it.

Comment Re:Be afraid (Score 2) 110

They couldn't prosecute 'Anonymous' so they targeted the first person publicly claiming to be a leader within 'Anonymous'. Pretty illogical because as I understand it, you can not be a member of 'Anonymous' once you publicly claim to be a member of 'Anonymous'. When it first came out 'Anonymous' had more to do with mocking the aggressive for profit bureaucracy of Scientology and the asthmatic dwarf in charge with regard to their desire to persecute anyone who protested them. So the pretence of being 'Anonymous' without actually being 'Anonymous', thus mocking their willingness to persecute people ie I am so afraid I must hide, screw you, no I am not. This then grew into the idea of activism where it was all about the cause and not about the people protesting, no celebrity activism. So a way to form a short term association around a particular cause and invite others to join and protest as one of the basically, nobodies, the invisible people, the people with no names and no faces ie the majority. The forms of protest taken and the causes are purely up to those people at that time. So it's hard to imagine how you could be or not be a fan of 'Anonymous' because it is what ever a particular cause is at a particular time and their chosen method of political activism. So you are either a fan of a particular cause and the method chosen or not and then choose whether to join in or not.

So when the FBI chose to pretend to be 'Anonymous' they did factually become 'Anonymous' and their acts became the acts of 'Anonymous' and let's be honest they were enormously successful at raising the public awareness of 'Anonymous' and made it far more successful idea than it would otherwise have been. Without the FBI efforts it's pretty obvious that 'Anonymous' would never have captured the public imagination as well as it did, although I am pretty sure that was not their goal at the time, you can not ignore what they did manage to achieve or at least what it seems like they were tricked into achieving ;D.

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

I really have to wonder about bikers who like a throbbing object beneath their nether regions, those motor bikes shake object hundreds of feet away, why do bikers desperately need those objects between their legs, are they missing something? Obviously the sound is unnecessary, as such vehicle noise laws should be reduced. Desperate for loud throbbing objects get the appropriate tool insert it and wear headphones with the volume cranked up. There is no sane reason why you should be allowed to force you hobby upon tens of thousands of other people as you drive down roads. Want to have fun, fine have fun but consider others and the ramifications of noise pollution in a crowded world. Not really picking on you as you very likely are not driving down my road, I am of course aggrieved by moronic Harley Davidson riders who are riding down my road and it seems there is no sound reason behind that sound.

Comment Re:Censorship? (Score 1) 420

Sorry dude I know you wish it wasn't so but IQ statistics prove the Left is way, way ahead of the right. Don't worry new statistic will start coming out that when it comes to narcissism and psychopathy the right is way, way ahead of the left. The left are about caring and sharing and the right are about selfishness and greed, suck it on up, that is the reality. When selfishness and greed are your motivation you concern for other people becomes very limited and this will impact you actions. Sure there are a bunch of conservative right wingers who believes they will profit by pretending to be left wingers but that does not make the left wing. Reality is the left are enamoured of the truth and the right accepts lies as long as it gains them what they want.

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 0, Flamebait) 823

Your the exact kind of asshat the proves why new laws should be implemented to reduce the sounds vehicles make at their exhaust. Why should manufacturers being feeding the egos of dicks to annoy everyone who lives alongside the roads the egotistical shites drive down. Time once again to crack down on noise pollution as it should be obvious that it is necessary by this very story.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 1) 180

Who is kidding who. When a whole bunch of skilled people are specifically focused on getting evidence of criminal actions you have committed they will get you, if they do not make any mistakes and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. The idea is not to make so many mistakes that a whole bunch of skilled people become specifically focused upon you because by then it is way too late already. Of course once you get neck deep in criminal activity and when greed becomes you sole guiding motivation. The ego driven stupidity that comes with that ensures once they have you scent they will track you down and get the evidence they need to prosecute.

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