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Comment Re:Ever killed a poacher? (Score 1) 176

Funny. Have you noticed that you could replace "poacher" with "burglar" and it would just work out, too?

With maybe the difference that you wouldn't be modded insightful but flamebait, because it's A-OK to blow someone's guts out over your stereo rather than some rhino horns.

Exactly. Then, change "burglar" to "foreigner" or "jew" or "fag" and, wow, look what we have done.

The ability to treat other humans as less than life is sociopathic. Even if the other humans are assholes and criminals. Teaching children to treat other humans like dirt makes you less than dirt.

But, we am going against the groupthink. It should be KILL KILL KILL, as long as we are killing the groups that are different from us, right?

Comment Re:broad concepts that bind... (Score 1) 273

The problem I have is that the "physical therapist chiropractors" seem to be totally fine with the quacks existing. I have never once heard of a chiropractor being against the quack ones. So in that case they are helping perpetuate it.

Maybe I am being unfair, but I think I am totally justified.

Comment Re: broad concepts that bind... (Score 1) 273

Anecdotes are useless, I could counter that with one where I went to a chiropractor and it did not help at all. My anecdote is just as useless I am glad your pain is gone, though.

What I really want to know is; was the chiropractor also claiming to cure cancer and the common cold? Was the place decorated with healing crystals and connected to a magic healing spa that would cure gout? Those are the ones that piss me off.

The reason I am fine lumping them together with the "real" chiropractors is that the "real" chiropractors do nothing to show that the quacks are quacks.

Comment Pandering (Score 1, Insightful) 504

The cast's "Racial and Sexual Diversity" is more important than having a plot, hiring good actors, making a good movie.

The funny thing is that people that bitch about such things aren't even the target audience for this kind of media. They aren't going to go see the movie anyhow, they are just going to post to tumblr and youtube about how "fair or unfair" it is and ignore it's content.

Comment Nanny state, much? (Score 1) 144

Seizure problems with video games have been a thing since video games have been a thing. I can rember a friend's stepdad in the 80's having seizure issues with video games. Did that make him stop? No, he still loved playing. He made a choice to do it.

Do we ban every form of entertainment that has flashy lights because there are some people that just can't resist? Or do we make sure that products with this are still labeled correctly? Maybe we should even fund research into seizures and curing the problem?

Comment Re:Drone It (Score 1) 843

During the Vietnam War strategists declared that dogfighting is dead, and the F-4 was originally not equipped with a gun at all. Many of them were shot down.

Though we have gone 30 years of wars and conflicts without Americans in a real dogfight, so perhaps it is. But the lessons of Vietnam means that all American fighters will have guns for the foreseeable future.

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