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Comment Re:Answer: HR departments (Score 1) 465

On the other hand, a truly good HR manager can be the making of a company. I've never known a successful CEO *anywhere* who didn't see absolutely top-notch people in the right places as a critical KPI of their company's long-term success. Either the CEO has those people recognition skills or they have a top-notch HR person at their beck and call.

Mind, for some firms (such as company harvesters like Bain Capital) this may mean the ability to carry out an order such as "find me a sociopath who can fire people in bulk and make it look like it's a mercy killing from a friend".

Comment Re:Answer: No. (Score 1) 404

I just had a look at Not a lot to show in the page source, but doesn't that page trailer look a lot like one of the open-source content management systems? Very Joomla! or Drupalish. If the content is in MySQL (/huge assumption) I do not wish to be insulting, but I can see how Oracle would very likely be an improvement...

Comment Re:DON'T START FROM SCRATCH (Score 1) 404

If there were any professionally-architected deliverables from the site, they would at least have provided a page architecture, business rules, and use cases. Those things take a lot of time to put together, and they're usually transportable to a new infrastructure.

The Big Three involved in this will be able to pull together an underlying structure to support that front end, and it will be solid. A good, senior architect would be able to look at what they've got for about 5 minutes, know the solution, and spend the rest of their time pulling people together and explaining what they're doing. Engineers from companies that big will know what boxes to move around, and all will be well in a crashing great hurry.

The big difference of this sort of approach? The players have already made all their mistakes on other companies, and will freaking well know what they're about.

Just sayin. Couple of decades of that sort of stuff under my belt. It's why customers don't mind throwing money in certain directions.
(And no, I am *not* volunteering. Unless you want us to build it in Australia :P )

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