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Comment Re: I like this guy but... (Score 2) 438

And that is the solution. TAX Intellectual Property.

Sony bitches about $200 million lost in piracy? Let the IRS tax them on their new made up bullshit number. Suddenly IP "losses" go to sane levels.

I want IP taxed at 15% of the value claimed, and any claim in court asking for more due to piracy, is charged RETROACTIVELY by the IRS.

Comment Re: Elon Musk (Score 2) 108

Bruce, it is at vandenberg. The launch vehicle is already there, and has been tanked 1 already.
In addition, it is only using 3 engines, not all 9. As such, it is thought that it was a converted grasshopper.

The launch pad abort was supposed to have happened long ago, and then I had heard Feb, and then april and now a NET of May 5th.

As to the delays, yeah, most, if not all, was caused by spaceX focusing on getting their launch rate way up, along with the 2 failed landings. But, in light of NASA's dicking around with SpaceX and giving preference to Boeing to the point that SpaceX can not go to the ISS until Boeing has done so, you really can not blame them.
I will say that if Soyuz fails (sad thought since that implies loss of life), then SpaceX's dragon 2 will no doubt be moved up in priority since it is by far the closest.

Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 108

I would have to say that spacex is already manned quality. Even their F9 was designed with numerous sensors and the ability to shut down an engine or more while completing the mission. All that remains is PROVING dragon's ability to abort.

Comment Failure before it started. (Score 1, Interesting) 123

They started to backpedal on promises before the end of the crowdfunding, it is overpriced for what it was, and they had severe quality issues. 4 controllers with very little use in 1 year... Xbox controllers abused to hell work fine 4 years later. Yeah, it's dead, nobody cares, they cant even sell them in the clearance bin at Target.

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