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Comment Re:Not sure how I feel about this one (Score 1) 342

This is how 'cablevision' used to work. They'd put up a big antenna that could pull down signals you couldn't

There is a huge difference: Cablevision put up *one* antenna and used that signal for thousands of users. Hence, public performance.

Aereo rents each individual user their own, private antenna. (Yes, if they have 10,000 subscribers, they have 10,000 antennas). Hence this is NOT a public performance; you are only watching what your own, private, rented equipment is receiving.

Comment Re:Firmware (Score 2) 113

Linksys has working wireless drivers; the product ships with them. The only problem is the lawyers who won't open source those drivers.

It would take them a few seconds to just post the sources that the router ships with to their web site; there is no *technical* reason for the delay, they are just refusing to do so, even after promising that they would.

Comment Re:Surely ironic (Score 2) 276

Why satire? Given the current smartphone - is the prediction far off? Sure, the screen can do graphics *and* text, the keyboard is usually on-screen, and the removable storage is flash instead of floppy - but the basics are all there.

Plus, everyone is saying that the smartwatch is the 'future of wearable computing' - if true, the Byte prediction will be even closer to the truth.

Comment Re:Betteridge's Law sez "Nope." (Score 4, Insightful) 157

They had me until "Silicon Valley".

They aren't building a computer - they are building a car first, an airplane second, with some computer bits inside it. So why choose some of the world's most expensive real estate? Why put your engineering far, far away from any place you could test the flying capabilities?

Comment Re:If you can learn to put a beer down while drivi (Score 1) 184

In several states (Colorado, Connecticut, for example) it is perfectly legal to drink a beer while driving.

Sadly, of course, there are many people who cannot drive safely even if they are not eating/drinking/phoning/etc - they are just bad drivers. And if they cause an accident, it will get written up in the papers as "lost control of their vehicle" and they will generally not be charged with anything. That needs to change too.

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