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Comment Re:Her work (Score 2) 1262

Her complaint is rather that the brutal depictions of violence against woman in video games always seem to have clear sexual subcontext, while violence against men does not.

Which I think is a valid point, but then isn't this also the case in real life? So she's complaining that the games accurately reflect how things are (in many cases that she's referring to, in fact, to draw attention to that problem even)?

Comment Re:History of Ukrain (Score 1) 848

1954 Crimea was given as a "Gift" to Ukraine by Russia/USSR and Nikita Khrushchev (an ethnic Ukrainian) as a symbolic gesture commemorating the 300th anniversary of Crimea becoming part of the Russian empire.

It was actually an exchange of territories. While USSR got Crimea, RSFSR got a bunch of land from across its southern border with the former, too.

Comment Re:The Russian bear only understands force (Score 1) 848

After WWII, the US should have had Patton march east and take care of uncle Stalin.

Luckily, US leaders after WW2 were not idiots, and understood that this was a war they had no guarantee of winning - and that regardless of the outcome, whatever was still left of Europe would burn to the ground in the process.

No doubt Russia's military build-up in the last decade takes this scenario out of the realm of possibility,

The Russia military build-up is still miles behind what the USSR has been.

I expect to be modded down, as many here won't understand a sentiment generated by having survived the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe. No, things haven't changed. The bear's beastly character is immutable, a fundamental aspect of it that can't be tamed or cured by diplomacy, education, or civilization.

It's convenient when racists openly identify themselves as such.

Comment Re:beware the source (Score 1) 848

Well, the setback that it suffered is in a region (Novoazovsk and Mariupol) that was previously completely outside of the war zone, with a very fair distance. So either the rebels have come up with technology to teleport several dozen tanks across enemy lines, or they came from the Russian border (which is very close to that area).

In addition, the rebels have been consistently losing ground to Ukrainian forces for the last two months, which can be seen even in their own propaganda (just look at the maps they publish). And now all of a sudden they mount a massive counter-attack, with heavy use of artillery and tanks, taking back large swaths of territory, and striking new ground (again, this is all from rebels' own propaganda!). Do you think they just broke out their stimpacks, or is it that they've got assistance that they previously didn't have?

Comment Re:Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

Looking back at history, there has never been a shooting war between the Soviet Union and the US. Never. The Cold War? It was always fought between proxies of the great powers. We would sell arms to pro-US or anti-Soviet interests (like in 1980's Afghanistan), or we would directly confront pro-Soviet interests (like in Vietnam). We came close to a shooting war with the Soviets more than once (the Bay of Pigs in Cuba). But such a war never happened, because those in power knew that such a war would inevitably decay into a thermonuclear war that would likely end western civilization with the press of a button.

Both in Korea and in Vietnam, there were plenty of Soviet advisors in the communist forces, and in some cases they were troops actively engaged in fighting - in particular, fighter pilots were often Soviets. So yes, US and Soviet troops did actually shoot directly at each other as part of Cold War.

Where you are right is that it hasn't been official, largely because, when one side had an officially declared presence, the other always denied the same. In Korea and Vietnam, US had the official presence, and Soviets unofficial one. In Afghanistan, the other way around.

Now if you look at Ukraine today, Russia is officially not invading it. All those armored columns of tanks? Rebels captured them, duh. Russian paratroopers taken prisoner? They were "patrolling the border and got lost". And so on. So if US troops were physically present and fighting in Ukraine, they would be fighting Russians in practice, but officially it would be just like Vietnam.

Comment Re:Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

Yes we urged them to disband their forces. But even if Ukraine had kept full military strength. They'd still be in the same position, if not worse anyway.

The important part is that you urged them to get rid of the nukes that they had, providing some security guarantees in exchange for that. And those guarantees are apparently all reneged on now.

If Ukraine remains standing at the end of this, they will restart their nuclear program for sure - there's already wide popular support for this measure. And why shouldn't they, given where they ended up?

Comment Still no Unicode? (Score 1) 118

... but, hey, we've got this major feature: you can now multiply two constants, and the result is also a constant! It's almost like C had in, what, 1985? Except that you don't actually need it because this is a dynamic weakly typed language, but who cares. PHP! PHP!

Comment Cameras reduce problems for everyone (Score 4, Interesting) 455

There was a story a few months back about a suburb of LA instituting a 100% camera policy and finding that the number of police brutality complaints dropping precipitously. The reasons for the drop were not as cut and dried as people will have you believe. A lot of complaints were dropped after the complainant was confronted with video and audio of the incident after the fact. Also, the officers were able to calm many situations down by simply stating that the entire incident was on camera and could be used as evidence in court.

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 5, Informative) 848

Actually, the handover of USSR's stockpile of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine wasn't in exchange for defense, but rather in exchange for a promise from Russia that Russia will never use its military weapons to attack or intimidate the Ukraine. (See the Budapest Memorandum, )

Clearly, that agreement has been broken by Russia. Of course, I doubt any powers are going to try to exacerbate the situation by either providing the Ukraine with nuclear weapons or suggesting that Ukraine should acquire nuclear weapons, but based on my understanding of the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine is well within its rights to do so now that Russia has breached the agreement.

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