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Comment Re:Only Two Futures? (Score 3, Informative) 609

Ultimately they remain not difficult to get otherwise the poorest wouldn't get them in such high numbers. There are much better questions to be asking, let's add some facts into the discussion, shall we? In a nutshell this seems to be a poor issue, in a country that struggles with contraceptive use. Blacks are over represented. For those with an agenda this is an empowerment struggle (her body, her choice etc.). I've also noticed when it isn't wanted it's a bunch of cells, when it's wanted it's a baby (women crying over a miscarriage). Source with nice graphs. At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and at 2008 abortion rates, one in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30 and three in 10 by age 45.

Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, 18–19-year-olds obtain 11%, and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.

Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions: Women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.

Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%

Women who have never married and are not cohabiting account for 45% of all abortions.

About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.

Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children).

Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.

The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.

Fifty-one percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%)

The number of U.S. abortion providers declined 4% between 2008 (1,793) and 2011 (1,720). The number of clinics providing abortion services declined 1%, from 851 to 839. Eighty-nine percent of all U.S. counties lacked an abortion clinic in 2011; 38% of women live in those counties.

Forty-six percent of abortion providers offer very early abortions (before the first missed period) and 95% offer abortion at eight weeks from the last menstrual period. Sixty-one percent offer at least some second-trimester abortion services (13 weeks or later), and 34% offer abortion at 20 weeks. Only 16% of all abortion providers offer abortions at 24 weeks.

In 2011-2012, the average amount paid for a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10 weeks’ gestation was $480. The average amount paid for an early medication abortion before 10 weeks was $504.

Eighty-four percent of clinics experienced at least one form of antiabortion harassment in 2011. Picketing is the most common form of harassment clinics are exposed to (80%) followed by phone calls (47%). Fifty-three percent of clinics were picketed 20 times or more.

Comment Re:Cuz Minix Dude Was A Old Guy (Score 1) 469

A BSD license means that the only development you are guaranteed to get is your own development. Anything else is just by chance...If you publish the same code under GPL, and even a single other developer shows some interest and adds something to your work, you are guaranteed to get rewarded by additional functionality.

The guarantee requires that the developer distribute their work.

There is no ROI for your development work if you publish something under BSD license.

LLVM and FreeBSD would like a word with you. Some extremely popular projects use very liberal licenses and there are more, not less of these.

Comment Re:republicrats (Score 0) 209

Thing is, I suspect you are right on the first part but thats the thing...its insignificant to the point.

Irregardless, it's just a hunch ;)

Just because online comments are a crapshoot....offline ones are too btw... doesn't say anything about any individual one

??? I'm unclear on this, comments don't say anything about an individual? Disagree strongly, if so. What people joke about, what they focus on subject wise, and how they discuss it speaks volumes about themselves and how they perceive the world. Example, all women are referred to as bitches. Or, They should just get a job! Or, they're all fucking faggots etc.

and....frankly....Ive known some otherwise intelligent people who don't speak well or have trouble speaking/typing.

Intelligence is expressed in many capacities including communication. If we can't speak, read or write well it is counterproductive. Cutting to the chase since these are considered trivial subjects by the STEM crowd (boo hiss to liberal arts!) as witnessed here and elsewhere, does this make the intelligent-but-unable-to-communicate person simply lazy? They're intelligent after all! What are people called, intelligent or not, who make mistakes? Willfully making mistakes? If they're a politician, they're stupid. Why wouldn't this apply here?

Its simply bigotry to read someone words and focus only on how they speak while ignoring their message. This whole "you don't speak exactly to my standards so fuck your opinion" really doesn't deserve to be acceptable.

There are responsibilities shared by both the audience and speaker, classically anyway, if you respect that then that means that every point is valid, including the AC comment which started this. Bigotry is such an emotionally charged word concerning intolerance to others opinions, key being opinions. We're entitled to our own opinions, after all (ex: In my opinion, towing the line is correct!) but this isn't a matter of opinion, it's about a phrase, a fact. We document reality with facts.

I agree with your sentiment regarding entitled people, it comes down to being persuasive and knowing you'll never persuade someone. The AC in a very unpersuasive way dew attention to an unfortunately common mangled phrase. Full stop. Reading too deeply into something results in projection. We have to agree on some things otherwise communication goes downhill quickly. Without standards like you mention we wouldn't be able to use the internet :)

Comment Re:republicrats (Score -1, Offtopic) 209

Are you really trying to justify being irritatingly pedantic in order to somehow enhance the discussion? All it has accomplished is this timewasting derail.

How am I being pedantic? Let's recap shall we? Some guy online uses a phrase that he's never used before and manages to mangle it up. Someone calls him on it. Someone else doesn't like that someone else calls people out on things. I reply to this person to the effect that I suspect it's a phrase heard before and that using phrases improperly makes you look foolish. You reply to me with a response that I'm pedantic. If you'll notice I'm not the one who brought this up so your suggestion is better directed elsewhere.

Keeping that in mind, maybe it's just better to let this minor meaningless slip-up go?

And yet, you're commenting on it, too. By your logic does this make you pedantic or just self loathing? :)

Comment Re:republicrats (Score 4, Insightful) 209

Nothing but an attack on the intelligence of the poster based on....a single fucking word.

It's not so much that it's a word, but a phrase which subtly changes the meaning. My hunch is it's a phrase they've heard and not read. As always the devil is in the details. Have you heard someone slip up with their units (TB and KB)? An innocent slip or not it makes them sound foolish in a technical discussion, likewise using a phrase improperly taints the points they're making and brings into question and how informed they are. Perception is reality. Without people pointing this crap out, how will it get better? The use of irregardless is on the rise ffs.

Online posts are such absurd crapshoots of appeals to authority and opinion as fact, even people (myself included) who seem to know what they're talking about spout so much profound misinformed nonsense and outright fantasy it's hilarious to take anything read online seriously. On the internet nobody knows you're a dog, nobody.

Comment Re:Trafficking huge. (Score 1) 306

You've moved the goal posts from images uploaded somewhere to human trafficking and prostitution. This is the type of slip weaselly people use when discussing illegal immigration, not to mention there is no such thing as illegal immigration, and flip over immigration issues. They're separate issues.

Yes, the methodology by which the statistics are gathered is suspect. That's because there isn't a gallup poll; it's a criminal activity and people don't answer the phone and say "Yes, I traffic in women."

"It's a really big problem, I watched Netflix and heard some stories." A similar thing occurred with D&D and a fear campaign around satanic crap. Do you have anything better than a "trust me it's a big problem"?

Yes, there are people who just decide to go into prostitution for economic reasons and are psychologically healthy about it. They of course defend their profession from statistics that show a lot of young women are not voluntarily in the trade, and a lot of them aren't even going to understand that

"There are people in an industry that I don't work in, but that I have watched some completely unbiased shows on (trust me), and they don't know what they're talking about!"

and a lot of them aren't even going to understand that some young women they think are their voluntarily have been effectively brainwashed by someone who collects all of their profits and buys them an ice cream cone and says that they care.

This comes off much like a "think of the children". You used girl elsewhere, however, young women are by their very definition a woman, for woman to apply that would mean at least 18 (an adult). This continues the line of thinking that women are children and cannot make decisions on their own behalf. Let's not forget that girls mature faster than boys, and they're taught about people touching them - something boys aren't. Not to mention there are "a lot" (another weasel word, see how that works?) of 18yo males who enlist and deploy and are maimed or meet an untimely end. Take a story in the paper if it was about a young man, they'd drop the young part and just refer to him as a man. There's an effort here to paint this in a particular light. Why would that be?

More and more girls who are younger and younger. The average age has gone down over the years--you used to every once in a while see a girl who was underage. Now it's all the time. Girls who are underage cannot consent.

Is it so, or could it be that it's easier to share things nowadays? Look at all the (disproportionately female) teachers raping students, is this a new phenomenon? Or is it something that's occurring with the same frequency and just broadcast further and faster? Another example is how people are worried about sending their children outside when crime is following a 40 year trend downwards.

Since you're fond of think of the children angle how about a present scandal occurring at this very moment. Human trafficking involving Chinese citizens coming over and having anchor babies. I've seen this with my own eyes, too. People who pay tens of thousands of dollars to come here and have a child on our dime by claiming to be destitute when at the Hospital. Getting back to the original issue, as far as these picture websites, your stance is that there isn't enough laws on the books to address these sites? That's rich.

Comment Re:Great article. (Score 2) 215

I buy a new phone about every 3 years, when my previous one is worn out. Most people do this every year or two. What a waste...This article shows what you're missing when you sign that lease, or buy that new iPhone.

I replace mine with about the same frequency. Not to toot Apple's horn but they have trade in programs which reduce the cost of the new phone and they refurbish or recycle the old one. Many people will hand their phones down, too. Often the only thing that the handsets really need is a battery.

The motors and battery (which needs to be replaced every X years) for your new Prius are not so great for the environment. Sure, it makes you feel good to not fill up at the gas pump, but what is the true environmental cost of that car?

One argument that can be made is efficiency, is it more efficient to tap the grid vs generating energy at home? Is less fuel consumption beneficial? Here's a Forbes article about Prius, having a battery replaced with a refurbished one from a 3rd party.

The reality is that there are 28 separate cells in the hybrid battery pack. When the unit starts to fail, only a handful of the individual cells are bad. What Prius Battery Repair of Houston does, and Toyota could do if it wanted to, is replace the bad hybrid battery pack with a reconditioned one to get the customer back on the road. Then, determine which cells are bad, and simply replace the bad battery cells, recondition the battery, and sell it to the next customer.

Same goes for windmills, etc. Are they really better for the environment than, say, nuclear power?

Better is so subjective. Replace windmills with $anyitem (minifridge, dams, coal power plants). Does it make it more or less profound?

I'm glad someone out there is forcing us to look at the downside of all of the technology we use. Kudos to them for doing it.

Forcing? Hardly. This is the byproduct of cheap.

I'd say this article just focuses on an admittedly bad area where stuff is done cheaply because that's what many people want world wide. A rare earth mine is ramping up production in California. Compare how it's done. It lowered capacity because of cost, a re-occuring theme with a lot of American industry.

Comment Re:Very simple answer (Score 1) 394

Just because you appreciate someone or something doesn't mean you're doing it in an acceptable way, not to mention they feel the same way about you, take stalkers for example. Talking to someone you like is good, talking over them isn't so good. Many people don't know that this isn't good, otherwise we wouldn't encounter it, it's something your parents should teach you and not everyone has good parents.

Anybody telling you to 'be sincere and do what I say' is saying 'fake sincerity, copy me'.

They could have Aspergers and don't know how. Copying people is how we learn, just the format that changes.

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