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Comment Megasolution (Score 1) 264

Build some Mega Projects; Infrastructure, dams, reservoirs, pipelines, desalinization plants, etc. We know the problem is coming, plan for it, that is what government should do, not tell us to stop flushing the toilet.

Oh, wait, building stuff is so last century. It is so environmentally unfriendly to let people live in comfort.

Comment Re:yep, it IS an indicator - they WERE anarchists (Score 1) 174

Cop One: Man it's hot out. Hey look at that guy "wearing a heavy trenchcoat to a large 4th of July event while walking purposely toward the center of the crowd rather than socialing like everyone else"

Cop Two: Maybe he is up to no good. Let's "watch them for a minute."

B O O M [body parts whiz by]

Cop One: Shit! Why didn't some three-letter-agency deal with that? Now I've got a lot of paper work to do...

Comment Useful lifetime (Score 1) 189

Any old building that is in disrepair due to neglect, wasn't worth saving. Q.E.D.

You imply it is a waste to build a cheaper building, while one could argue it is a waste to over build, and commit to future expenses.

Buildings have a useful lifetime, and become prohibitively expensive... obsolete plumbing, electrical, heating cooling, insulation.

Comment dead-man switch (Score 1) 421

This app would come with a feature that completely erases itself and any record that you even considered using it. This kicks in if you don't positively identify that you are still alive and coherent every 6 hours. The lawyers would make sure this feature is present.

Since you might be using this app in the wilderness, while you are foraging, there are some sister apps you might like; one that estimates if you can jump that ravine, and another that tells you if there are enough handholds on that cliff face for climbing...

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