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Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 1) 125


You may remember, IDF have a HISTORY of firing on UN installations, for which they have been given exact coordinates. They use them to TARGET, not to protect.

Remember, International law DOES NOT enshrine right to protection of occupiers! In fact, the post-Nuremberg laws hold the occupier accountable for PROTECTION OF THE OCCUPIED.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 3, Interesting) 125

Over a decade ago, Yonatan Shapira, then an Israeli air force pilot, bravely confronted his top commander, Lt. General Dan Halutz, over what were euphemistically called “targeted assassinations.” Israeli warplanes regularly fired missiles at Hamas leaders in Gaza, also killing innocent civilians, some of them children.

Shapira asked General Halutz, What if a Hamas leader were located in Tel Aviv? Would you order our pilots to fire there, risking Israeli bystanders? Halutz said no.

So you value Israelis over Palestinians, Yonatan responded. Get someone else to fly your aircraft.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 2) 125

"Standing with Israel" will soon be understood to be no different than "riding with the KKK"

Can you explain why an Arab boy will get murdered if he walks down the street, holding hands with a Jewish girl?

Can you explain why dissident/tolerant Israelis are afraid to post facebook profiles, because black-shirted gangs will hunt down their street address and beat them into a pulp?

Can you explain why African refugees live in fear for their lives?

Why do Israeli snipers kill already wounded civilians and the RESCUE FIRST RESPONDERS?

Tweet (JLLLOW):

Equal civil rights? Israel has NO WRITTEN CONSTITUTION.

Your "democracy" claim is Israeli whitewashing, a baldfaced lie that embraces rhetoric of inclusion, to mask discrimination, prejudice and exploitation. Palestinians make up about 20 percent of Israel's population, while less than 7 percent of the budget is allocated to Palestinian citizens. The 1.5 million Arab citizens of Israel are de facto second-class citizens while four million more are not citizens at all. A Jew from any country can move to Israel - and is granted near immediate citizenship upon entry - but a Palestinian refugee, with a valid claim to property in Israel, cannot even visit. The laws for "right of return" and the "Jewish National Fund", which enshrines formal policy and subsidy for land ownership, are inherently anti-democratic.

In fact, there was another government and nation that behaved this way, socially, politically and militarily - but the world put a stop to that in 1945.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 1) 125


Israeli propaganda. The peoples of Palestine have been there since Biblical times. They were once mostly Jewish, and with the history of the region, gradually Christian then predominantly Muslim.

There is no linguistic, archeological or genetic basis for the folkloric idea that Jews formed a mass exodus and diaspora, after the time of Herod. None.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 1) 125

"Why have they killed only a few hundred children, instead of all of them?"

There's a strong moral defense for the Israeli practice of driving a population out of their homes, into a confined reservation, then carpeting the enclosed with illegal munitions as collective punishment.

Comment Re: Alternative explanation (Score 1) 398

Multicast is not a viable technology for truly large scale deployments (more than a few hundred thousand hosts perhaps). Routers and switches do not have the required resources to maintain multicast routing/switching tables for millions of multicast sessions.

The correct way to solve the problem is to push it to the end nodes. They have much more CPU power and memory than routers and switches. The technology to do so has existed for a long time: P2P.

Comment Re:Alternative explanation (Score 4, Informative) 398

Thats how the internet is paid for. The sending provider pays the receiving provider for the bandwidth, and this is the only rational way it can be.

No. That is not how it works. The truth is that the smaller provider pays the larger provider, no matter which direction the traffic flows. Some companies, like Netflix, are nice enough to not use their size as an excuse to charge people -- they offer free peering at internet exchanges. Other companies are maximally greedy.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 1) 125

Many of the Gazans are Christian. From the 2009 assault on Gaza:

"Israeli missiles hit Hamas targets but also destroyed civilian buildings in the densely packed territory, including a Christian medical clinic in Shijaiya that had provided free health care to the poor since 1968. Atallah Tarazi, a Christian surgeon at Gaza City's Shifaa Hospital, said two ambulances were hit and six of his paramedics killed, and lamented the high percentage of civilian casualties received by his hospital.

Gaza's Christian community of 2,500 suffered at least three deaths in the fighting—including 14-year-old Christine Turok, who died of a heart attack from fear—and Gaza Baptist Church and the Palestinian Bible Society were damaged by Israeli airstrikes.

A broad cross-section of Christian agencies mobilized aid to Gaza and southern Israel.

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 3, Insightful) 125

Some Palestinians have, if at all, just seconds to leave before an attack but many do leave and flee to the school buildings that under control of the United Nations. The schools are opened especially for this and the UN personnel take care of the refugees and keep both "militants" and weapons out of its buildings.

It also provides the Israeli military with the exact coordinates of the schools. So guess what happens next:

Israeli shells hit UN shelter in Gaza:

As many as 30 people have been reported killed and 100 injured in the Israeli shelling of a UN school in Gaza that was being used as an emergency shelter.

Al Jazeera's correspondent Nicole Johnston, reporting from Gaza, said the school in Beit Hanoun came under shelling on Thursday. She said sources had told Al Jazeera that up up to 30 people had been killed in the bombardment.

The AFP reported a UN official as confirming "multiple dead and injured".

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Robert Turner, the director for UNRWA, the UN's refugee organisation in Gaza, said there was no warning from the Israelis before the shells landed. He confirmed there were casualties.

He said the UNRWA were in contact with Israeli forces about a window to evacuate the school before the attack happened

"This is a designated emergency shelter," he said. "The location was conveyed to the Israelis.

"This is the fourth strike on our installations in three days."

Four attacks on well known refugee centers within three days. Does anyone still believe that such attacks are some random accidents?

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