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Comment Re:Atlantis (Score 1) 114

1. putzing around in a top notch Yacht in paradise is its own reward. the search for the Musashi was just a side part time effort

2. allen is from the west coast, of a certain age. so the battle in the Pacific looms large in his upbringing, and he is likewise motivated. your agenda is not his agenda, nor is your agenda magically better than his. in fact, Atlantis is just a myth with a number of sort-of maybe leads. not something you can actually go look for in a specific small area like the Sibuyan Sea

3. now that he has found Musashi, i hopes he keeps playing around in Southeast Asia, screw the Mediterranean, i wouldn't go, boring. Sulawesi sounds fun, i hope he has security though from pirates. not that his proclivities are my proclivities but the simple point is they aren't yours either. he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and nobody needs some random asshole saying their agenda is superior and must be followed. who the fuck are you?

but along your line of interests, maybe he will head here, it's not far from the Philippines, i would:

Comment Re:Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress latel (Score -1, Troll) 517

the devil is in the details:

Yes, such as the 50,000 studies they "use" annually.

Thats 137 studies 'used" per day.

I guess common sense doesnt figure into your view of things sine you quoted the part where this is detailed, but failed to notice how ridiculous this is.

Comment Re:Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress latel (Score 2, Insightful) 517

From the article:

"The bills, introduced by a mostly Republican cast of sponsors in both the House and the Senate, would require that EPA use only publicly available, reproducible data in writing regulations and seek to remake the membership and procedures of the agency’s science advisory panels."

The president plans to veto common sense.

Comment We got it alright (Score 1) 445

"The year of Net Neutrality"..... wait, we got that one!

Don't count your chickens before they are slaughtered.

You currently have no idea of what you "got", because only FCC commissioners have read the actual regulations they will be passing...

There are 300 pages of changes ready to change the internet you know today. Good luck with that.

Comment That didn't work (Score 2) 445

What will make Windows Phone succeed is the same thing that will make OS X succeed and it mainly boils down to apps.

Microsoft already tried that though - they paid a lot of money to developers in order to bring many of the most popular titles to Windows phone from iOS/Android.

Even with that it will still not enough to track consumers...

Comment Re:Jerri (Score 1) 533

now you're changing argument. that's an intellectually dishonest effort. you were trying to say the democrats are as bad as republicans. they clearly are not. if al gore was president, we would not have invaded iraq. if romney or mccain had won versus obama, we would have no ACA. that's just two examples out of thousands of major policy differences

so if changing the subject is the best you can do, that's just your low character way of conceding i am correct. you're welcome for the education

btw, the democrats DO suck. but not nearly as bad as the republicans. that's my point. the lesser of two evils (and there is no such thing as ideological perfection in politics, so grow the fuck up if you think you can actually sit around and wait for that). they are NOT the same. if you believe them to be the same, you are merely announcing your ignorance of the topic. almost every day for the last 2 years, republicans tried to repeal obamacare, and the democrats constantly shaking their heads. they are not the same, in many ways, on many crucial policy points

Comment Re: and you never will find the money (Score 1) 178

well said

and it's exactly like the antivaccine morons

have them sit down and talk to an old person from when polio was a constant worry, or heck, just look at tombstones in old cemeteries from the 1800s: read the ages of the dead, how many children would routinely die before age 10... sometimes what killed them is listed: pertussis, whooping cough, measles, etc., regularly killed scores of kids every year

there's people with ignorant beliefs created in the bubble that vital modern protections afford them. vital protections that they are so unaware of the need for (out of being stupid and uneducated), they actually believe the protections are the problem

hordes of these stupid loser douchebags, commenting loudly, everywhere

Comment Re: and you never will find the money (Score 1) 178

I stopped reading after your first sentence

This is what I wrote:

>all the evil shit a government can pull (and they do, i'm not defending government, i'm just noting there is far worse out there) is nothing compared to the evil that exists without a government backed currency and government oversight, accountability, and regulations of finance and banking. i'm not in love with government, i just recognize it as the *least worse* evil when it comes to currency mechanisms

Did you try reading what I wrote before launching into the useless insults?

Comment Re: and you never will find the money (Score 4, Insightful) 178

You didn't even read what I wrote

Here, I've excerpted for you. Educate yourself, try again:

>the world is not a choice between unicorns and rainbows versus shit and broken bones

>the world is often a choice between various shades of bad situations

>wisdom is picking the least bad situation, and comparing it versus the other bad options. rather than ignorantly comparing the least worse bad situation against uneducated perfection fantasy. so government regulations, with all of the corruption and rent seeking and regulatory capture, etc., is better than no government, or weak government

You don't want to be oppressed? Ever try living in a place with no government or weak government?

FIX it, don't destroy it.

Comment Re:and you never will find the money (Score 4, Insightful) 178

look at the article we are commenting under. there is your answer

without protections, you get fucked

it's kind of like antivaxxers: they have no fucking clue how horrible a world of constant deadly diseases was. so in this bubble of ignorance, created by progress, they only see the tiny "evil" in what we have to do to maintain the advance: get injections. they react to that as the evil that needs to be defeated. as if that's the only evil possible. and when enough of them allow enough attack vectors for a deadly disease to proliferate, people die. so here we have the real evil at work: ignorance

the world is not a choice between unicorns and rainbows versus shit and broken bones

the world is often a choice between various shades of bad situations

wisdom is picking the least bad situation, and comparing it versus the other bad options. rather than ignorantly comparing the least worse bad situation against uneducated perfection fantasy. so government regulations, with all of the corruption and rent seeking and regulatory capture, etc., is better than no government, or weaker government

people need to fight corruption, not government itself. in fact, those who corrupt government are often the ones loudly proclaiming government to be the enemy, rather than the corruption they create. and uneducated fools fall for their lies

another example: the FDC

like antivaxxers, certain paranoid economically illterate wackjobs see great evil in the FDC. and in their abject economic and historical ignorance, they have no clue of the historical suffering that led to the FDC. no, in their mind these controls exist because of vast conspiracies and assorted nutbag fantasy rantings about efforts to control us all, because reality is apparently an episode of scooby doo

why does the FDC actually fucking exist in the first place? study your economics and your history. don't trust the low iq herp derp hysterics of alex jones types to "educate" you

the reasons are mundane and sensible for the FDC. not dark and creepy. a world without them, the world before the FDC, is far, far worse:

every dozen years, there would be a banking panic, and people would lose their life savings

simple history. simple economic fact

that's the real reason why we have the FDC (cue paranoid historically and economically illiterate whining about "freedom")

and here we have bitcoin enthusiasts losing their deposits by entrusting them to random assholes without any government oversight, and guess what?

"oh well"

that's what life is like without "evil" government regulations in finance

Comment and you never will find the money (Score 4, Insightful) 178

people who seek to get a currency away from "evil" government control get exactly what they want: worse. no government, no accountability. no accountability, you get screwed, and the only answer you will ever get is "oh well"

you can't run from government regulation in hatred of it as a great evil, and then expect government to come to rescue you when you inevitably get fucked. you got fucked, because there's no regulations... which you *asked for* and were enthusiastic about, moron

all this episode boils down to is some economically clueless fanboys needed to learn the hard way what the rest of us already know: that a currency backed by a government is obviously better than "free" alternatives

all the evil shit a government can pull (and they do, i'm not defending government, i'm just noting there is far worse out there) is nothing compared to the evil that exists without a government backed currency and government oversight, accountability, and regulations of finance and banking. i'm not in love with government, i just recognize it as the *least worse* evil when it comes to currency mechanisms

you can petition and redress your grievances to government, and get a hearing, and maybe justice (if you actually understand right and wrong and you aren't some deranged crackpot out for "justice")

you can't do that against random assholes whom you trusted with your deposits for some ignorant reason that just basically boils down to uneducated enthusiasm

it's like the people who rant and complain about how evil the police are. and then their car gets broken into... and... drum roll please... they call the police. you want to reform the police, fix the police, fight corruption. not fight their existence. you need the police. without the police, civilization quickly falls. of course there are crooked cops and bad cops. so fight that, the bad apples in the system, rather than fight the entire system. which you need, and want, despite the fact you aren't educated enough to see or understand that far worse problems exist without them. the same with government regulation of finance and banking. it is warped and corrupt and crooked. so fight the corruption. don't fight the whole system. because without the system, far worse shit will befall you

people need to be educated enough on economics and history to know what kind of abuses exist out there without government oversight of banking

Comment Re:Jerri (Score 1) 533

republicans were drooling over gutting glass-steagall since reagan and finally some republican congrescritters got the bill done, and clinton signed it, therefore all democrats fault

some democrats went along for the republican cooked up lying premise for war in iraq. therefore all democrats fault

do i understand your mentality accurately?

Comment Re:The thing about witch hunts... (Score 1) 467

A threat against someone (like those against Curt's daughters) are at a level where the police should be involved.

hell no!

and the police won't do shit, they'll roll their eyes at you. because it's just ugly trashtalking. so schilling responds by exposing the douchebags. low grade crime. low grade response

and you act like there's a mob with pitchforks ready to hang people!

hysterical much?

you seem to have a prepackaged, thoughtless reaction to this specific case as if you only consider crimes that rise to the level of boko haram. this is low grade crap. so tone down your overheated melodrama

the overall problem is that there is not a legal, legitimate way for society to respond currently, so it is either do nothing or do this.

exactly! what's the problem? you want a nuclear strike here?

you want the police called every time someone steals a parking spot? every time someone doesn't hold the door open for someone else? every time a kid calls another a bad name?

not every act of justice has to be at the hands of police with guns

in fact, your calls for official involvement for low level shit is the actual source of the problem of an overblown reaction. there's no mob with a hangman's noose here. YOU are the one who wants people with guns to show up. you're the one taking this way, way too far and taking the chance for a reaction way out of proportion to the low grade crime

this is every day, low grade justice by regular people. and well done. good job schilling

Comment Re:Even worse - extensions == "chmod +x" ?!? (Score 1) 564

What's better is dong it right. Like HTML requests or Email Messages, file systems should allow arbitrary metadata fields on files. Some standardized for specific purposes, such as file type. Others available for whatever the file format, program, or user wants.

For example, MP3's ID3 tags shouldn't have to be stuck into the content. They are metadata and should be represented as such.

The BeOS file system had this right. It just didn't have enough market presence to make a difference.

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