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Journal Journal: Dear Paris, 3

Its Saturday night, and here I am at home, thinking I must be the loneliest person on the planet. Then my thoughts turned to the cruel paparazzi frenzy of earlier this morning and the articles describing your return to a jail cell. You are most certainly the more social of the two of us, so I guess I can't be the most lonely person on Earth tonight.

We come from two entirely different worlds. When I get up in the morning my fashion is based on the most comfortable clothing that hides as much skin as possible, because I'm a total prude. I think the most I've spent on a fashion accessory is a $350 purse, some $200 Esprit boots that didn't hurt my feet and a ~$25k 1997 Jeep Wrangler (if that last one counts). All those were paid for with my own money, not my parents, who were most ardent in teaching me the responsibilities of budgeting and debt. The most famous Hollywood guy I've ever known was in diapers when I knew him, so I suppose it was before the fact he was famous, and we never dated, just threw baby food. I don't carry a Blackberry, let alone one with numbers of celebrities. I'm assuming, perhaps unfairly, that we have little in common. The media doesn't talk much about you enjoying the kinds of things I do. All, this aside though, I've managed to find that tiny thing we have in common, beyond both of us being human. Well being human has a lot to do with it, but it gets deeper than that.

Paris, there are prison cells without literal bars and cement walls. They exist inside the minds of the severely treatment resistant depressed with PTSD, like me. I live in a home surrounded by plenty of creature comforts, but my broken brain fails to let me enjoy them the majority of the time. No food tastes good, the fanciest of home theaters can't distract me enough to watch a movie and even a $500 massage in Santa Fe fails to relax me. I can scream for my loved ones while they hug me tight, and still not feel their arms holding me--there is no comfort in a horrific mental illness. No amount of my wanting and fighting to get well or seeing doctors, therapists, reading self-help books, taking meds, etc has helped with this problem for 13 years. To put it plainly there is an emptiness that material items and even non-material items can't fill.

Sound a bit familiar? I think it must hit home to you a bit--for as we watched today no amount of your money can keep you from the loneliness, scariness and isolation of the cell you're stuck in now that separates you from your own creature comforts. I'm not rich, but I bet many of those comforts exist in an effort to fill a void in your heart that you may not even realize. If so, you're hardly alone, that describes a huge demographic in the US alone.

We are both human, even if we don't agree on anything at all. To be human is to make mistakes. Humanity, which there is still a lot of in this world, Paris, will grant you forgiveness for mistakes if you are sincere, accountable, make the best effort you can to learn from those mistakes and ask for that forgiveness. Sometimes you even get more than one chance. Its the hard path though, not the easy one that you've been taught all your life. Accountability is normally something taught to us as we grow up, but in your case that did not happen. I choose to be an optimist and hope that you can still learn it through time and patience and friends that aren't shallow and see beyond your money and celebrity.

Back to how we are both human and the tiny thing that connects us. As different as we are, tonight, locked up in our cells, we have a few things in common. We are both scared and lonely. I realize tough love is sometimes the only way, but the first few nights alone in a frightening place during a transition period are agonizing on any human spirit. So I am praying you angels, to give you courage, enlightenment and allow you to rest. You may dress them up however your imagination suits them. I certainly do, and they do not mind. Their goal is that you will find rest, peace and comfort, to be strong enough to make the most of what you will have to face when the sun comes up. And Paris, the sun will come up. My dad is not as rich or famous as yours, but he once offered me some wisdom I can't help but keep close to my heart. On nights I was afraid of whatever, he would tell me, "Kiddo, try to get some rest, things will look brighter in the morning." Many times that along with my faith in humanity have gotten me through nights I never imagined were survivable.

Finally, I am also praying and wishing that you will emerge from this encounter with the system, from your past mistakes, and your misguided youth a survivor, not a victim. Thats very important. As a victim you may find more sympathy in life from others, but not from within. A survivor, the hardest thing to be, will help you grow into a strong courageous beautiful person inside and out that won't be as afraid next time she does something human.

Even though I know that in 45 days, 22 days, 24 hours, whenever this fiasco of your "judicial punishment" runs its course, it will be harder for me to see that tiny bit of you that reminded me that you are indeed a bit like me. You are human, you went through a scary, lonely time---and more importantly-- it reminded me to be humanitarian. I think I owe you thanks for that, Paris. God be with you, my prayers are.

{Its really too bad that Paris will never read this because its a journal page on a site for nerds, not some article in one of her favorite magazines or blogs. If anyone here thinks it worth linking to somewhere one of her high profile friends might read it, please do. I'm a romantic, and it would make me feel better if she knew that there were people who aren't enjoying seeing her suffer.} ~N

Journal Journal: Favorite Anime? Best Anime? 7

Ok /.'ers I have two questions and a favor. I have been an anime addict since 1991, but I have been out of the loop for about 3 years.

If you doubt my anime nerdiness goto animemusicvideos.org where two of my very old and silly amvs are available for download. Don't make fun of them, they both made finals at Anime Expo that year! Of course they're all mushy and romantic, I'm into shoujo like most chicks. Ok well, I'm into other genres too, just not naughty tenticles and echi. Video making software for the PC sucked bigtime and I didn't have access to the film eq at USC. Don't get me started on the Matrox Rainbowrunner or the sudden drop in value of my massive laserdisc collection.

First, the favor, not many people read my journal, but I'd like as much feedback to this as possible. So if you read this and have a /. friend that likes anime or is strongly opinionated about anime please pass it along.

What is your favorite anime? (note I didn't specify that you have to give one answer)

What is the best anime? (note: see above about not specifying only one answer)

Pretty please with some fanservice on top reply? (well if you prefer your fanservice on the bottom perhaps that can be arranged too--talk to the cute little blue haired anime girl icon) ~anime tear drop~

P.S. No, I'm not smoking crack, I think there will emerge differences between favorites and bests! Watch for my reply if you want an example. Just give me time to go dust off the old laserdiscs and hook up the laserdisc player. (please let it still work)

P.P.S. Please don't flamewar over Robotech vs. Macross on the technicality that Carl Macek basically took Macross and raped it of a lot of good plot and graphics and mixed in some other show and created Robotech. Some die hard fans get touchy about this, but lets play nice. Macek and Robotech did partially atone for their sins (not much but a bit--okok so i'm an anime purist too!) by getting anime some airtime and thus fans in the US.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Alli, are you still out there?

1000 Oceans

these tears I've cried.
I've cried 1000 oceans
and if it seems I'm.
in the darkness
well, I can't believe that I would keep.
keep you from flying.
and I would cry 1000 more if that's what it takes
to sail you home
sail you home.
sail you home.

I'm aware what the rules are.
but you know that I
will run. you know that I will follow you.
over silbury hill through the solar field. you know that I will follow you

and if I find you. will you. still remember
playing at trains, or does this little blue ball
just fade away. over silbury hill through the solar field.
you know that I will follow you.
I'm aware what the rules are but you know that I
will run. you know that I will follow you.

these tears I've cried. I've cried. 1000 oceans
and if it seems I'm. floating. in the darkness
well, I can't believe that I would keep. keep you from flying.
so, I will cry 1000 more if that's what it takes
to sail you home
sail you home. sail. sail you home.

© Tori Amos

{i love and miss you...~n}
The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Healthcare Headaches 1

This article about migraine patient's getting screwed out of meds by big health insurance companies doesn't get very specific, but it does point out a painful problem. If you suffer from migraines, like I do, you can probably sympathize with wanting relief.

A migraine is not like other headaches. They can last for days, be accompanied by intense sensitivity to light and sound, cause nausea and vomiting and interrupt your ability to function. Some migraine sufferer's have aural symptoms too, where they see wavy lines, halos, or stars in peripheral vision and eventually cannot even see well enough to drive as the migraine starts.

There are some new really effective meds out to treat migraines, but they are still under patent law and very expensive. I have a competative insurance plan, but it only allows me 6 doses (1 dose per 12 hours) of one of the most popular severe migraine drugs to treat migraines per month and that is with the highest copay. That figures out to be 3 days of migraines. Considering my migraines average 24-48 hours in length and 3 per month, its not enough.

The insurance company will happily give me a prescription of vicadin every month, but hey that stuff is habit forming and you build up a resistance to it. Not to mention that it contains tylenol which gives a lot of people rebound headaches. Finally, a narcotic like vicadin doesn't treat the migraine the same way drugs like the new ones do, it just masks the symptoms. Vicadin doesn't even take the edge off the pain, but the new ones used early enough can make a huge difference, and they aren't habit forming. Insurance would rather see me become a legal painkiller junkie, it would seem.

Its just about greed. The insurance companies may pretend they're "making sure people actually have migraines" or {insert some excuse here by an MBA} that blocks a doctor's ability to treat the patient and saves them money.

Just more of how theres no health or care in health care.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Peak inside my twisted mind, I dare you...

Welcome to the world of Mental Illness, in case you haven't noticed, its not all psychos, straight jackets and drug addicts. I was the coder in the office next door until treatment resistant depression started to take just about everything I'd worked for 6 years ago:

crashing again

this downward spiral into pain feels deserved and sweet
its like the calm before a storm--
and finally, i'm not scared anymore
i've been to the bottom before
kicking and screaming and begging God to tell me why
warm salty tears more familiar to me than a smile
prayers for my Creator to take me home remain unanswered though

at least I'm not terrified
not like when i let them hook me up to machines
cold metal and cruel electricity
issue that amp into my brain
smile and assure me
in between the grand mal seizures that wrack my tired body
erase even more of my broken mind and soul
tell me i'm cured and hand me a bill for $200k
one that insurance pre-approved but won't cover now
oh sorry, you're ASAP unless you have that kinda cash sitting around at age 30
another thing you forgot to mention
along with the permanent memory damage
and 40 hour long chain migraines...wheeee

excuse me, which part is the care in "health care"?

as always though
i don't have the guts to do what the statistics would reflect
that any sane person in my position should do at this point
for i always was too chicken-shit
scared to piss off a God who's forgotten me

so i accept punishment for whatever i've done to deserve this
i get to wake up tomorrow and the next day and forever
this godforsaken disease slowly usurping N_____

all i have to look forward to--
pleading with doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies
to whom i'm just an opportunity to make money
perhaps i can get a park bench or cardboard box, with a view?

i long for the numbness tonight
i have no doubt it will be swift and merciless
cruel, yet welcome

i'm crashing again

© paperflowers 2005/2007
User Journal

Journal Journal: Paper's Pen

mortal coil

the firefly wings its fleeting dance
to seduce and to fluoresce
a cry for one to join and burn
ere light must sadly evanesce

so as the weary flower bends
the radiant bloom about to die
like tears the petals softly fall
the rose has turned it's face to cry

life's beauty much too fragile
our moments much too sparse
forgiveness heals the wounds
but will not heal the scars

© paperflowers 2007

{i have never even seen a firefly ~defeated glance~ ~pf}
User Journal

Journal Journal: Paper's Pen

care not~anymore

no faerie wings blowing breezes of comfort--
cooling sweltry sore fumes in this hell,
in fact, demons delightful deceit dares tarry here.
insidious imps crawling clandestine, craggy pathways of pain.
barren of angels that once disputed darkness;
abandoned by stray seraphs who forsook my soul;
how freely the spirit diminishes, broken mind at the helm.

© paperflowers 2006
User Journal

Journal Journal: Paper's Pen

beauty is
  • Ansel Adams' lens focused on the peaks of Yosemite.
  • Amy Lee singing Imaginary live.
  • Bach's First Cello Suite for Pablo Casals being performed by Yo-Yo Ma.
  • C.S. Lewis' pen writing about grief and suffering.
  • The Milky Way Galaxy viewed by the naked eye from eastern New Mexico.
  • Sakamoto Maya's voice as Kanzaki Hitomi in Tenku no Escalfowne.
  • Author Leslie Marmon Silko reciting passages from Ceremony.
  • The tears of a widow placing a red rose upon her husband's grave--a sign of deepest love and respect.
  • In the UK tiny rural towns they do not tear buildings down, instead they care of them, in turn those buildings tell history and stories otherwise lost if they were torn to rubble.
  • Frank Lloyd Wright's Maid in the Mud Garden Sprite.
  • Michelle Yeoh performing martial arts in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
  • The Yucca plants of the southwestern deserts that survive wildfires.


    © paperflowers June 2007
User Journal

Journal Journal: Paper's Crumpled Up Dream 1

~T.D. Phetteplace

Count not the silence as the herald of my heart.
Speak not of waning love with the absence of my song.
Life's a madman's drama and we each play our part,
knowing not which lines to speak or what is right or wrong.

And as I venture onward, stumbling blindly through the page,
puzzling out the random ways in which the story bends;
I shall always cherish every time up on the stage
and wish a chance to draft a scene with you and I as friends.

For if the play holds tragedy, laughter, tears, or mirth;
the scene will be worth playing if I share the stage with you.
Care not for mortal measure by which we tally worth;
from heaven's highest balcony we'll get our grand reveiw.

And when the curtain closes on my final dying sigh,
I'll welcome the slow dimming of the lights so far above.
For when I say "forever", I think perhaps I lie.
Eternity is much too small a vessel for this love.

{There are dreams we cling to for so long we squash them in the effort to make them ours. For one as sick as me, adding another variable to my complicated equation simply isn't in the stars. Somehow I know this, the way I know the sun will rise tomorrow and the next day too. My heart will always hold that empty place for a lover, a soul-mate that this poem would have been perfect to share with.
I must be crazy, I don't even know what I'm missing, and yet it haunts me deeply, infinitely, eternally.
I hope those that have it never take it for granted.
my heart grieves with each passing day, nothing to fill it ~pf}
The Courts

Journal Journal: It takes a lot to get me PO'd 13

Call me naive, but I just can not believe there is a campaign of "Free Paris" bulletin boards around the nation!

Its sick. Its wrong. Its not funny at all. That money could be feeding hungry people. (And if you make a freaking Nicole Richie eating disorder joke about that line I'll really flame you.)

Particularly disgusting is the placement of the one in Albq, NM next to the Juvenile Court facilities. Thats just a great message to have located right outside a place where the very system she managed to play is hard at work trying to teach a bunch of kids the concepts of responsibility and accountability--something she has failed to convey to her massive teenage and younger audience. What a great role model. And don't give me the "she never asked to be a role model" BS. She certainly did when she made that statement on her behalf to get her sentence reduced...some crap about bringing sunshine and butterflies to people's lives as if she were a teletubbie. WTF-ever!

Bloody f*cking hell...Free her? Deport her? Educate her? Take away her credit limit?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dying alone? 2

So many people talk about how terrible it would be to die alone. I'm not sure if they're talking about the dying part, the being dead part or what follows this life. I wouldn't worry too much about any of it. First of all its inevitable. Second, there are some really horrible ways to go, like car accidents and do you really want to drag someone you care along with you just because of your fear?

When people pass away gross stuff happens because muscles let go. If they're really sick they're probably hooked up to all kinds of tubes and stuff. Loved ones have to make hard choices if legal things aren't in order. That has the potential to cause suffering on both ends. As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be alone when I die, regarless of how it happens. It doesn't scare me to die alone, to be dead or what comes after. Worrying about it, being scared of the inevitable just wastes time and energy for the most part. Wasting time and energy--feeling any more regret in whatever precious time I have left in this life scares me more.

I'm much more afraid of living alone the rest of my life. Thats something I have control of for the most part. I'm worried about what I'll do if the doctors can't treat my depression and secondary PTSD so that I can get over my fear of trusting people and leaving my home. Those are things that limit my ability to share my life with someone at this time.

I think though, that maybe more of what people mean when they say they are afraid of dying alone is living alone up until death. They want a companion for the rest of their life because once you've been with someone for long enough you get comfortable.

Its easy to forget, or take for granted, the difference between lonliness and being alone. I knew the difference well before I got so sick. I loved having my space and chose to end some relationships that were turning serious and cutting into my "me time." Ironic how things change when you get so sick and the years slip by in tens. I still have those choices for relationships, but its no easier to take on that kind of commitment when I'm still sorting through all kinds of other feelings. Now I'm lonely but need my space for other reasons, yet I feel like I'm fighting a ticking clock. Go figure?

Why can't the depression give me one night off? I know the difference between being alone and lonlieness, the mood disorder doesn't, especially tonight. A single friend, the squeeze of a hand or a quick hug would ease my mind were it not so sick it wouldn't allow any. Human beings weren't meant to live alone and without friendly affection. So why am I so broken I can't accept a nurturing touch to sustain me?

I promised my Creator I wouldn't ask to be taken Home early anymore, but tonight its so hard not to wish for such things. ~pf
User Journal

Journal Journal: Paper's Pen Yields to One More Powerful


Let your eyes be the afterglow
The incandescent light that leads me
To the one dark cavern of a perfect place
Where I can release my elytron wings
Oxidised from the stasis of eternal sleep.
And know that the alchemists sky
Still reigns in opalescent liquid gold
As shadows on the edge of ethereal light form a blanket
A nexus between the nightfall and the fading day
And I came so near to your soul, to find a remedy
Access the fire caught in your eyes
Through a rainbow of onyx; gimcrack flashes that flush
like a glow worm in the dark, the feeling that never dies
Drawing me in, pulling me closer, like moths
Moved to taste the candle flame
Free to swim in a daze, in a firestorm of fireflies
In hybrid shades of summer, a woven tapestry
Marking our place in a lost suburban haze
Making our hearts and thoughts meld, become on or the same;
Now let your eyes be the afterglow; your fingers the flame

© Shadow Rapture 2006

Grats on your first publication Lady Opium Col, I always believed in you and your pen, much love, ~pf

Journal Journal: Lyrics for a Hard Night 1

~Maddy Prior, from the album Ravenchild

With all the associations of darkness and the trickster, it is easy to lose sight of the softer, more generous side of their nature. They are often to be seen in the wild, rubbing beaks and canoodling with their life's partner, using their extensive vocabulary to 'whisper sweet nothings' in a strangely anthropomorphic way.

Why do you see me and tip your head
With questions dark and wild
Why do I shiver through my backbone?
Because I know, cried the Ravenchild.

Why do you call me with that tragic voice
Broken and defiled
Why does it strangle my heart's ease?
Because I feel, cried the Ravenchild.

What are you whispering so quiet on my ear
Every once in a while
What are you showing so rare and sincere?
I am happy, cried the Ravenchild.

What is this softness, surprising me
Gentle, warm and mild
What is this longing that catches my breath?
That's my heart, cried the Ravenchild.

© 1999 Park Records
User Journal

Journal Journal: A great poem for a difficult night. 1

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

This poet, this great man, a cousin to my great grandfather--somehow, though generations separated us, his pen allows me a glimpse of his personality and his heart. I can only hope that some of that ink flowed down the bloodline to me.

This piece will always be my favorite of his. I know what it is to be called to the dark, deep woods in the freezing cold on the darkest night of the year, and to know that inside them awaits loveliness. Yet, I have my own "promises to keep" too.

I despair tonight, for I know I too have "miles to go before I sleep." Its so dark, so cold and the woods so lovely tonight. Promises promises. Thank you, my far off cousin. ~pf
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: I've been flamed so much anyway... 16

don't read this if you don't have a liberal sense of humor--it has no hidden agenda aside from humor

Word salad is a string of words that vaguely resemble language, and may or may not be grammatically correct, but is utterly meaningless. (credit given below)

Now, before going to the link below--Can you guess the first public figure who came to mind as a media favorite for his "word salad" audio bites? (haha that food pun was typed with no malice aforethought, but horridly funny)

scary if you think along the same wavelength as me and then read the link...

definition above of "word salad" is from: Wiki's article about "Word Salad" and the commentary is from me. Clarity so you know who to b&m at.

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