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Comment Re:Scare them with China, make it a contest again (Score 2) 287

And to what end? What was that line from the Stargate SG1 tv series? Oh, yes:

They said the something about the Apollo program, they brought back moon rocks. You may have noticed we haven't been to the moon in 25 years.

To the best of my knowledge, there's nothing of value on the moon. Instead, it's full of razor sharp rocks and razor sharp dust. Why would anyone want to live there? Just to wave that flag you planted around every day?

Comment Re:I'm quite surprised it wasn't (Score 1) 523

Perhaps, but, statistically, a failing rocket will not fall on your head, but nearby. Then you care if your land is only burned and poisoned or irradiated, burned and poisoned

FTFY. Rocket fuel (hydazine) is highly toxic. If a rocket goes down near your home, you WILL be in trouble no matter what.

Comment Re:What this isn't about... (Score 2) 385

Whether legislation is the right way, I don't know; in my experience people often resent rules and laws that are imposed on them, even if they agree on the sentiment behind them. Basically, it is about respect; we should certainly respect other animals on their terms, but having rules imposed on you doesn't feel very respectful.

You mean rules like "Don't murder little Timmy"?

If you accept that some animals are much closer to us than to other kinds of animals, that they have personality, feelings, emotions, intelligence and all, then rules for dealing with them are no longer optional, they're mandatory. Just as some rules are mandatory between humans. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Comment Re:Slashdot Response (Score 1) 774

B. Systemd is vulnerable to a problem/attack/etc which was already present in previous init systems, but for no reason this bothers me in sytemd.

Personally while not liking systemd, I wouldn't use that argument myself. That said, there is a difference in complexity between init (which does nearly nothing) and systemd. Higher complexity, I'm sure I don't need to tell you, always brings with it a higher risk of errors.

Comment Re:On the ignorance of this debate (Score 1) 774

I think we can all agree that the old sysv init is obsolete and must be replaces with something more powerful. But as a *nix enthusiast, I'll want to keep what defines *nix: KISS. Things like grep are just right: they do one thing and they do it well, and you can use them for.. whatever, really.

I haven't tried systemd yet. What really scared me off the most is that the authors think they can do everything better than everyone else, and that it all should integrate with their one solution for booting (which basically, was a set of scripts up until now before they showed up).

It's like someone with a Sauron complex, handing out rings to everyone to make them all dependant on systemd and then do something sinister and unspeakable, weilding The One Ring...

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