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Comment Grass is always greener (Score 5, Interesting) 49

While attending Apple's WWDC a couple years back and looking around during the lunch break, I noticed indie devs looking at the corp devs with envy, lamenting how great it must be working for a big company with all those perks, resources, tight social connections, regular paychecks, etc.

Listening to the corp devs, they were all eyeing the indies, jealous of the perceived freedoms to set their own project priorities and schedules while eft alone to focus on whatever they liked at a given point in time.

Comment Re:Warp Drive (Score 2) 564

Back in the '60s we were all practicing hiding under our desks and being told we'd all be dead from nuclear annihilation by the end of the decade - just because that didn't happen doesn't mean Mother Nature isn't prepping our demise this time around. The machines will be able to figure that much out and be satisfied to bide their time.

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