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Comment Re:Baby Translator (Score 0) 122

Hey, I think it would be GREAT to now be able to live in the USA, and not speak spanish. Especially when traveling through TX and AZ. More and more it seems that English is becoming the 2nd language there and in other parts of the US.

Goodness, struck a nerve there, but tell me down-modders, what exactly did I say here that isn't really true.

Comment By What authority? (Score 1) 417

Ok...while I actually applause most of what this wants to promote, I don't see how the Feds can possibly do this INTER-state nullification of the laws.

I can see how they might could try with INTER-state laws, but these are municipal and intRA-state laws they're talking about nullifying. If they can do this, what state laws can the feds NOT just nullify at will?

Comment Re:Secret Ballot? (Score 5, Insightful) 480

You know...someone that cannot be troubled to take the small amount of time and effort to register to vote, and go to the poll to vote, likely is also NOT the type of person to take any amount of time to study the issues or people up for election and therefore, not someone I'd actively encourage to make a vote.

No vote is better than an ill-informed / non-informed vote.

Comment Gopro 3D (Score 1) 141

Gopro has one if you're into that sort of thing. It's essentially just two gopros stuck together and synchronizing their video. That might work reasonably well if you don't mind dropping $800+ on Gopro equipment. That's tiny compared to what some A/V dudes spend, but our Gopros are much more likely to not come back from any given excursion. I've lost one already, in the air over a couple miles of farmer fields and golf courses.

There are some projects underway to adapt Gopro and other cameras to record 360 degree video for Occulus Rift users. I'm keeping an eye on those as a way to fulfill my lifelong dream of making someone wearing a VR Headset vomit. Heh heh heh.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 1) 703

You don't need to worry. This proposal has ZERO chance of becoming law. There is no way that a Republican congress is going to run up the debt to fund Obama's pet project. The only reason that Obama is even proposing it is so the Republicans can reject it, and then the Dems can use it against them in 2016.

Trouble is...Obama doesn't seem to know or care about what the constitutional limitations on Presidential powers are supposed to be. I pretty much will count on him doing and Executive Action (Decree) for this and try to bypass congress.

Comment Re:Rake: a 4 percent tax on pot (Score 1) 340

Blackjack is the other casino game that can be "beaten". It's played against the house, but the house plays like a robot, and its only advantage is that it takes double busts (hands where both the the player's cards and the dealer's cards total more than 21). The player has plenty of advantages, including double payout for player A-10, the "insurance" side bet on dealer A-10, split A and 8, double down on 10 or 11, and standing on less than 17. There's a basic strategy that by itself makes the house advantage negligible, and if you can mentally estimate when A-10 is more likely, you can know when to bet higher and when to insure. This was enough for the MIT Blackjack Team to turn a modest profit.

I gotta go look that one up again. I could swear everything I've ever read on Blackjack, basic strategy, etc....says never take insurance, that is is a loser for the player.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 1) 703

I'd rather have an educated society than not. Wouldn't you?

That's what the public school system is supposed to be for, to give a basic education that can be used going forward in life. Let's get that better, eh?

But why should I have to pay even MORE in taxes to send someone to college. I may need that money to send my OWN kids to school. That money could have been used to save since my kids were born in order to have money put aside for their college when they got old enough. Why should I pay for others that didn't plan and save like I did?

I'm sorry, I am not my brothers keeper.

If people can afford college, there are trade schools that are MUCH more affordable and give students skills that frankly are more directly applicable to getting a good job than many college courses do to prepare them for a job.

Hell, most of the people I know, self included, have careers that have NOTHING to do with the degrees they achieved.

College isn't for everyone. It isn't a right.

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