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Comment Re:well then it's a bad contract (Score 2) 329

It's not just forced inclusion. If someone signs up to ESPN for 5 minutes (actually signs up for that time, not just an annulled error), then Verizon is supposed to pay ESPN for a minimum time for that customer.

I expect Verizon is violating the contract. The only question is whether the contract holds up in court.

ESPN does this to prevent people signing up for just one season of sports. But it holds back the options the cable companies provide.

Comment Re:Wow total distopia (Score 1) 352

But the 2/3 overhead isn't in "education" it's in "anti-education". Those who state they hate public education impose costs on public education that don't apply to private, then laugh as people complain about the rising cost of public education. It was all part of the master plan to de-educate the nation.

It's ear marked by the anti-education politicians for non-education purposes. The classroom cost between public and private schools is favorable to the public schools.

So, the comparison is never limited to schools, but the "school system" that includes paid elected officials, and the cost of buidlings, when the buildings and locations aren't selected by the school district at all.

Comment Illegal Issue needs to be RESOLVED, NOW. (Score 1) 285

This is exactly why we need the fucking GOP to get off their GD ass and resolve the fucking illegal issues.
The idea of giving ALL illegals amnesty is a joke. But even worse is the idea of taking kids that have grown up here thinking that they are Americans and sending them to another nation. It absolutely shows no compassion.

What is needed is a compromise in which the good kids are allowed to earn citizenship, the parents of any kids that remained here are allowed to have a 'pink card' ( basically, no citizenship and no social benefits such as SSI, Medicare, etc, however, they are allowed to remain and work), while sending all others packing.

Comment Re:TIL (Score 1) 124

TVs were just laying around. And it didn't matter if there was something there. You hooked up to it. One on chan3 and the other on chan4, or 100 things on chan3, no problems, so long as one was on at a time. I had a spare attached to a TV, so if someone brought over a C64 or IIc, it's be a 2 second plug to be up and running. Took longer for the tube to warm up than to hook it up.

Comment Re:Content Expert (Score 1) 352

You must be a content expert to get hired, and not to teach. Generally to start teaching in high school, you must have a degree in whatever you are teaching (and a certificate in teaching), or a degree in teaching. Once you are a full teacher, it takes a basic test to be able to teach other subjects. As in, so basic that back when I was in high school, if I were a licensed teacher, there were no subjects I looked at that I'd be unable to teach. But the hoops to teach are quite high for someone who is an expert in their field and want to teach it at high school. You pretty much have to go back to school to get a teaching certificate. Some places have exceptions, but they are very specific.

Comment Re:Wow total distopia (Score 4, Insightful) 352

Last I looked, the taxpayer paid about $3 for every $1 spent on education. Unfunded mandates like NCLB and such take most of the money. The rest of the non-classroom money goes mainly to facilities.

The problem isn't price, it's value. Public education is cheaper than most private education. All the conservative studies that show it expensive look at education-only schools (the ones that have the facilities provided out of a separate budget, and no government oversight, so almost no compliance costs). When you look at it with those constraints, private should be about 1/3 the cost of public. But it fails even then. Public is more effective and cheaper, in most cases.the government is always cheaper and more effective (like the IRS and Social Security), but the complaints are with the conservative legislators who saddle the department with stupid rules, not their ability to execute them.

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