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Comment I suspect the Japanese (Score 1) 117

I suspect the Japanese, and specifically the Japanese resupply modules (and that is not a joke). They are launched near the coast from a culture that makes extensive use of sea-weed; either way there could be contamination with sea plankton.

The idea that plankton could drift by itself up to orbital regions is... interesting. The idea that it could survive a 7 km/sec impact with Station is not; I don't think that is viable on either sense of the term.

Comment Pretty obvious (Score 5, Insightful) 115

What, you think that these cameras were set up after a careful consideration of how to balance the needs and rights of the citizenry against the desire to improve traffic conditions? No, it's based on lobbying by the camera sales staff, promising easy money in return for a right to prey on the citizenry. This being Chicago, some of the easy money was kicked-back to the local politicians, but the process isn't really that much different in regions where there is enough moral fiber for the state to keep all of the proceeds.

Comment Re:A little behind the times (Score 1) 315

Ah, I have been thinking about that. The Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft had ~ 5 watt radios that were always on, yielding a force of ~ 1.7 x 10^-8 Newtons, directed away from the Sun. With a mass ~ 250 kg, that's an acceleration of 7 x 10^-11 m/sec^2, directed away from the Sun. As it happens, thanks to the so-called "Pioneer anomaly" we can model the acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 to order 9 x 10^-10 m/sec^2 (or a little better), so we can say, with great confidence, that the radio system force is or ~ 10^-7 Newtons.

Now, this radio system does not have a large Q, but this about a factor of 400 smaller than the 40 microNewtons observed in the NAS Eagle Works paper. Note that radio is at prime focus, so photons do travel from there and reflect off the dish, so there is a Q of order 1. I would curious to see the predictions from the various theories for this case.

Comment Re:Opportunity cost (Score 1) 315

Well, if I had been asked to review a proposal to do this work, I almost certainly would have given it a poor review. If I had been on the NASA proposal review panel reviewing proposals and reviews (a task I have done in the past, and might do again in the future), and the proposal pile included this one, I almost certainly would have voted against it.

However, that was (hypothetically) then. This is (actually) now. As an experimentalist, with two (the Chinese, and this NASA) sensible looking papers claiming "anomalous" results, it can't just be ignored and it has to be looked into. And, this is cheap science - it won't take a LHC to disprove it. I don't have a University Lab, but, if I did, and if it was suitable, I would be thinking of getting physics undergraduates to do this test next term - which would be a good teaching opportunity, even if the ideas turn out to be BS.

Now, if you want to talk about the enormous opportunity cost from string theory, I would have a lot to say, but not in this thread.

Comment Re:A little behind the times (Score 1) 315

If you want to test every claim by people that don't appear to be charlatans, you will spend entire lifetimes just showing bunk is bunk (try anitgravity, free energy BS on youtube). Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence to be accepted, but certainly not to be tested further.

And, yes, there has to be some judgement involved, and judgements can be wrong. Fortunately, it is a big planet with lots of people on it (and a few off of it), and so interesting ideas tend to get poked and prodded and put through the mill, regardless of the consensus viewpoint.

(Yes, I know this is likely wrong, and that in 10 years it will likely be forgotten except by a small cohort who claim "coverup!". To those people, I will say, "show me the spacecraft using your drive," just as I say "show me a functioning power plant" to the cold fusion coverup believers today.).

Comment Re:A little behind the times (Score 5, Interesting) 315

In my opinion, you can't just say "this is obviously wrong."

Yes you can: it's obviously wrong. Read the paper from the inventors on how the engine is supposed to work. It's a series of novice-level mistakes about physical principles and mechanisms. The entire idea is completely fucking batshit from the very beginning. The very fact that somebody actually got funding to build one of these absurd snake-oil devices indicates very little except that something is very, very wrong with the funding process. NASA is infamous for this kind of loony bullshit, and they really need to stop. It makes them look like morons.

I agree that the theory (or, at least, that theory) is obviously wrong. Cool, but from experimentalist standpoint, irrelevant. This paper, and the chinese paper, do not appear to the written by charlatans, they claim positive results, and so this will have to confirmed or denied by experiment. I have seen some very bad experimental NASA studies of new physics (*cough*warp drive*cough*), but this one doesn't appear to be so. If you see an obvious flaw in the full paper, please post it and I will publicize it.

I would advise in general that you don't hyperventilate so much. This process will work out just as it should; I have no doubt that in a year there will be a dozen tests of this and we will likely know for sure one way or the other; in the meantime, I would take a $ 200 bet that the standard model will still prevail when this is over.

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