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Comment Hes dead, Jim. (Score 2) 411

I loved his acting as much as anyone, but I disagree that it was necessarily a sad day. He was, after all, 83 years old. He beat the average life expectancy in this country by a wide margin. He made an impact on a huge number of people, as well. He was ready to check out and move on. Really, what could you reasonably expect an 83 year old man to do beyond this point anyways? I'm happy for him and all he's done.

....So, to summarize, he lived long and prospered?

Comment Reality of Scotty's Merikles.... (Score 1) 347

Kirk: How much refit time before we can take her out again? Scotty: Eight weeks, sir. But ye don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for ye in two. Basically, we will be violating every safety standard in star-fleet, and there is a 20% everything will blow up completely leaving us stranded in deep space w/o power.

Comment Rush Limbaugh, 21st level troll (Score 1) 277

The problem is, too many people seem to think the Daily Show is a news show just as too many people think any 'fact' Rush Limbaugh states should be considered to be anything but fiction until carefully investigated.

Funny how that is. it's almost like Rush has established himself as such a ridiculous troll with all the stupid shit that he says, that nobody even bothers to listen to him anymore, aside from his sad clique of followers. At this point in his career, he might come up with a plan that would insure perpetual world peace, but nobody would bother to listen to him be cause of his track record.

Comment Whats good for the gander is a good goosing? er... (Score 1) 239

Pffft. the solution is simple. Shine the light on the politicians. Organize a group of people to start following around all of congress and the senate, paparazzi style, and record everything they do, and post everything. Record whats in their trash, which stall they took a dump in at the mall, what they buy at the grocery store and how much they pay for gas at the gas station. Follow them with video cameras rolling constantly.

A week of that and you will get some nice strong privacy laws.

Comment The answer is 42, er...I mean, encryption. (Score 4, Interesting) 239

Wide spread, end to end encryption would need to be implemented. In order to do that, you need one or two major providers to start advertising that they are completely encrypted, and that the competition is just handing your data to the government. That's one hell of a marketing 2x4 that the NSA is giving away for free to the first company to wants to step up and claim it.

"The Banana Computer Corporation is proud to announce that our platform is completely encrypted from end to end, and will protect you and your loved ones from digital threats such as Eastern European Identity thieves, illegal government spying, and other data theft. And what about the other companies? They can't be bothered to protect your loved ones (shows cute little child playing ABC game on smart phone, with a superimposed image of what looks like a leering pedophile hacker Nazi rapist frantically typing to steal your data) so why give them your business? Switch to Banana Computer to protect your family today.

Its like ten million new free subscribers to the first company to encrypt and give the NSA the finger, I am puzzled why nobody is pursuing this...

Comment Re:Most. Transparent. Administration. Ever. (Score 1) 136

I'll buy that anti-discrimination laws create economic drag in a healthy society, but recall that the reason most of these laws were created is because there were widespread attempts to keep large portions of the society down. If you refuse to hire a talented black man, and I then hire him, it will only give me an economic edge if I don't suffer a social backlash because half of the society refuses to do business with me, 'because I hired a nigger'. This is exactly the conditions that required legal addressing with laws.

Now, while we aren't in the same place now, discrimination still exists, and nobody knows exactly where the tipping point lies, in terms of the laws changing from a social enabler to a net economic drag. Since the economic drag is relatively low (compared to say, 10% of the population being destitute and disenfranchised), it makes sense to keep the laws until such time that we can be sure that repealing them won't cause widespread social problems.

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