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Comment Some pi with that? (Score 1) 106

Just wish it had some level of IR control in addition to wifi.

Consider a Raspberry Pi B+. You can add IR (or bluetooth), it's full HD, has four USB so you can add WiFi and other stuff, has a camera interface, there's a media player configuration to fool with right out of the (NOOBS) box, Youtube et al are all available over the web, etc... and it's pretty easy to move, too. HDMI cable, power supply, that's all. Presuming you've an IR or bluetooth remote working with it.

And it's all about as open -- hardware and software -- as most stuff tends to get, which is handy if you want to get all hammer and tongs on it.

Comment Re:Nice, but... (Score 1) 197

Now in the professional realm, PShop makes sense to have a Linux port. Strange thing though - a huge percentage of professional CG work is done in Linux nowadays, and has been for awhile, so I'm surprised that it's taken them this long to get around to it.

For computer generated graphics custom workflows and creating tools to animate things others can't have has been the driving force. There's plenty of complex interactions between models, textures, animations, physics simulations and various like creating a whole army from a few parameterized models and AI. No tool does everything well and often there's some secret sauce you want integrated into the workflow. Photoshop on the other hand mostly seems like a one-stop shop, you hand a skilled person the image and what you want done and he'll produce an end result. Efficiency seems to be the primary driver, not integration or customization.

Comment Re:No he didn't (Score 1) 217

Not friendly to disabled or old people.

However, one-way walkways are entirely possible. You could have moving stairs that only move in one direction - that way a user erroneously going the wrong way would definitely notice.

It's all about assuming that users make mistakes and changing your mindset from shaking your head and mumbling "stupid lusers" to "let's see how we can handle that..."

It's quite an interesting subject, and finding great solutions to these problems is a challenge to more than just math skills.

Comment Re:No he didn't (Score 1) 217

You believe that user interfaces have to be made either for idiots or for geeks. Nothing could be further from the truth. A good interface allows both automation and is tolerant of failures. This is not only not exclusive, it is mutually supporting - when you want to automate something, proper error handling is even more important.

Comment Re:CloudFlare is a nightmare for anonymity (Score 1) 67

Occams Razor says ...... networks like Tor which are incapable of handling abuse by design ...... get a lot of abuse! So not surprisingly networks that have advanced anti-abuse controls in place throttle it a lot. Otherwise you're just asking to get crawled by SQL injector searchers and so on. This is not CloudFlare's problem, it's inherent in how Tor works and what it's trying to achieve. Solving it means finding a way to trade off anonymity against accountability using user reputation systems or the like, but the Tor project has shown little interest in implementing such a thing, so all Tor users get treated as a whole.

Comment Re:Porn needs Javascript (Score 1) 117

Well, allowing JavaScript gives people who'd like to de-anonymize you:

a) A much bigger attack surface, rendering engines are rather safe while scripting engines are quite risky by comparison.
b) Much more accurate ways to fingerprint users through querying the system.
c) Much simpler ways to use AJAX to create traffic patterns to trace you through the system.

That the TorBrowser developers (Tor is just the transport layer - it speaks TCP/IP, not HTTP) choose to leave JavaScript enabled is more a pragmatic choice so users don't experience a "broken web". But if you need the protection Tor has to offer, then you probably should disable JavaScript and find yourself web 1.0 services to serve your needs. Otherwise you're probably better off just getting a cheap VPN.

Comment Re:It's not technology (Score 1) 26

It's not the technology what's helping those kids, but teachers. Appreciating kids, and encouraging them, and making them feel special and motivated. They could have done it the same with just pen and pencil. Remarking the use of technology completely misses the point. Computers are great tools for communication, and thus only work when you have something to communicate.

No, they're very good at reproducing things and if you haven't got teachers or you haven't got skilled teachers or you haven't got interested teachers then the computer at least give kids a chance to learn. Unlike here in western society for these kids education is a precious resource that they know is essential to have a decent future, first you have to give them the opportunities before you start worrying about motivating them to make use of them.

Comment Re:It's true (Score 1) 267

IF they can mass produce a model in a reasonable price range comparable to a modern model of car it will take off.

I'm quite sure they (Ferrari) could, if they wanted. But it would destroy the brand. These brands are built on exclusivity, on the "not for everyone" factor - not only due to prices, but also due to the type of car they built. I'm quite certain that almost everyone who actually owns a Ferrari also owns at least one other car, for everyday driving.

Tesla, on the other hand, is trying to become upperclass mainstream. I wouldn't compare it to Ferrari, but to fashion designers - their original creations are unique exclusives, but they can inspire collections that are affordable to the average girl.

Comment Re:No he didn't (Score 5, Insightful) 217

He did cause the delay.

"User errors are user interface errors."

Last line of a keynote speech I gave two years ago. If someone walking back through that exit is so serious that it causes this, then it should not be possible, period.

It's easy to prevent. You post a security guard there, and/or you use appropriate doors. The last is a bit tricky due to large passenger volume and baggage, but some airports I know have these doors just before the baggage pickup area, for example.

He didn't cause the delay. If you build systems for normal users, you have to expect them to make errors, and the system has to catch those errors and handle them in a non-fatal way. If it doesn't, your system is broken.

Comment Re:Can this peer-to-peer like Bittorrent (Score 1) 153

Dunno about latency, but it doesn't matter because the power requirement would be astronomical. 2500 miles in (at most) 500 meters per hop is about 10,000 hops, so 10,000x the battery power, total.

Granted that's without agglomerating any messages, but it's also assuming zero overhead for routing or reliability.

Of course short of nuclear holocaust, power outages are local so you only need to get out of the impacted zone before you hit the backbone.

Comment The illusion of security (Score 2) 67

OK, so now you're encrypted from user to Cloudflare, in plaintext within Clouflare, and possibly in plaintext from Cloudflare to the destination site. That's more an illusion of security than real security. Even worse, if they have an SSL cert for your domain, they can impersonate you. Worst case, they have some cheezy cert with a huge number of unrelated domains, all of which can now impersonate each other.

Comment Re:What about legitimate uses? (Score 2) 195

in newbamamerica, you have no rights or freedoms.

If you think even for a *second* that this would not have happened during the prior administrations, or that the majority of damage to your freedoms had not already been done prior to Obama's terms, you really should see someone about that brain tumor, because it's made you into a flaming idiot.

Comment Obvious answer (Score 5, Insightful) 195

That'd be the American public you're asking about.

When congress decided to shove the PATRIOT act up everyone's colon, lubricated only by a healthy dose of TSA, all the American public did was enquire how far they should bend over. They're still bent over. The majority likes it that way. Because fear. Unreasonable, agit-prop and ignorance based fear.

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