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Comment Re:This is obviously Slashdot's fault (Score 1) 338

I thought that is the purpose (i.e. feeding trolls) of this site anyway? I mean intelligent trolling session are difficult to come by. There were good trolling waves here 10ya but not even that is the same as in 'ol good days. The youth of today cannot even troll properly anymore - something that may be associated with the shortened attention spans etc.

Comment Re:See what you did Slashdot? (Score 1) 338

As for the reasons why you may think foreigners are more skilled than locals there is this explanation that fits best into your use case: if you look at immigrants in context of their source society you will see, that they are either over- or undereducated. The ones in the middle usually have more to lose and less to gain from immigrating. Low skilled have very little to lose and very skilled usually migrate because they have better options in other countries and not only financially. In other words, if you were looking you would have found locals of the same skill level as immigrants are but immigrants asking for a job in IT are usually filtered by the migration effort that is huge and has to pay off so mostly well skilled take that risk. This is a simplification of real process but as long as people do not try to flee natural disaster of Pol Pot proportions they usually form the diamond shape when put on mass/skill diagram.

As for lowering of numbers of skilled workers there are many reasons I would think. USA was once major magnet because the rest of the world was so underdeveloped. This has changed. Then more restrictive environment means that to get in, you have to do more or get there illegally - such conditions are putting skilled ones off naturally as it increases risk without increasing of pay off. But there are other reasons too. US society is better known to people now and not from better side. If decision to immigrate is based on information and calculation instead of myths and herd instincts, then there is ever less incentive: US society is more and more seen in perspective of great divide between have and havenots, there are riots, militarized police seems to be shooting people at random and people are shooting other people, tensions in society seem to be fixed so people in say Fergusson buy guns instead of trying to address the problems, add to this war on drugs, massive prison population and what is important for people like me who would immigrate with family: basic social safety nets are somewhat lacking. There is also another aspect - US is not seen as a good country anymore or not by majority. Take Germany - conquered by (among others) US military power and turned into ashes in a process yet people loved US after a while. This has stopped and now they are more critical but there are plenty of places in the world where people see US as only good to get some goodies AND a great danger to own society too. I do not know how many people use such arguments not to migrate to US but I would imagine the number became significant of late.

Plus today there are more jobs which you can do from home. You can do some of those jobs from home - income may be lower but risk is lower too.

As for your /. argument - I think you exaggerate hugely the influence this site has on anything. I know maybe 2 or 3 guys who know /.
If this site had any influence on general population anywhere we would see libertarian economic policy at least in US, energy needs covered by 4th generation of nuclear reactors and NSA and religion banned from the system their proponents sent to re-education camps in Syberia. maybe even some good examples could have been found of such geek based society but we would not know because this is not happening.

Comment Re:Sell them stuff (Score 2) 140

Selling is a good thing and various regimes of this planet engage in selling military toys to different (sometimes clearly very unpleasant) regimes. Yet in case of Ukraine there is a problem with selling because that involves paying for goods and services which Ukraine has difficulty with.

Comment Re:ESA's spectacular rash of achieving failures (Score 4, Interesting) 337

the statements about dead of the lander are slightly exaggerated. It may still wake up. What was the last time when your project delivered all you started it for, did it on time and possibly (as we do not know it yet) did not reach goals on ambition level? I would like project that I work on be as good as this one. But than I have the biggest evil in the whole universe to fight against: bean counters.

Comment Re:Pleasure (Score 1) 307

unless the touch in question is carrying meaningful traces of infectious agents of course. Besides I may still be a social ape but I dislike other humans with exception of my kids and these means a very small group of people and limited set of types of human touch. Human touch may still help in releasing some endorfins but it confuses the hell out of me too with the result that on average the outcome is negative.
It's funny.  Laugh.

CNN Anchors Caught On Camera Using Microsoft Surface As an iPad Stand 236

MojoKid writes Since the release of its Surface Pro 3 tablet, Microsoft has pushed their new slate hard. It's as if the company wanted it to overwrite that part of our memory that recalls the Surface RT and its monumental losses. This past August, we saw the company make a big move by deploying a boatload of Surface Pro tablets to every team in the NFL, gratis. All season so far, coaches and even players have made use of them to plan their next course-of-action, and for the most part, they seemed to be well-received. Unlike some of the products Microsoft tries to get us to adopt, the Surface Pro 3 really is a solid tablet / convertible. Unfortunately, at least where the CNN political team is concerned, Microsoft hasn't won over a few anchors, like they have in NFL, when they were supplied with brand-new Surface Pros. In recent shots captured and tweeted about, a Surface Pro 3 can be seen acting as an "iPad stand," and quite an expensive one. As humorous as this is, it might not seem that interesting if it were just one correspondent who pulled that stunt. Let's be honest, some people just like their iPads. That wasn't the case, though. There were at least two commentators using an iPad on the same set, despite having the Surface right in front of them and seemingly hiding it behind Microsoft's darling Windows 8 slate.

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