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Comment Re:Lawnmowing Business - College Alternative (Score 1) 226

Right on. 8 pct interest doubles principle every 9 to 10 years. I challenge you to find a good investment that can out perform that, i.e. not insanely risky and speculative. You would need to fast track your career for 10 to 15 years to make a dent in $100k in principle.

1 year + $10 in loans for a cert followed by hand's on experience and more side class work for certs and degrees is starting to make more and more sense as time goes on.

BS degree + experience in 10 years with much lower debt, or no debt. That makes sense.

Blowing $100K on what is rapidly becoming nothing more than a 4 to 5 years resort stay[1] is getting dumber and dumber.

[1] What else would you call a place with luxo apartments, food courts, landscapers, recreation co-coordinators, fitness centers, swimming pools, entertainment staff, caterers, and nutritionists?

Comment Re:More detailed ratings are a good thing (Score 4, Insightful) 642

"A private entity cannot enforce anything upon the populace, nor can they promulgate laws based on their ratings."
Ever read a credit card agreement, insurance contract, or mortgage agreement?

The dual of what you posted above:
"Business has a very limited range of things that they do as well or better than the public at large ... - business action beyond that range invariably becomes incompetent, expensive, dangerous, or worse.", and

"Never give businessgovernment more power than the worst-case scenario you would be willing to live under."

Live free, of either government or corporation shackles, or die.

Comment Math text, pencil, and paper (Score 1) 223

What ever level you stopped at get the text from the next level onward. Abstract Algebra is an obvious choice. Or some other area which may interest you. Geometry, Euclidean or non-Euclidean, is always fun. A few thousand sheets of paper, some bound notebooks, lots of pencils, some erasers, and a pencil sharpener would help too. Depending on where you are at a few boxes of candles might be handy.

A chess board and a book on famous chess games might be fun. Get a description of the games of 'Deep Blue' and see if you can reverse engineer the alylgorithm.

Basically any of that will help you stay sharp, focus, and develop analytical skills.

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