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Comment Re:I am going to see who committed on that project (Score 1) 765

It is not a crime, but it does indicate an attitude which makes me believe that a person who revels in such behavior will make a poor team player. I would infer that that persons 'sense of humor' and attitudes would make it difficult for them to integrate into a team of mixed genders, religious beliefs, and moral attitudes. Therefore it would make them a liability both in the legal sense and in terms of team cohesion. Since teams are necessary to get things done, a smooth functioning team is a necessity.

Therefore I would recommend 'Do not hire'.

Seriously, everyone now involved in that project may have made a serious career limiting mistake.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server (Score 1) 320

"It is blazing fast for small amounts of data with low concurrency."

Just about anything can be blazingly fast of you turn off logging, constraints, transactions, and cache the entire DB in RAM. Call me when you hit terabytes and then I'll take a look at your performance tuning.

Until then... later...

Comment Re:In my experience (Score 1) 320

you can speed up any DB by turning off logging, relaxing constrains, and not locking. Which is essentially what many DB engines did to meet benchmarks e.g. MySQL and "NoSQL" DB engines. Until the loss of data integrity caused real problems and people started screaming about how they had just been screwed by the DB engine they were using. Then they got religion and are, over time, beginning to resemble PG and a real relational model.

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