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Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

Any God which wouldn't stop that is no God I want to even acknowledge [...]

God doesn't exist because Mother Teresa is worse than Hitler. Interesting. And stupid.

That isn't evidence that God doesn't exist. And if God doesn't exist, you'd have to explain why Good/Evil exist and why we should be judging Teresa on that.

Shocking how people aren't taught the truth, but at least now you know.

No, I don't know. I haven't forgotten all the unnecessary errors you made over the past dozen posts.

You aren't nice, you don't know religion, you don't know theology, you don't know philosophy; I cannot accept anything you say at face value.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

Sure, why not.

Was Mother Teresa a good person?

Depends on your standard of good.

If you start with her Christian/Catholic religion's definition of good ... "no, not one".

Me, I don't consider my judgement of another's goodness to be useful, so I haven't paid close attention to her life, or that of other historical figures/celebrities.

As far as she sacrificed and successfully helped the poor; those are good acts. If she was not successful in helping the poor, she had good intentions but not good actions; results matter.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

you've assumed Gods existence and can't provide any logical defenses for it.

No, I have not assumed God's existence. I have yet to even present a case for why I believe what I believe. Add that to your list of obviously wrong statements.

My focus here has been pointing out your wrong assertions... and rather than acknowledge errors and correct ... you double down and scream louder that God does not exist, because not proven.

Pathetic. A philosophy that is incapable of correcting obvious errors has no insight to offer on the topic of theology.

I can keep going, but a believe should be able to answer all these questions.

I agree that a believer should be able to answer all those questions.

Too bad such a set of rational answers would be wasted on you.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

Actually your last point is wrong, God doesn't exist until shown otherwise and it's amazing that no one has ever been able to show otherwise. If you multiple all the evidence for God by a million, you're still left with nothing.

God's existence isn't contingent upon whether or not he "should" exist.

Whether or not mosquitos should exist (hate those bloodsuckers), they do - as can be plainly observed.

God's existence is pretty obvious ... and your inability to see that is due to your inept philosophy rather than his actual non-existence.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

If you don't want your religious belief to be mocked that back it up

You don't understand - I'm not upset that you believe the things you do; I'm surprised (well, a little bit) that it's so stupid.

I don't care if you mock my religious beliefs. You've demonstrated that your atheism is so intellectually vapid that it can only mock; it is incapable of a rational anti-theist position. If it doesn't have any intellectual substance, I don't care what it says about my beliefs.

Didn't your Christian upbringing teach you that it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

if you can come up with a single reason why God should exist that I can't rebut.

Why are you looking for reasons that God should exist? God either exists or he does not, whether or not he should exist is irrelevant to that question of fact.

Comment Re:Yes it is. (Score 1) 866

Yes it is. Because if not, then my claim is there is no god and I don't have to have any burden of proof behind my claim that there is no such thing as God.

You need to separate "God's existence is unproven" from "God does not exist".

The former is a lack of knowledge; the latter is a claim of knowledge.

Replace the object of each statement and the distinction should be much clearer:

"The existence of gold in China is unproven."

"There is no gold in China."

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

Your mis-quoting what I wrote, which was a direct quote from your citation. If you're going to pick and choose what parts of your own citation you're going to believe, you're no better than they hypocritical Xians who pick and choose what parts of the bible they believe.

You brought up flat earth beliefs first. This is what you wrote:

So, back when most people believed the world was flat, that made it right?

I disputed that most people believed in a flat earth; and as you made the accusation, you ought to have had evidence showing such.

And again, for the record, this is your failing to grasp that my argument is that a majority believes things for a reason. It may be a wrong reason, it be not be a very good reason, but it's still a reason. Bringing up wrong beliefs is irrelevant; you need to bring up popular irrational beliefs.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

Wrong. At least according to a popular theory which you are too stupid to understand.

So according to this popular theory you assert exists, Allah is not a god. What is he, then? Just "Allah"?

So, supreme being with authority over humanity, creator of the universe ... but not god. Just Allah.

Why would a non-Muslim categorize Allah as something other than "god"?

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

It is not disagreement when straw men are being invoked in your every post.

You said:

. Many Muslims do NOT believe in "god" - "La ilaha illillah". There is no god but Allah.

"There is no god but Allah" categorizes Allah as a god, the only god according to Islam. But then you said:

You say so, you might even believe it. But it is highly misinformed according to many Muslims I know, and also according to a much more popular interpretation of "La ilaha illillah". Allah is NOT god.

I've already elaborated that my argument is based on people possessing a belief that there is a god; not that they believe in the same god.

You want to take Muslims' belief that Allah is the only god, as disbelief in god (generic, any), so as to refute my position. But it can't, because that's stupid.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

An irrational belief (for example, in god), is not a reason to do something fundamentally evil such as discriminate against people based on religion, sex, or sexual identity - it's just an excuse.

You said that only facts are reasons.

What fact is the reason that discrimination, or slavery, is evil?

Parents know when their kids are giving excuses rather than reasons.

No they don't. You just said the majority of the world is irrational. "Knowing" is a rational thing, not an irrational thing.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

You brought up "most believed in a flat earth".

You have not supported that statement with any evidence. On the other hand, I've demonstrated that it's a myth; and that there is no record of that being a learned belief amongst scholars ... which is also evidence against it being a misbelief of the common man absent evidence otherwise.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

You refuse to try to understand any of my posts in this thread . Expected, since you hang out on Slashdot.

I diagree with you.

This could be because I would have agreed with you, but deliberately chose not to acknowledge your superior understanding ...

Or, I could be disagreeing with you because your position is that stupid.

Muslims believe in a god, idiot. They call their god Allah. Their belief in Allah counts as a belief in god. It takes a real special kind of "intellect" to take two groups that believe in some sort of god, and conclude that everyone is an atheist on average.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

You can't mock something who's basis rests on the ideals of childish, bronze age, superstition, which you kept to make sure the sun came up the next morning.

So you're so deluded that you think you're being nice as you mock religions by calling them superstitious, childish, and so on.

It doesn't count as mocking ... because the target of your mockery is worty of mockery. Where in the definition of "mockery" is that condition listed?

I've studied Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, FSM, Pink Unicorn, Bacon and even made my own religion, trust my, they're all the same, at least FSM, Bacon, Unicorn and Docmur ( Mine), are funny and show the true stupidity of religious beliefs.

Having an understanding *is* theology. It's possible to understand things you don't like.

And even here, you can't stop mocking religion by bringing up things like Spaghetti Monsters and Unicorns. So "nice".

You want two contradictory things - you want to call religion so irrational that even trying to understand it is a waste of time ... yet you also want the prestige of understanding something so thoroughly you can refute it.

You logically can't take both of those positions simultaneously .. and yet here you are, claiming a logically self-contradicting position.

I didn't become an Atheist because and shed off the false beliefs because religion made sense, I did it because I finally noticed no one had answers, evidence, proof or any bleeping clue what reality was.

You're an embarassment to any atheist who claims rationality.

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