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Comment Re: Whining luddites (Score 1) 522

Would that be the Mozilla that touted its extensibility, then proceeded to break extensions with every update?

Would that be the Mozilla that insists on moving around major chunks of the UI with every release, and with no way to change it back?

Would that be the Mozilla that has become a hotbed of elitist "We know what you want, and what you want is Chrome?" assholes?

Just checking...


Journalists Route Around White House Press Office 111

Tailhook writes Pool reports written by White House correspondents are distributed to news organizations via the White House Press Office. Reporters have alleged that the Obama White House exploits its role as distributor to "demand changes in pool reports" and has used this power to "steer coverage in a more favorable direction." Now a group of 90 print journalists has begun privately distributing their work through Google Groups, independent of the Press Office. Their intent is to "create an independent pool-reporting system for print and online recipients."

Lockheed Claims Breakthrough On Fusion Energy Project 571

Lockheed Martin claims it has made a significant breakthrough in the creation of nuclear fusion reactors. The company says it has proved the feasibility of building a 100MW reactor measuring only 7 feet by 10 feet. They say the design can be built and tested within a year, and they expect an operational reactor within a decade. The project is coming out of stealth mode now to seek partners within academia, government, and industry. "Lockheed sees the project as part of a comprehensive approach to solving global energy and climate change problems. Compact nuclear fusion would also produce far less waste than coal-powered plants, and future reactors could eliminate radioactive waste completely, the company said."

Comment Re:German illegal? (Score 1) 323

I remember in 2012 when there was a Congressional hearing to decide if Muslims should be illegal.

The links you provided do not support this description. Moreover, the way our system of government works, any moron congressman with an agenda can hold hearings to discuss his bedwetting problems. That doesn't necessarily make it representative of popular sentiment, and it certainly doesn't make it official government policy.

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