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Comment Re:never heard of the RadioShack kit (Score 1) 61

Don't give it too much credit. The circuit book was a bunch of wiring diagrams (connect pin 30 to pin 57) with schematics of the finished product, but it didn't actually explain what you were doing, why it worked, or why it was important. Decades later, I realized that it was actually capable of creating some pretty cool stuff (recognized the names of circuits), but by then it was long gone.

Comment Re:huh? (Score 3, Insightful) 300

SUV's are pretty fuel-efficient per passenger mile if you fill them up with people and stuff. They're just bad commuter vehicles.

All those suburban moms drive SUV's because it's a vehicle with a lot of utility - seats four in comfort, with plenty of room for luggage and supplies, plus you can use it for trucking things around. People buy cars to account for all their usage, not just the most common parts.

Comment Re:Isn't this how prosecution is supposed to work? (Score 2) 114

The MPAA most likely doesn't care about winning - they just want to get the case to proceed to discovery. Hood doesn't care about winning, because he will claim that the tort case he should file is too complex for the small staff of the state AG's office to try. He will then put the case in the hands of a big-time plaintiff's attorney, who will probably be able to find something in all that discovered material to force a big payout. The settlement will be reached, and the AG will have gotten 20% in the hands of someone who will undoubtedly hire him on after he leaves office.

That is exactly what happened with the last guy in that office.

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