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Comment Re:It isn't just a hobby (Score 1) 343

Wow, you're a trolling idiot. I'm responding to this as I watch watch two amateurs converse using Olivia on 30 meters and a few KC away is some MFSK. Later this evening, I'll drop down on 75 meters and check into the RTTY net. Earlier this afternoon, I spent an hour on 20 working PSK 31. Last night I did a little meteor scatter using JT6M. Who do you think develops digital modes? Who do you think actually has the equipment and know how to use them and understands propagation? The radio spectrum is a natural resource to be managed for the benefit of everyone.


Submission + - MIT Hackers Remember the Fifth of November (lewrockwell.com)

qrad writes: "Early this morning MIT hackers celebrated Guy Fawkes day by unveiling huge banners over building 10. They read "Remember Remember the Fifth of November" and "Ron Paul Revolution." See this site for pictures!"

Submission + - Overcoming of Gravitation (Real Theory)

hgreend writes: "Gyro-dynamical nature of gravitation" There were many attempts to explain the nature of gravitation. Scientists disputed at XVII century, whether gravitation is a consequence of external influences or it is an internal property of physical bodies? Whether objects in space directly are attracting each other or their movement are impacts of certain particles? The idea about an direct attraction was not acceptable for some scientists (R.Dekart, etc.) and they considered that movement of the big objects is caused only by action of the smallest invisible particles. This point of view has received the further development at XVIII century and it is known under the name of "the screen theory" (M.Lomonosov, at XIX-th century — V.Thompson). According to this theory all Universe is filled with the smallest particles which chaotically move with the big velocities in all directions. Separate objects are bombarded by particles from different directions equally. Two objects are screens for such particles, and between them the density of particles appears less than "outside". As a result — the difference of pressure is created: "from within" — is less, "outside" — it is much more, and bodies "are pushed" in the direction to each other, creating effect of the gravitation.The simple and evident (at the first sight) "screen-theory" comprised many contradictions that had led to refusal of such a "model". There were also other attempts to explain the gravitation as proceeding from "magnetic" reasons. I.Kepler adhered to the point of view, that the Sun lets out "magnetic lines" and thus forces planets to rotate around the Sun. The quantitatively-descriptive understanding of gravitation managed to be made to English scientist I.Newon. Using I.Kepler's laws, he understood that the unknown force, holding planets in the respective orbit, decreases in an inverse proportion to a square of the distance. As a result — he had received an analytical model of dependence between masses M and m of phisical objects and from the distance R between them which subsequently has been referred to the famous Universal Gravitation Law: Fg=G*Mm/R (2(degree)) where G=6.673*10(-11(degree))N*m(2(degree)/kg(2(degree)) The law discovered by I.Newton described well the natural phenomena. But it was only quantitative side of the gravitation. Neither during I.Newton's time, nor later the secret of the physical nature of gravitation was not discovered. At the beginning of XX-th century the Einshtein's theory of the relativity was appeared. In the framework of this theory the gravitation is examined as a property of the space-temporal geometry. Depending on the mass of a substance the space curvature is changing and movement of physical objects in such a space looks as appearing of the gravitation. To an essence, the theory of the relativity has disregarded the physical nature of gravitational forces in general. All gravitational phenomena are reduced to deformation of space geometry and the mechanism of influence of such a deformation on physical objects is not explained till now. Today, after 300 years developments of the physics from the moment of opening the Universal Gravitation Law still there is no answered to a question, what is gravitation. Despite of searching all new elementary particles which could be carriers the gravitation ("gravitons"), despite of creating newest theories of multi-dimensional spaces (the theory of "membranes", etc.) essential promotion in understanding of physical essence of the gravitation phenomenon is not visible. The author offers physical model of generating "gravitons" which allows to answer some questions, connected to gravitational phenomena. Main ideas by which the author was guided at the approach to his gravitational model are: the first: material objects inside the atom rotate around of a certain local axis. Such a rotation in physics has been referred to so called "spin" — (spinning — quickly to rotate as a spindle of a distaff). "Spin" is an integral property of an electron, as well as structural units of nucleus (protons and neutrons). Therefore, it is difficult to imagine, that such a complex movement of material objects at the nuclear level does not cause the same physical effects, as the complex movement of material objects at the macro-level. Therefore, for example, an electron, rotating around the nucleus, having respective "spin", should submit to the same laws of precessional-rotary movement, as the precessed macro-object upon which Coriolise's forces, as it is known, are acting. the second: such a fundamental substance of microcosm, as the proton, cannot be characterized by an irrational measure of its mass, because the proton is the construction unit of our world, beginning with it (a nucleus of the atom of hydrogen, as it is known, has only one proton). From the point of view of the author it is "not presentably" to determine the mass m of the proton as 1.67E(-27)kg. It is improbable as well, that the proton mass is equal to a rational fraction 112/67*E(-27) from something initial, with what the creation of the material world had began (as it is known the rational fraction 112/67*E(-27)= 1.671642*E(-27)). So, for example, the fraction 112/67 can reflect the fact, that the mass of the proton is multiple to sixty seven units of an initial smallest substance (quark). The Nature aspires to the simplicity and therefore 67 kinds of quarks would be too much. the third: the mass of the proton m=1.67*E(-27) kg is the value received on the basis of the plurality of experiments and this number is initially insufficiently exact. Therefore with same accuracy (it can be also the greater) it is possible to write the value of the proton mass as 1.66666666(6)*E(-27)kg and this number is the known natural fraction, i.e. Mp=5/3*10(-27(degree))kg The same is possible to tell about the above mentioned fundamental constant of gravitation G which can be written with not smaller accuracy as G=6.66666666(6)*E(-11)Nm^2/kg^2. But this infinite decimal fraction is the fission product on same "mystic" number 3. As a result — we receive the gravitational constant as a proper rational fraction, namely: G=2/3*10(-10(degree))N*m(2(degree))/kg(2(degree)) the fourth: the smallest unit (quantum) of gravitation (v-graviton) is caused by the precessional-rotary movement of the proton inside the nucleus and by the velocity of the light. Not describing the possible internal structure of the proton, we are able to determine the quantum Coriolis's force fg which is caused by complex movement of the proton, precessing with the greatest possible velocity c and having the respective spin. According to Coriolis's theory it is determined as: Fg=2mpcv where m=5/3*10^-27 kg — the mass of the proton; c — 3*10^8 m/sec — the velocity of the light in vacuum that is the precession velosity of the proton; n- an integrated frequency, describing the angular rotational velocity of the proton around of its local axis, and n=cN/L; N and L — are integers, and L is a value, multiple to three. Terefore, the last formula can be written as follows: fg=2(N/L)mpc(2(degree))=2(N/9)*5/3*10 (-27(degree))*9*10 (16(degree)) It is easy to notice that at N=2 we receive the value fg=20/3*10^-11 which is the above mentioned gravitational constant G, that is gravity quantum fg=(2/3)(2(degree))mpc (2(degree))=G This result is the confirmation of the fourth above postulate, and the Newton's law assumes the following view: Fg=(2/3)(2(degree)) mpc (2(degree))Mm/R (2(degree)) Hence, each spinning object (i.e. micro-object, having respective spin) in the nucleon of the atom produces one quantum of the above mentioned Coriolis's force fg which can be considered as a "vector-graviton" or " v-graviton ". An unique material solid, being separate in an ideal environment in the Universe (if such a separate solid somewhere would exist) is characterized by perfect balance of its "v-gravitones" on the nuclear level and therefore elementary particles — "v-gravitones" — would act upon such a separate solid in all directions from inside and such a solid would stay motionless in the space. At rapproachement of two material solids their masses bend the temporal-space geometry and therefore the perfect balance of "v-gravitones" inside both solids is broken; and as a result — appears a nonzero stream of "v-gravitons" which we perceive at the macro-level as a gravitational force. From the point of view of the offered gravitational model the elementary quanta of the gravitation ("v-gravitones") is practically impossible to register as they never leave limits of the material object and gravitational forces can be shielded only due to compulsory reduction of temporal-space curvature. Such a r-deformation of the space curvature is possible under condition of understanding of physical nature of vacuum which at present is actively investigated by scientists in Russia and Ukraine. The material and copyrights belong: www.gyro-turbine.com Lykhovyd Yuriy. M. Kyiv, Ukraine. (priority date: 20.jan.2007) ©

Feed Dems Want Answers, Gonzales (wired.com)

Four Democratic senators question Alberto Gonzales after learning he helped squash an investigation into warrantless wiretapping that could have probed his own actions. In 27B Stroke 6.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot moderation is a weird beast. 3

I"m not trying to say my karma sucks (ok it does, I have none at all thanks to some assholes that consider me overrated), but it's too easy to lose karma than to gain it.

Submission + - Cingular to Refund $18.5M in California

YogaFlame writes: Cingular Wireless will refund $18.5 million to thousands of former California customers who were penalized for canceling their mobile phone service because they had trouble making and receiving calls. The settlement announced Thursday with the California Public Utilities Commission ends a lengthy battle revolving around Cingular's treatment of dissatisfied subscribers from January 2000 through April 2002.

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