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Comment Holistic (Score 3, Insightful) 67

No point product or product line of point products is a 'security solution.' They are part of the equation, but only a holistic approach that encompasses user training, proper design, constant vigilance, and yes the right point products can really be called a 'solution', and even then I tend to avoid the term. I'll speak to solutions for particular problems, for example web filtering or fire-walling, but I try to lead my clients to understand that only a complete top to bottom approach will even come close to providing them with the security they need. Even then, it's a game of leap frog. The bad actors will always be back with sneakier malware, more artful attacks, etc.

Comment Re:Wrong goal (Score 3, Insightful) 76

Actually the main purpose is to wound as many enemies as you can. Each wounded soldier takes 2-3 support people to care for them. The purpose of engaging in battle is to gain the specific objective (hill, town, city) as described by the mission objectives. A lot of killing takes place, yes, but it's actually the wounded that count the most from a tactical standpoint.

Comment Re:Gulf of Mexico ? (Score 3, Informative) 74

I'm not sure where you got that one. The only credible theory related to it is the Chicxulub crater, which is on the Southern edge of the Gulf, near the Yucatan Peninsula. That's what's left by the impact that many believe killed most of the dinosaurs, as well as many other species. It's not even close to the size of the whole Gulf. What theories are you talking about?

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