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Comment Re: work life balance is a myth (Score 4, Interesting) 710

Your mileage may vary I suppose. I've been working in IS/IT for over twenty years now. I've programmed, done tech support, went into server and network infrastructure, then operations and project management for some years, now I'm back in an engineering role doing security work. I love my job. I look forward to it almost each and every day (I say almost because we *all* have bad days at work and in life). I guess I'm lucky for that. I really love my job, the company I work for, and my peers. The pay is awesome as well. Sure sometimes the hours get long and sometimes there are frustrations, but all in all I can't imagine being happier with a career path, realistically speaking.

Comment Re:Moore's Law (Score 1) 143

There are still technical challenges to increasing clock speed. Just because "IBM said it would" doesn't make it so. Instead you are seeing higher IPC due to architectural refinements as well as more and more cores. Clock speeds are still inching up but do not expect any huge radical jumps anytime soon.

Comment Re:All wars ... (Score 3, Informative) 192

They certainly were if you look at the bigger picture. The entire Cold War and the proxy wars during that period were all about power and who's ideology would reign supreme. The whole point of becoming a superpower is control of resources. Natural resources, human resources, financial resources, etc.

All wars are ultimately about resources. To the winner go the spoils.

Comment Re:Food chain (Score 2) 107

You do know that statistically you're more likely to die of bee stings than from a shark, right? I'd have to check but I think it's even more likely you'll die from a lightning strike. So you'd better be safe and never leave your house again.

Seriously...that's a really silly attitude based in ignorance. Now, I don't care if you ever go in the ocean, but your reasoning so flawed it's almost funny.

Comment Re:Administrators (Score 2) 538

You really should get your head out of the clouds. The point of any schooling is to prepare one to live. It doesn't matter if it's college, vocational school, or any other training. Sure, we want to increase our understanding of the Universe and be well rounded human beings, but that is the secondary goal of college. The primary goal is to make a living. You know. Food. Housing. Clothing. Those little things. Such idealism. You sound like you live in the Ivory Tower yourself.

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