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Comment Re:Customer service? (Score 2) 928

They have a set limit. There's a little metal basket that if your bag can't fit in you're not supposed to take it on the plane. The fault lies largely with the airlines for not enforcing it, but also partially with passengers who don't give a fuck because the rules don't apply to them.

Comment Re:Android on my pi? (Score 1) 42

Unfortunately that cat has long escaped the bag. As a security professional I think that BYOD and the like is a horrible idea, but most organizations have shortsightedly embraced it because a) it's cheaper (no need to pay for mobile devices) and b) they got sick of the bitching and moaning. So now we have a bunch of people running around on the enterprise network with their own devices that they have full control of.

Comment Re:it depends on what "skilled worker" means. (Score 5, Informative) 401

I'll call you on your trolling and bs. My wife works in the Comp Sci department at a major university and also works *with* people in the programs at others. Well over half the grad students in most programs are born and raised in the US, and many of the best candidates are from the US. This story is about outsourcing based on cost, not on 'deep understanding of theory'. If you're not trolling you're just woefully wrong.

Comment Re:Microsoft? (Score 1) 70

What argument? I saw a price on the site and I commented on it. I'm not arguing anything. I could turn it around and ask why you are shilling for them? It is technology that isn't ready for prime time yet and is overpriced, even at $150. That is still way more than I am willing to pay for the limited functionality it offers. Get over it and move on. I'm not saying what *you* should spend your money on, so stop crying and being all butthurt about it and move on.

Comment Re:RAND totally misses it (Score 1) 97

Very good points, especially the part about autodidacts. That one hits home since I am self educated. I've held jobs that 'require' an MBA/MIS degree, CS degrees, etc. In private industry (I work for a small IT security firm currently) I can easily make six figures in jobs that 'require' a degree. The government can shove it as far as I'm concerned.

Comment Re: work life balance is a myth (Score 1) 710

Very true. I made a lot more during my management years. Now I barely top the low six figure mark. That being said I'm very happy with my job right now, and between my wife and I we have a very good income and standard of living. There is far more to life than just making the maximum amount of money you can.

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