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Comment Re:Waiting for Republicans to come in and defend t (Score 2) 316

I think this sounds like a great thing, however I do have to question why it took so long for him to do this. How long have Obama and Holder been in office? Now, finally, when we're in Obama's last two lame-duck years, Holder decides to finally do something useful?

So yeah, it's great that he's finally fixed this horrible problem, but he sure could have done it earlier.

Comment Re:ATI/AMD has had shitty drivers for 20 years (Score 1) 160

In no way shape or form is Mantle "open".

Don't believe me? Go ahead and link to the online documentation that tells me how to make a triangle pop up on a screen using Mantle.... Go ahead I'm waiting.

That's not even taking into account the fact that Mantle works with Windows and uh... Windows.

Direct3D: Also not "open" but anyone with a working Windows installation can still write & compile programs that use Direct3D to do graphics without any further licensing needed, and Direct3D is documented.

OpenGL: Actually is Open and if you keep up with the newer releases you'll note that a lot of the miraculous features promised in Mantle seem strangely similar to features that were already available in OpenGL.....

Comment Re:ATI/AMD has had shitty drivers for 20 years (Score 1, Insightful) 160

Pray, could you tell me about how Intel "illegally" pounded ATI -- you know, the discrete graphics card company -- into the ground illegally? I know that way way back in the day, long before AMD's very ill-advised $6 Billion boondoggle buyout -- that Intel tried to launch a discrete graphics card, but it didn't go anywhere and didn't seem to phase Nvidia, AMD, or 3dfx (yes, it was THAT old) in the slightest.

P.S. --> If Big Bad Intel was really that Big & Bad at "pounding" AMD, then where did AMD get that $6 Billion for a massive buyout of ATi in the first place??

P.P.S. --> Why is it that Nvidia, ARM licensees, and everyone else seem to have no fear of Intel, but whenever it comes to AMD the only thing we hear are these made-up persecution fantasies? Is everyone else... or maybe is it just AMD?

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