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Comment Re:Many domains are worth more. (Score 1) 183

Well as an advertising site, they could donate it to NASA (possibly also other space agencies as a joint effort) and sponsor the creation of a web site based all around information about this solar system and promote the peaceful exploration and development of the rest of our solar system. Thus attempt to start creating a better public image.

- Theodoric of York

Comment Re:Redundancy and good planning. (Score 1) 177

I don't mean to rain on your parade but the whole American space program is the work of German Nazi scientists who developed rockets and were scooped up after the war... But you've got to hand it to them when it comes to business... That's one of their biggest strengths.... Scientist can always be bought and imported...

Robert Goddard was a Nazi?!?

Comment Re:Scientists Dead People Won't Let Rest (Score 2) 57

Anyone else get dyslexia over this one? What I thought I saw before doing a double-take:

Zombies invade university laboratories, scientists assaulted

No. Only minds that have been infested with the vapid zombie meme see zombie' when 'dead people' is written.
Sorry, the only cure is a shotgun blast to the head.

Comment Re:Hmm. (Score 1) 284

Well, considering that it was largely the newly minted Tea Party caucus that sunk these three provisions, I'm thinking that a petition from a fringe leftist group probably didn't have much to do with it.

However, if it makes you feel better, you are free to pretend whatever you like.

The great thing about tea bags is that once their usefulness has ended you can simply toss them in the garbage and forget about them.

We'll see how relevant your Tea Party is once the Republicans have finished using you. You might actually have to put down your black and white glasses and finally accept the shades of gray reality has to offer you.

Comment Re:hypocriscy? yes, please (Score 2, Funny) 446

Hey Vatican, what part of Thou Shalt Not Steal did you misunderstand?!

You're talking about a place full of false idols and graven images.

They likely haven't even read the 10 commandments, let alone follow any of them.

Well since the bible is just a pirated version of Sumerian and Babylonian mythology I don't see why them pirating software should be any worse.

Comment Re:FOX News Headline (Score 0, Flamebait) 377

I'm really getting tired of the FNC bashing.

I'm getting really tired of the idiot tea-baggers that just parrot what they hear from Fox "News". Sure the other networks are biased but Fox is so obviously the voice of the extreme right that anyone who doesn't see it is either stupid, in denial or just a liar.

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