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Comment Re:Chrome also runs as root (Score 2) 61

Basically they do this because they want to be able to update the browser silently. The update process for firefox involves dialogs popping up, you have to OK them, then next time firefox restarts you have to approve a UAC prompt (on windows at least, I assume some kind of sudo popup on linux/mac). Chrome updates silently in the background, next time you open it you have the new version, but you don't get all sorts of popups and new tabs spamming you about it like with firefox. Also updating chrome doesn't disable half your extensions which is nice.

IBM Seeks Patent On Retailer-Rigged Driving Routes 150

theodp writes "On IBM's Smarter Planet, you may drive further than need be to get to your destination. Big Blue's pending patent for Determining Travel Routes by Using Fee-Based Location Preferences calls for the likes of Walmart, Starbucks, and Best Buy pay a fee in return for having your route calculation service de-optimize driving instructions to make you do a drive-by of their stores, and an additional fee if GPS tracking of your car indicates you actually took the suboptimal route. The same IBM inventors also have a patent pending for Environmental Stewardship Based on Driving Behavior, which calls for yet another fee to be assessed when a retailer-friendly-but-suboptimal route causes your vehicle to enter a congested area and produce more pollution."

Comment Re:HDMI to VGA (Score 5, Informative) 37

That cable is totally non standard, for crazy devices that output analog over their HDMI port. Most do not. HDMI is digital, VGA is analog, you can't convert from one to the other with a simple cable. It would not work for the raspberry pi (notice how the page says NOT FROM COMPUTER OR LAPTOP on it)

Comment Re:Wifi/Bluetooth (Score 2) 194

For about $10 you can add on wifi and bluetooth ($2 for a USB BT adaptor, $8 for a USB wifi adaptor). Sure they may not be the fastest, but for something like this low powered ARM chip, you're not going to be pushing hundreds of megabytes per second anyway, so it's not an issue.

Due to issues of scale, I bet it would cost them much more than $10 to add wifi & bt onto the board itself.

Comment Re:Open Hardware (Score 1) 194

They are using a Broadcom processor, which is proprietary and not available to the general public. Coincidentally, the leader of Rasberry Pi also works for Broadcom. They are known for being pretty unfriendly to open source in general, so most likely that has rubbed off on him? My thoughts are that they are trading away openness in order to get the price down ($25 is an amazing pricepoint for an ARM board at this caliber)

Comment Re:Might there be a kit? (Score 1) 194

The chipset powering it is a proprietary broadcom System-on-a-Chip. The reason they are able to use it, is because the leader of the rasberry pi project works for broadcom. You can't even get a datasheet for the processor. Also it's BGA, something you can't normally solder together in your home without fancy equipment.

Comment Re:For those wanting NPC villages - try Millé (Score 1) 113

Spout plans to create a client side plugin system, which will unlock the ability to add custom blocks, monsters, and items to the game. Imagine joining one server, and having it automagically download all the new game content and install it seamlessly. Then, log out and join the next server, totally vanilla, without ever closing the game.

Cool, sounds like they're trying to do exactly what I want, will help a lot with the mods. Can't wait for them to finish. (Current versions of spout seem to just add a few minor features, they don't have any of that advanced stuff yet).

Comment Re:For those wanting NPC villages - try Millé (Score 1) 113

Can I plug it into bukkit yet? Can other players log onto my server without having to go through the hassle of loading up forum pages, opening up minecraft.jar, replacing class files, etc?

That's the main problem with all the minecraft mods (besides bukkit ones), they're a hassle to install, and don't work on multiplayer (and the ones that do, require every single player to muck about with their client).

Probably the built in NPCs wont be as good as millenaire, but at least I'll be able to easily use them

Does Android Violate the GPL? Not So Fast 186

jfruhlinger writes "Patent gadfly Florian Mueller's latest post has made a fairly bold claim: that virtually all Android licensees are violating the GPL because of their failure to redistribute the code, and have thus lost their rights to redistribute Android. Mueller here is mostly promoting ideas put across by patent lawyer Edward J. Naughton. But others in the community are skeptical of the claims. Software Freedom Conservancy head Bradley Kuhn says he's never heard from Naughton. 'Don't you think if he was really worried about getting a GPL or LGPL violation resolved, he'd contact the guy in the world most known for doing GPL enforcement and see if I could help?'"

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 373

"taking out other Google services in the process"

I keep seeing comments left like this, but they're always vague. All the actual stories I've read of people having the G+ account suspended say all their other google services were NOT affected. Do you have any actual report of other google services being suspended as well, or are you just repeating something you think you heard someone else say?

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