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User Journal

Journal Journal: Arise, Sir Baldrick
"As Baldrick once said: “It’s all right, Blackadder, you don’t have to curtsy or anything.” Tony Robinson, the diminutive actor, presenter and political activist who rose to fame in the 1980s as the put-upon manservant in the Blackadder series, is now Sir Tony."

Comment Re:Copper? (Score 1) 347

It's interesting to see how useful plain old ISDN still is. I write about hockey online, and end up listening to a lot of NHL radio shows & podcasts which feature guests calling in from all over North America. Our local TV announcer (Pete Weber of the Nashville Predators) has an ISDN line to his home specifically for this purpose, and as a listener you can really tell the difference when Pete's doing a radio segment as opposed to other guests who may be calling from a typical landline or (ugh) a cell phone. It sounds like Weber is right in the studio alongside the hosts.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Welcome back me & watch out for debian upgrade

Was here looking for last years posts on getting a tv card working so thought I would say Hi.
So running debian sid I just did an update/upgrade to the 3.8 kernel and a bunch of other stuff.
xfce a bit busted.
grub changed some stuff around which was not expected but fixable.
And as alluded to above tv card not working. Not sure why. Boot into 3.2 kernel - working. Boot stock or custom 3.8 no.

Comment Murdoch & the IPA (Score 1) 15

Have a look at the IPA.

I haven't watched it and don't plan to.

Surprisingly enough Murdoch's spiel may not have been the worst at the celebratory dinner from various reports.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hello again 5

say hi

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 4

RSS feed into thunderbird & then (laboriously) add rule for each author - tag sdje and then I have sorted the column. I could move them to another folder and I still might but still a sort of work in progress.

Adding the rule is straight forward - you click on the author name select Create Rule from.

User Journal

Journal Journal: An update of sorts 4

My plan to read he's by whitelisting appears to work.
attached screenshot:

Am I missing much that anyone knows of?

Still unemployed. Best feedback about possible jobs are a long way from here

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