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Comment Re:Pfff... (Score 1) 1213

If someone needs to be trained to use Windows 7 then there is something wrong with them.

Well, yeah. Some people just aren't smart period. In the immortal words of Judge Smails: "Well, the world needs ditch diggers too."

Comment Re:Aliens! (Score 2, Insightful) 452

I argued this point the last time it came up and was modded down due to the excuses that were readily available:

"He has Aspergers"

"He wasn't trying to do anything criminal"
etc, etc.

I agree with you 100%. It doesn't matter what medical conditions he has, it doesn't matter WHY he was doing it, he hacked government servers.

That's the bottom line.

Comment Re:Honestly, I hope the US (Score 1) 378

Me personally, I don't mind the potential increase in cost. Granted, if it were across the board, I'd take issue with it (meaning across all areas of commerce) but for a specific gadget? I wouldn't mind. Would I complain? Maybe, but that's my right as a citizen of the US, right? To complain and not do anything about it? ;-)

Comment Honestly, I hope the US (Score 5, Insightful) 378

Since I live here in the US, I'd really like to see a return to the US for manufacturing. We're still teetering on the brink, don't let day to day market-droid speak fool you.

The US is not anywhere near out of the woods yet.

So...I'd like to see my next gadget have "Assembled/Made in the USA" on it.

Just as I'd suspect anyone from another country would prefer their country to be the country of assembly for their next gadget.

Comment Re:Something I've had a hard time understading... (Score 2, Interesting) 237

If you don't know how to operate your equipment properly, maybe you shouldn't be using it. If you do, don't be surprised when it doesn't behave as you expect.

I personally DO know how to operate my equipment properly. I am not up in arms over this because it affects me personally, but because people who don't know any better.

As I said in an earlier post, my wifi is secured and hidden. Does that mean someone couldn't sniff the traffic coming from it and decrypt it? Of course not. Would it make it harder to do? Sure.

In your analogy, you're saying that if you connect to a web server and get a response, it's reasonable to assume you have permission to use that web server. Sure. But what if you do port scans and find an obscure port "reserved" for something other than http or https traffic and connect that way? Are you headed down a slippery slope there or is it just fine, even if the owner of the web server didn't intend for you to connect to that port?

(I'm just asking, I really don't have a horse in this race.)

Comment Re:Something I've had a hard time understading... (Score 1) 237

Than you are a fool who doesn't know how these things work and why anyone would do anything.

It's THEN, not than. Be careful when calling someone a fool when your spelling is inaccurate.

Also, your analogy towards the end of your post is flawed and since you have the internet manners of a raving asshole, I won't bother to refute your asinine argument. Enjoy your weekend.

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