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Journal Journal: Terminal Ballistics and Ferguson 10

One argument made on television last night by a Ferguson City Councilwoman was that the Officer used "excessive force" by shooting a 6'4", 240 pound man 6 times.

6 times! She said.

...... the ignorance is breathtaking.

Comment Re: Ancillary Justice (Score 2) 180

I am a big Scalzi fan and have loved every bit of his fiction that I have read - except for Redshirts. So I don't get it either, but a lot of people love it. A TV show will come of it and that escapes me as well. Apparently we are just not in touch with something a lot of other people see in it.

Comment Re:NEWS FLASH!!! (Score 2) 117

Or... and this may sound zany but hear me out. Maybe 51% of people did a risk/benefit analysis and decided that giving someone there password was actually beneficial for them.

Not possible. Only people who use devices in exactly the same manner as that proscribed by a /. nerd can be beneficial. (No wireless, less space than a Nomad...)

Comment Re:Slippery path (Score 1) 71

None of those complaints addressed the original claims: commercial free stations that started playing commercials.

And while the trucking company ads can get annoying, I'd be willing to bet a huge proportion of truckers have Sirus and/or XM in the cab (having been one myself).

Comment Re:Slippery path (Score 1) 71

Other than the rebroadcasted major market channels KIIS and Z100 on channels 11 and 12, what music channels are playing commercials?

Channel 76 and below (except 11/12) are all still commercial free. I can't speak for 77-79 (kids), and some of the 140+ Latino channels, but...

What music channels, exactly, are playing commercials on XM?

Stop screwing up the nerdrage with pointless facts.

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