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Comment Re:CFLs still suck (Score 5, Insightful) 1146

I bought an LED bulb the other day (we had a coupon). We love it - instant on, and the light looks exactly like the classic incandescent. I'm sold; once they get a bit less expensive (or we find more coupons), we're buying more. I'm hoping we've bought our last CFL - they always felt like an interim solution until LEDs improved.

Now, can we get some lighting fixtures that use LEDs that are actually designed for LEDs? For example, I'd like to put in some LED downlights in the living room, but everything I can find is just an LED replacement bulb for a classic fixture, rather than a fixture designed for an LED. I'd also like to replace the 40 watt florescent tube fixtures in our garage with LEDs, but so far I can't find much that would work. I was thinking strips of LEDs, one color, but it was looking like several hundred dollars for several strips of the length I'd need.

Comment Re:police arive within 'minutes' (Score 2, Informative) 894

The fact is that US school shootings prior to the last couple of decades were... unheard of. It's a very recent phenomena.

Actually that's not really true - the earliest listed on Wikipedia was in 1764. It is, unfortunately, not a new problem, although I'm certain it has received much more sensational news coverage in recent decades.

Comment Re:Cost-benefit analysis (Score 5, Insightful) 319

People who text and drive are dangerous (doubly so if you're naive enough to think you're capable of doing it safely, Dunning-Kruger in effect) and not just to themselves but to others. Repeated tests have shown that texting whilst driving has a very negative affect of driving abilities. Unfortunately sometimes the only way to get though to people is to take their phones and cars away, so unless suspensions are issued, people will keep writing this off under the old revenue conspiracy theory and as you pointed out, refuse to change habits.

It's not even the texting that makes them dangerous. What makes them dangerous is that they think it's okay to have their attention focused elsewhere while they continue maneuvering several thousand pounds of machinery. The text messaging is just the latest example, but there have always been examples of people reading, putting on makeup, eating, playing with the radio, talking on the phone, etc. People just don't understand, or care, that driving IS the activity you're doing. In a logical world, these people would be the biggest supporters of public transportation, so they can do those things without risk.

Comment Re:Don't really see the market (Score 1) 240

I had something similar happen with my Samsung S3. It turned out the cable I was using (an Amazon Basics 6' cable) is bad - if you page through the reviews for it, you'll find a few reviews mentioning the same issue. The charger was delivering a full 1 amp or whatever, but the cable had too much resistance. If I was in an area with a weak cell signal and no wifi, my phone would take practically all night to charge, even with Wifi and Bluetooth turned off. Sometimes I'd even wake up in the morning and find it was only charged to 85%. Similarly, when using my phone as a GPS in my car, the charge on my phone would decrease even while plugged in with one of those cables. Unfortunately, I'd bought about 5 of those cables before I discovered the problem. I've replaced the three cables that were causing me the most headache. I replaced the one that was the biggest problem with an official Samsung cable just to be sure.

Comment Re:I want the secrets (Score 1) 47

How many American Indian artifacts are collecting dust? And those don't require any conspiracy theories to determine that they have a stash.

They apparently have many in the facility in Suitland, MD, which occasionally does do tours, usually in conjunction with "____ history month" - for example they just did one for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

Comment Re:Bad Answer to the Problem (Score 3, Insightful) 372

I've noticed many articles have paragraphs written as though it was someone who hasn't quite mastered the concept of a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Ever see the Simpsons where Bart gives a speech about Libya? "The exports of Libya are numerous in amount. One thing they export is corn, or as the Indians call it, 'maize'. Another famous Indian was 'Crazy Horse'. In conclusion, Libya is a land of contrast. Thank you." That's how some paragraphs in Wikipedia read. I want to fix them, but I don't have a lot of extra time to work on it; these are not fixed with a few seconds of editing like a typo (which I sometimes will correct if I have a moment); they require time and effort to correct. But I'd really hate to spend my time fixing the problem, only to have it reverted.

Comment Re:As Henry Ford said... (Score 0) 278

I feel exactly opposite. I can't wait until my Blackberry is replaced by an iPhone (or even better, an app I can use on my personal phone). At least I'll be able to charge it with any charger instead of solely the BB one. Even my retired 3GS is a better device than the (newer) BB, and of course my S3 is light years ahead of the BB. And I'm no slower with the virtual keyboard.

Comment Re:Google maps error too (Score 3, Insightful) 311

That's a much safer error than the one in the article, though. But I've found errors in standalone GPS devices, too; our first one had our house - built in the 60s and never moved or renumbered - on the wrong side of the street. The only story here is that people blindly follow their GPS navigation and turn off their brain, which isn't exactly new either. In fact, people turning off their brain when they drive is a pretty old story, too. So, yeah, now I'm wondering why I clicked on this story.

Comment Re:"miniscule" (Score 2) 190

Ellison and his friends sure do have a fucked up sense of priorities racing their damned yachts in the midst of an international crisis. A pox on all their houses I say.

I'm curious to hear what you think Ellison should do about the Syria situation. Convince them to install Oracle and hope the fees bring them to their knees?

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