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Comment Re:Well unless... (Score 1) 249

As the brief states the cop did not have probable cause for the stop OR the search. The cop not having PC to stop the car was the issue..not a lack of PC to search it.

The highway was 25 miles away by air, but I didnt see it specify how far by vehicle. Further it specifically states it did not intersect the border.

All of these are specified as reasons for the decision.

So maybe the power has some stipulations, but it certainly exists, and has for 100+ years.

Comment Re:Guy is a moron (Score 1) 358

Okay I looked into some of the provisions of stand your ground and your right. It's seemed to me like in the Zimmerman case it was self-defense not stand-your-ground. I don't really have an opinion on that case though..I wasn't there.

East Dallas absolutely exists. If you know where puff n stuff is on Columbia that area is East Dallas. Roughly from where main turns into elm down to beacon and Columbia.

What happened to me happened on S St Mary in Junius Heights. There are 3 neighborhoods in that area, and I've always heard them referred to as "East Dallas." South of 30 is South Dallas, and that's a much worse place to find yourself late at night.

Still, drive down St Mary or that part of Santa Fe and you'll see it's not much better than oak cliff.

Not to be racist, but for the most part East Dallas is Mexican and South Dallas is black.

Dallas didn't annex everything around them like Houston did..Mesquite is it's own city not East Dallas.

Comment Re:Jerk off material for the Greenies (Score 1) 96

It is true that landfills are often usable afterwards for parks and even houses!

It is also true that landfill locations have to be carefully surveyed for issues such as water runoff and geological stability in order to ensure that land fills don't pollute groundwater or leak toxic chemicals, etc. Nobody wants to live next to a landfill for the 10-40 years that they are open. They aren't pretty. They smell bad, and attract vermin. As we learn more about the real effects of land fills, we often find that even years after being closed, they are causing ongoing environmental damage that is very expensive. Many toxic "super fund" environmental disasters are previous dump sites.

And, if it's actually profitable recycle instead of dumping, are you really arguing that we should dump anyway?

Comment Re:Guy is a moron (Score -1) 358

I have no idea how someone could have a problem with stand your ground. If someone attacks you and they're stronger/faster than you, and have you pinned, or you csnt get away what do you do?

Even if you manage to call the cops A) They're gonna show up after things have run its course, B) The assailant will probably be gone, and C) You might be in a trunk by then.

Are you just supposed to pay your hospital bills, get robbed, or get murdered? Also isnt self defense already an absolute defense to murder/assault?

Not that I agree with the guy above...thats a severe overreaction.

Full disclosure: I (a white guy) have been the victim of race based violence in E dallas. I defended myself with a knife I carry and my hands, and got away. One was too injured to flee, and him and his buddies paid my hospital bills once he dimed them.

But what if I hadnt had a weapon at the time? Would they have stopped at all? Or would I just be saddled with 10k in hospital bills and my identity/wallet being stolen?


Fabien Cousteau Takes Plunge To Beat Grandfather's Underwater Record 84

An anonymous reader writes Fabien Cousteau, grandson of famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, plans to spend 31 days underwater off the coast of Key Largo, Florida. He has already spent 3 weeks in an underwater laboratory called the Aquarius, and hopes to break his grandfather's record of 30 days in an undersea habitat. "There are a lot of challenges physically and psychologically," said Cousteau, 46, who grew up on his grandfather's ships, Calypso and Alcyone. Cousteau added: "We'll be able to do Twitter chats, we'll be able to do Skype sessions, we'll be able to do Facebook posts and Instagram posts and all these things that we take for granted on land, but up until now it was impossible to do from down below."

Comment Re:Perjury? (Score 2) 251

"Isn't this kinda perjury? I'm pretty sure that kind of thing isn't taken lightly by the judiciary. Furthermore, isn't it law enforcement meant to be role models for following the law?"

You know it's sad when this statement is modded funny instead of insightful.

I guess about all we can really do is laugh, at least until the general public wakes up.

Submission + - NIgerian born UK TV repairman sentenced 16 months prison for 91% reuse ( 1

retroworks writes: The Guardian uses a stock photo of obvious electronic junk in its coverage of the sentencing of Joseph Benson of BJ Electronics. But film of the actual containers showed fairly uniform, sorted televisions which typically work for 20 years. In 2013, the Basel Convention Secretariat released findings on a two-year study of the seized sea containers containing the alleged "e-waste", including Benson's in Nigeria, and found 91% working and repaired product. The study, covered in Slashdot last February, declared the shipments legal, and further reported that they were more likely to work than new product sent to Africa (which may be shelf returns from bad lots, part of the reason Africans prefer used TVs from nations with strong warranty laws).

Director of regulated industry Harvey Bradshaw of the UK tells the Guardian: "This sentence is a landmark ruling because it's the first time anyone has been sent to prison for illegal waste exports." But 5 separate university research projects question what the crime was, and whether prohibition in trade is really the best way to reduce the percentage of bad product (less than 100% waste). Admittedly, I have been following this case from the beginning and interviewed both Benson and the Basel Secretariat Executive Director, and am shocked that the UK judge went ahead with the sentencing following the publication of the E-Waste Assessment Study last year. But what do Nerds at Slashdot think about the campaign to arrest African geeks who pay 10 times the value of scrap for used products replaced in rich nations?

Comment Site gap, not air gap (Score 1) 387


1) Backups that don't get done automatically often don't get done regularly, so they should be automatically performed via scripts.

2) Offline isn't as important as offsite. Buildings catch fire, get flooded, disappear into sink holes, get hit by falling jet airplanes.

3) Security matters. Paranoia should be the order of the day.

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