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Comment I think that the lawmakers got it wrong (Score 0) 247

Microbead manufacturers will reform and will start manufacturing non-toxic naturally dis-integrable microbead. The article should have clarified that 417 million microbeads are, assuming the diameter of microbead is 0.2 millimeter, less than 400 liters, or approximately 100 gallons.

Mindless pollution is wrong, no question about it.

However don't be surprised that in 2068 your grandchild will be arrested and will receive 12 month cryonic-freeze (an equivalent of 12 month jail time) because he/she violated 2018 law, by simply throwing away some garbage (which happened to have micro-particles, which were considered equivalent to micro beads)

Comment Do not get fooled by Keynesian arguments (Score 1) 294

I have an issue with your item #2: inflation stimulates spending and that is how economy survives. This is a Keynesian theory, which, however, inaccurately switches cause and the outcome.

Lets assume, for the sake of the argument, that there is no inflation, there is a predictable interest rate and the people can save it.

If people can save it, there will be a market for deposits countered for the market to borrow the capital. People could expect predictable interest rate, and those who wanted to borrow could expect a place where to go and get a business loan.

Those who could get the business loan would actually have to spend it, using their best abilities, weighing all the risks, so that to minimize the risk of loss, maximize the net added value of the project and the benefit to the entrepreneur.

So here is the contrast:

- In an inflationary economy money is spent by the most inefficient player - government. Other than the government people would probably be less inclined to invest in long term projects.

- in a stable economy, with negligible (say zero) inflation rate, people actually save money (the capital). Only the best projects get investment and there is a low probability to mal-investment (such as bridge to nowhere in Alaska).

If someone will say that low inflation is not workable, I can say that prior to WW1 UK, Spain's, Russia's money were pegged to gold, and their economies were growing. 2% interest rate on deposits was considered a healthy return.

Comment Congratulate the efforts, but success to be proven (Score 4, Informative) 66

The study is an attempt to find correlation between the surface area and dissolution rate.... Every year there are are trillions of pills manufactured pharmaceutical companies and there are many parameters that are being tested, all branch of one of the pharmacology and it is called pharmaceutics, . You can bet that in pharmaceutical manufacturing is super efficient and yes, for the manufacturing of this kind of scale, there is always a demand for improvement and innovations. Happy to encourage scientific research in academia, but announcing 3D printed pills a breakthrough is a bit of exaggeration, but that is not to say that there is no practical application to it.

Custom 3D sculpturing is a blast from 17th and 18th century, when pharmacists ground and mixed medications and it was a manual process. Article is clear that 3D printing may allow to customize absorption rate... This needs to be approved by FDA, at least in USA, before the regular patient can acquire it.

That being said, this will be just one of many medication delivery methods competing with already established methods and curious reader can, again, get a glimpse to the methods here:

Comment Dont fix what is not broken (Score 5, Insightful) 203

It can be guaranteed that New York will choose the most expensive option, will have a budget overrun and will be 20 years late.

When you see likening to the third world country is a mere beginning of the campaign so that people would be believe that the issue is so big, so unsolvable that only a multi-billion dollar project can solve the issue. There will be proposals for floating on water airports, airports to be build on artificial islands.

For all I care, the NYC with one of the largest subway systems in the world for the last 85 years could not extend a subway link to Laguardia. I do not know what was the issue: corrupt taxicab companies or some other sinister reasons.

The issue is not Laguardia airport here, the issue is poor public transportation to certain airports, or truth the be told - absence of if, and there are many other airports in NYC metro area: Islip, Westchester, teterboro, Trenton, and so on.

In my opinion, travelers do not care about the appearance of the airports, all they want is convenient way to arrive, park or rent a car, and leave shortly. Politicians want appearance, costs be damned.

Comment This is called Kansas city shuffle (Score 1) 438

This is called Kansas city shuffle. While you be having fun watching debates for 6 months during presidential debates, most of us will be robbed both from right pocket and the left pocket.

Adult in you should realize that the show organizers and those emptying the pockets are part of coordinated efforts.

Comment I wish there was an easy way to understand it (Score 1) 129

Scientists of Vienna University of Technology pointed out that holographic effects can be demonstrated from flat (two dimensional) surface, and surrounding reality is possibly following the same principles.

Now, if you think about it, that is a reasonable hypothesis, however, it should be noted that the opposite effect can also be realized when four (or five or more) dimensional reality is projected into three dimensional surrounding (let's call it 4D->3D), perceived by humans. Example understandable by humans is the theater of shadows (3D->2D), or three dimensional cathode ray projector, know as tube television (again 3D->2D).

It is always possible to project more dimensions to less. At the same time, 2D->3D Holographic effects allow explanation of some of the known quantum phenomena, such as probability of where the electron will be at anytime as opposed to the earlier teachings that electrons "orbit" around the nucleus of the atom.

Holographic effects also alleviate "understanding" of "spooky action at the distance (quantum entanglement)", but that is where the limits of the quantum teachings, understandable by the commoners end.

All in all, two thousands years ago, in Greece, people were arguing if the world rests on the backs of three elephants or three whales, and assumed that the world is flat.

Our incomplete understanding of surrounding world raises way more questions than we have answers:

1. If currently scientists say that the space is unlimited, perhaps the number of dimensions is also unlimited....
2. Quantum entanglement has been demonstrated and is a scientific fact, the problem is that nobody can prove that all of the particles are not UN-entangled.
3. Why the speed of light is finite, then why quantum entanglement does not care about the distance and is instant.

  I truly believe that in the next several decades there will be so many new inventions and experiments related to the quantum world, that our current discussions will resemble discussions will resemble ideas debated by Hellenistic scholars. I just hope that one day a smart individual will be able to explain everything so that we could understand, and find relationships between all the components the same way we understand the relationship between Ohms, Volts and Amperes.

Comment At last. My childhood dream came true. (Score 1) 174

When I was the child I have been dreaming of the television on my watch. I can have tv, apple watch, on my wrist.

I realize that I no longer want television on my wrist, when i have smartphone and computer around.

What we really want is a telephone that would fit to a wristwatch, possibly supplement with a hearing aid like almost invisible earphone.

I have a second cellphone, dumbphone, that holds the charge for 20 days. Thus, long battery life in the new wristphone would be nice too.

Submission + - N.J. schools with high PARCC opt outs may lose funding (

Trachman writes: Any New Jersey school that fails to have 95 percent of its students take the PARCC (Common Core) exams will be placed on a corrective action plan, and schools with especially high opt-out rates could have state funding withheld, state Education Commissioner David Hespe said Wednesday.

In 2015 many of the parents did not know that PARCC is optional. Could it be possible that Barbara Streisand effect will be noticed on the attempts to forcefully test the children.

Comment There is no free lunch (Score 5, Interesting) 286

Ad money is how many of the websites finance themselves, pay their bills. From that point of view the AdBlock hating sites only want to show you the contents ONLY if you see the advertisements.

Expect further development of Ad pushing technologies, because the websites will need to get paid or they will go out of business.

I think industry should consider the example of Netflix: for a cost of one movie one can watch dozens a movies at the convenience of their homes. Last time I have heard Netflix is not a loss making company.

Comment What is the objective of the research? (Score 1) 63

First of all, my respect to devoted professor and mathematician who is able to concentrate into observation and to think it through various aspects.

I have read article carefully and what it says is that certain type of shuffling produces desired random sequence of cards.

Also, consequently, we have mathematician who is trying to prove statistical correlation between how much time is spent mixing (smooching) and the randomness.

It can be proved empirically that this is a correct theory - the longer you shuffle cards, the more random sequence you have.

My question is..... what are the practical applications of this observation and what exactly mathematician is trying to prove.

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