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Comment What's the point? (Score 5, Insightful) 853

You know, I find that completely over-the-top.

If the story is accurate, then what's the point of exposing the poor sod's name?

What purpose does that serve? The guy's obviously had a rough week; why pile on and make it worse?

It's likely that he's going to be terminated (from his employment, not physically), if he hasn't been already. I'm sure there's some "handling company materials" guideline or somesuch on the books at Apple that will be enforced.

So why expose him publicly?

I don't get it. This just seems like nonsense to me.

Comment Re:Sun UltraSPARC-II's anyone? (Score 1) 437

Thank you for backing me up. This was absolutely a problem, and I spent many, many, many nights with the engineers replacing the "bad" CPUs with Sombra modules. p/n 501-6009's.... over a thousand of 'em.

The "cosmic rays" thing sounds like a joke, but the Sun engineers really explained it well (once they admitted something was going on) - it makes perfect sense and described the problem to a T.

Comment Re:efficiency (Score 2, Informative) 187

It's the other way around.

CDMA's air interface is quite efficient, actually.

So efficient, in fact, that the 3GPP's 4G standard (you know, LTE, Long-Term Evolution) is much, much more CDMA-like than TDMA-based GSM. (CDMA and LTE are both spread-spectrum technologies -- GSM/TDMA divide signals on a carrier frequency based on timing.)

Keep in mind that the cdmaOne product family is what's not being evolved any further --- the actual air interfaces developed under the CDMA banner are really the path forward. What's being 'killed off' is the TDMA-type technology that underpins GSM.

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