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Coders, Your Days Are Numbered 305

snydeq writes "Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister argues that communication skills, not coding skills, are a developer's greatest asset in a bear economy. 'Too many software development teams are still staffed like secretarial pools. Ideas are generated at the top and then passed downward through general managers, product managers, technical leads, and team leads. Objectives are carved up into deliverables, which are parceled off to coders, often overseas,' McAllister writes. 'The idea that this structure can be sustainable, when the US private sector shed three-quarters of a million jobs in March 2009 alone, is simple foolishness.' Instead, companies should emulate the open source model of development, shifting decision-making power to the few developers with the deepest architectural understanding of, and closest interaction with, the code. And this shift will require managers to look beyond résumés 'choked with acronyms and lists of technologies' to find those who 'can understand, influence, and guide development efforts, rather than simply taking dictation.'" Update: 04/04 19:52 GMT by T : InfoWorld's link to the archived version of the story on open source development no longer works; updated with Google's cached version.

Comment Re:Choice fodder! (Score 5, Insightful) 554

As a Canadian, I would like to make it very, very clear that the rest of Canada, especially here in BC, have absolutely no patience, concern, or otherwise good will towards anyone who would consider them "Quebecois".

-The Canadians

Hey...! Speak for yourself. As an Albertan, I think Quebecois are important part of our country and that we all need to grow up and learn to get along, even if it means we westerners and other english canadians have to grow up first.

Sure the federal politics and apparent provincial idiocy regarding language protection have been very annoying for a very long time, but I believe in our nation of Canada, and I do not want to throw my fellow Canadians under the bus (even if some of them would throw me as an Albertan under the bus -- although it seems people from other eastern provinces do it too.)

Relations between french and english Canada seems to have always been difficult, but I don't think it is impossible. Hating each other and saying we wish Quebec would separate is not going to help. We don't need a big hole of alienated or separated people in the middle of our country.

We are supposed to take pride in our identity as one that celebrates diversity, contrasted to the melting pot to the south. For one, it is nice to have people from Quebec here who enjoy culture and life in a way that we who are more conservative Albertans can appreciate.

Maybe you are just trying to be funny, and let the world know that we non-Quebec canadians have quite a few differences with Quebec countrymen, but I have been concerned lately about the reckless hatred that seems to be growing among us.

    We are supposed to have an identity as a peace-keeping nation. We have so much peace in Canada to be thankful for. Let's not throw that away.

Comment Re:Choice fodder! (Score 1) 554

Seems like overreacting to me too. The grandparent was pointing out the bizarre logic of how a francophone government trying to promote the french language in a francophone province (so as to not be overwhelmed by an english-dominated continent) had the reverse effect of forcing someone to learn english and to gain academic credentials in english.

Comment Re:Oh really? (Score 1) 553

I'm not usually one to say, "no big deal, this has been done before" but seriously... this time it really is no big deal, its been done before. Hell, lots of API's for this sort of stuff even already exist, some of them even come with OSes.

Can you name some examples?

(The rest is more my thoughts than a reply to anyone in particular...)

I have been experimenting how to do this in a generic way with db4o in C# (an object database for Java/.NET), and putting my own notification on top of the objects as well as the database events to enable (as an option) immediate persistance of object changes the way you mention you do with config files. I still had to do work to do this, though -- it's 2009, and this has probably been done in feeble and fantastic ways 100's or 1000's of times, if not more, and where is the reusable wisdom gained? I get upset with the naysayer crowds who want to stick with tried and true methods of doing everything manually over and over, just because they've gotten comfortable with it and don't want to learn or think about anything new.

People mention Squeak/scheme/smalltalk, and I have marveled at how cool it is and wished I could delve into it, but seriously, is it a practial platform ready for mainstream? Being a mainly .NET guy now (apologies to the Java/C++ world), I just googled a .NET bridge but it was talking ActiveX garbage which I don't want to touch, and then another bridge link that looked broken. (I just found, which looks interesting, although experimental.) (And I don't have any ancient IBM machines from the 80s and their obscure OS, the names of which I have already forgotten, to do this either.)

I did set up and do a bit of coding for Zope (Plone) on Python, and loved some of the advantages of the object database system there (even though it was still hierarchical), for finer-grained objects where it would be annoying to create files everywhere.

Sure, big monolithic files have their place, like OpenOffice documents, but nobody's putting a gun to your head to tell you that you must chop that OOo doc up into 1000 tiny objects... that would be insanity, and to assume someone else is insane just shows close-mindedness and a lack of imagination. (Quote from the FAQ: "And objects can be huge. No limit.")

In general, I like to see common design patterns like this moved lower and pushed as a standard, either into the language or widely-used libraries. I'm glad C# made events and properties first class entities. I'm glad the SOA bandwagon camped around the observer pattern and basically built a sub-industry that pushed standard ways to do MOM and topic based routers with JMS AMQP etc. What do we have for objects that should be persisted? How are we going to make the semantic web with interesting bits of information if nobody bothers to notice that the barrier to entry to bridging semantic web to monolithic file structures is too high?

I think a good programming framework (probably cross-language... I know there are some ODBMSs out there like Objectivity that are more multiplatform than db4o's Java/.NET) would be great, and while I am not the type to venture out and create an entire OS around this concept, it will be interesting to see if someone can create a sound foundation with a suite of desktop-domain apps that establish that there are some useful low-level mechanisms that may be reasonable foundations for (a chunk of) general development. I think all this may have been tried before with WinFS, and quite a few interesting things came of that (hierarchical db structure, big files in the RDBMS, a generalized extensible sync framework). Hopefully this Russian guy knows what he's doing and will do something interesting with this, and maybe take a standardized workable environment further than MS did (or go more mainstream than Squeak / Zope, etc).

Anyway, while I may share some of the skepticism of the scoffers commenting about the near-term viability of this as an OS, I applaud the effort to rethink some things, and hopefully some bits of progress will come out of this experiment. I think things like Squeak, Zope/Python, and WinFS have started popularizing and standardizing some useful capabilities that have not yet had a top-notch execution.

Comment Headed towards a Win-Win scenario? (Score 1) 348

I should start by saying I've always been a MS skeptic technically and thought their business practices abhorrent.

But right about now, I am starting to wonder if the amoral forces of capitalism are leading us to the verge of good things for all platforms materializing, and a win-win for the consumer (and in this case, developers developers dev *ahem*.) Since the mid-90's, Microsoft has learned a lot of lessons and has put a lot of cool ideas into practice with .NET in a way that is simple and fun to use as a developer.

Sure, Microsoft is always trying to set itself up for greater success, but this doesn't always have to come at the expense of everyone else. (At least, I hope they are primarily greedy rather than predatorial ...although that is still a rather dismal hope.) MS seems to have got enough ducks in a row to be moving ahead so quickly and strongly that no other dev platform developers can keep up, especially the open source community. It seems that .NET is gaining the momentum to be the multi-platform desktop client (and now maybe rich web) that we always hoped Java would be. Even if the open source world is a few years behind on things like WPF/WCF, it still seems like an asset to have the multi-language .NET environment and GTK# / Windows Forms across Win/Linux/OSX, as well as standardization in the language.

The only nasty thing I see MS doing is trying to extract $$ from the open-source world based on patents/IP on the cross-platform stuff. MS has been burned on patents themselves, and with the growing mainstream angst against patents, the optimist in me perhaps naively hopes that the recent FUD cross-licensing tactics is as far as they will go, or will be able to go.

That aside, MS can't make us do anything we don't want to do. If Silverlight 2.0 is full of Windows-only stuff, web developers don't have to adopt it (they would be idiots to, if it meant reaching significantly less users), and continue to use SL 1.0 with SL 1.0 toolset. Perhaps .NET and SL 1.0 will even be a source of inspiration to the open source community to innovate forks?

My point is that sure, MS will likely have the best tools, and will be doing as much fancy stuff to bolster Windows as they can, but once .NET gets replicated in the open source world, we hopefully get to keep it for good, and get rid of issues like vendor lock-in and obsolesence (VB6 comes to mind). (Just beware the trojan horse of MS patents! If we all adopt .NET and build a thriving open-source cross-platform community around it and then MS successfully claims patent rights, goodbye world of free open-source! (.NET based OSS anyway))

I used to be a Linux freak, and went without Windows for about 4 years, and still have linux on my primary desktop, but I don't really mind anymore having Windows around in order to use MS's slick IDE, and maybe some of their MS Expression tools. I think the cross-platform-ness of the clients is much more important. Honestly, my hope right now is that Silverlight becomes as commonly deployed as Flash as quickly as possible, because I hate the idea of learning Flash-only languages and libraries and rewriting data structures and things in multiple languages in different environments (I am not a web developer and have yet to get into Flash, but after doing .NET at work for a few years, SL is looking mighty attractive assuming the users get it installed.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: More on Bush, and whether Division is always bad

From a comment in the last journal entry:

"Another person who thinks George W. Bush is the second coming of Jesus. Just what the hell is wrong with you people?"

You either read way too much into what I said or are choosing to stereotype me without basis. I never said he is the second coming of Jesus or even that I think he is a good President.

User Journal

Journal Journal: George Bush: The Great Divider? 1

Someone's sig mentions Bush as the Great Divider. But I think there is one who is an even greater divider. Here is a quote, can you guess who he is?

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