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Submission + - Silicon Valley has created an imaginary staffing shortage (usatoday.com)

walterbyrd writes: As longtime researchers of the STEM workforce and immigration who have separately done in-depth analyses on these issues, and having no self-interest in the outcomes of the legislative debate, we feel compelled to report that none of us has been able to find any credible evidence to support the IT industry's assertions of labor shortages.

Comment Re:FUD filled.... (Score 1) 212

The glow plug is not even close to similar to a spark plug as it does not go inside the compression chamber and it is not absolutely required for the facilitation of ignition; even on a stone cold engine in Canada in the depths of winter (provided there's at least a block warmer of some kind). It's a wire that preheats the fuel in the injector to ensure that it's of a temperature that when it is injected into the cylinder that the pressure and heat within the compression chamber will cause the ignition. Once an engine is to operating temp, the glow plug isn't needed any longer as the engine itself is generating the heat necessary. Before glow plugs, engines were warmed up by building a fire underneath them to bake them to a point where the internal temperature would be at a level to self ignite. The only thing glow plugs did was to give the process more efficiency and even modern cars with Diesel engines can still be warmed up by baking... provided their bodies are designed to allow for the open flame underneath them without burning parts critical to the other operations of the vehicle.

Comment Re:MechWarrior (Score 1) 701

I built an Android app that all it does is play this sound once after the phone booted fully into the home screen. MechWarrior 2's "Incoming Message" is played as my sms notification through the normal phone settings.

Comment Re:Confused. (Score 2) 752

Karma to burn so at the risk of being offtopic to the article, but ontopic to you: We're antiquated relics from a time when the slogan still applied. The beginning of the end can be traced back to the fall of the WTC buildings, but the /. editors still tried their hardest to keep stories to the theme of the slogan for years after. However, ever since that event, Slashdot has slowly moved away from focusing solely on stories that fit the slogan and bringing in stories that have a possible historic and/or "climate" (whether this be political or otherwise) changing significance. The acquisition of /. by Dice just sped up this process. While it is still a large focus of the site you'll probably notice that the slogan "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters" has been removed from the main page*.

*Note: I just checked Beta, and noticed that the "News for Nerds" part of the slogan is part of the logo there... but who visits beta anyway?

Comment Re:No exhaustive.. (Score 1) 285

Actually, it's not really proving his point. It's not even part of his point. The question he asked was "do we know who came up with the concept for Donkey Kong?" The answer is simply "Yes we do. It's this guy." The fact that he couldn't bring his vision to fruition alone does not negate the fact that Donkey Kong as a concept was dreamed up solely by Miyamoto. It's actually very rare for a programmer to be the visionary of a project, even back in the 8-bit age. Now, a question that would be better aimed at his point: "Do we know the names of all the programmers who wrote the code for Donkey Kong?" And I would have to say that off the top of my head: No, I don't. The only ones I know of who directly worked on DK are Miyamoto, Yokoi, and Kaneoka.

Submission + - Microsoft's No-IP.com Domain Seizure Causing Outages For SonicWall Customers (crn.com)

cgriffin21 writes: Microsoft's recent seizure of 23 domains from No-IP.com, a Reno, Nev.-based company that provides a popular free dynamic DNS service, is causing outages for millions of legitimate users of the service — and apparently, at least one security vendor. The No-IP.com outages are having an impact on some customers of SonicWall, a vendor of network security and content control hardware appliances, Marc Harrison, president of Silicon East, a Manalapan, N.J.-based SonicWall partner, told CRN Tuesday.

Comment Re:Bribery represents the will of the people? (Score 1) 148

If a congress can be bribed to make an amendment to the constitution that specifies that money, resources, or commodities cannot be equated to speech, then the verdict of the Supreme Court is nullified by the voices that represent the will of the people.

This is as blatantly corrupt a political argument as I have ever heard expressed.

I agree, but I didn't feel like being Politically Correct and calling it Campaign Contributions, Kickbacks, or whatever the hell else is the in vogue term for bribing now. The only way we're going to be able to get rid of the corruption as firmly seated as it is right now is if we work inside the corruption and use the same methods of bribery to get the law pigs enough of a short term reward that they'd be willing to sign anything...even if it screwed them over long term.

Comment Re:The question to me seems to be... (Score 3, Interesting) 148

That's the legislative check and balance to the court. If a congress can be bribed to make an amendment to the constitution that specifies that money, resources, or commodities cannot be equated to speech, then the verdict of the Supreme Court is nullified by the voices that represent the will of the people. The real trick is getting a congress in office that would agree on passing the amendment.

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