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Comment Re:If race doesn't exist, how is this possible? (Score 1) 312

Not exactly.
It is pure evolution in action stranger=danger. It is a biological adaptation to trust the people that are most like us. You trust your close family more than your more distant family and so on. The easer to see the difference the greater the distrust. From an evolutionary point of view the amount people look, smell, and act alike reflects the amount of common genetic material they share. So you care more about their survival and they care about yours.
Frankly the fact that humans have come so far in ignoring this instinct show just how important community is to humans.

Comment Re:C'mon.... (Score 1) 628

Practically none would fit your scenario, but quite a few have good reasons to defer downloading and installing of updates for a short time. Like if you are on limited bandwidth, or want to finish some important work first. The new options don't allow that. They only give you a choice of when to reboot after updates are automatically downloaded and installed without your confirmation. And besides, simply having automatic updates the default takes care of the lowest common denominator. Removing the option all together only impacts people who know enough to change the option to begin with.

Comment Re:we prefer Little Planet (Score 1) 321

The scientist that runs the Pluto mission disagrees with you.
Pluto is a planet. As he put it The Astronomers should not decide what is and is a planet. They Planetary geologists should.
Pluto is large enough that it has been pulled into a spherical shape. It has moons that orbit it, and it has the most mass of the bodies in the planet moon system it occupies.Pluto has an atmosphere.
Ceres could also qualify but it does not have a moon and is much smaller than Pluto.
I also have no problem with Eris being called a planet if it's orbit remains within the heliopause.
Now the moons of Mars should not be called moons IMHO since they are really just captured asteroids.

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