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Comment last one didn't work out, either (Score 1) 197

kinda like any engineering project, I guess... pick the maximum incredible external threat, and design resistance to... uh, wait, the budget got cut HOW MUCH? OK, well, guys, let's pick the maximum credible external threat we can protect against 80% of the time for under $7 billion. make it modular so we can truck 'em in. seaming with tape is OK if we have to.

Comment Re:Careful, they might shoot back (Score 1) 336

They obviously don't care if a person succeeds or not. They only want their name in the media. They share the PR school of Miley Cyrus. They want articles saying that they are attacking people on the mainland US. That will help them win or loss. They want to project international power.

They don't care about the past (destroying ancient Assyrian artifacts) and they obviously don't care about the future (declaring war on the world, killing huge chunks of the population in their area). They only live in the now. The question isn't if they will succeed in their goal. The question is, how long will they be around to annoy / terrorize / kill us all.

They quite literally think they are bringing on the end of days as is in their literature.

Why worry about a few petty details if your goal is "end of the world"?

Comment Re:Fuck those guys (Score 1) 569

That makes a new loop hole: Cop wants someone dead. Cop makes an anonymously swatting call. Cop goes in knowing it's fake and kills the person he wants dead. Cop gets off free.

The police are the ones doing the shooting, not the caller. The cop always has final say if he should pull the trigger or not. Any cop shooting someone else should always be held accountable for that shooting. Most shootings are justified, some are not.

There are already laws against false reports. They should be strengthened.

Something similar to this actually played out recently.

The home owner ended up shooting and killing the right cop (the one with the grudge) and got off. Apparently the other cops didn't like the dead guy much so there wasn't a big rally to hang the innocent home owner.

Comment Re:WTF AM I DOING HERE! (Score 1) 109

Presumably this would be done in a sterile room and that the patient would need to be cleared for any potentially hazardous bacterial infections and the such.

They noted that the BBB is restored within a few hours. Assuredly not a 100% safe treatment to be sure, but that's hardly new in medical science (think of all the potential side-effects listed with every medication. Never mind things like full body irradiation as prep for bone marrow transplants, cutting up (or even out) pieces of the brain to reduce seizures and so on.)

Sometimes the cure is worth taking some risks. Of course "sometimes" isn't the same as "always" and it would need to be determined case by case based on the patient's other co-existing conditions, the will of the family, financial situation, etc.

They are using sound waves. It may be non-invasive and require little more than shaving the target point and applying a lubricant to the skin.

Though, if they are going through the skull there is a VAST difference in what will get through a mouse skull from what will get through a human skull.

Opening the head up to get it done... well that's sort of going to cause other problems so the treatment won't be ethical / used due to risks elsewhere.

Comment Re:This is interesting.... (Score 2) 573

It did a horrible job of predicitng the polar ice refreezing that happened 2 or 3 years ago.

Good, because if the models predicted events that did not happen, that would be a bad sign for them. The "polar ice refreezing" that you are refering to didn't happen. Polar ice did rebound from a record low, which it was widely expected to do. In fact, every record low polar ice year is followed by a few years that are higher than the record low before until we reach the next record low. However, the overall trend is still downward.

Global Warming was being used by meteorologists as the cause for the polar vortexes that dropped temperatures down into the single and negative digits.

From my understanding, that is correct. Warming in the arctic is changing the wind flow which is allowing colder Arctic air to be pushed over the North East section of North America.

And all the work you do to try and save our asses from rising temparatures will be meaningless when the Yellowstone Supervolcanoe erupts and takes out half the country, which "well established science" said should have erupted close to 20 years ago.

The National Science Foundations seems to think it will be 1 or 2 million years from now. Are you sure you know the difference between reporters and scientists?

Like I said in a previous post, infra-red imaging of the inner planets in our solar system shows them heating up at a rate similar to Earth. But, say that out loud and people like you friggin flip out.

Maybe, the flip out at you because it's not true? Mars isn't warming.

Submission + - Meet the Carolina Butcher, a 9-Foot Crocodile That Walked on Two Legs

HughPickens.com writes: Science News reports on the Carolina Butcher, a giant, bipedal reptile that looked a lot like living crocodiles — except it walked on two legs, not four. Carnufex carolinensis is one of the oldest and largest crocodile ancestors identified to date. Its size and stature also suggest that for a time, the Carolina Butcher (named for its menacing features), was one of the top predators in the part of the supercontinent Pangaea that became North America. Past fossil finds show that cousins of ancient crocodiles were vying with the earliest bipedal dinosaurs, called theropods, for the title of top predator in the southern regions of Pangaea but the Carolina Butcher's reign probably ended 201 million years ago when a mass extinction event wiped out most large, land-based predators, clearing the way for dinosaurs to fully dominate during the Jurassic period. Carnufex is one of the most primitive members of the broad category of reptiles called crocodylomorphs, encompassing the various forms of crocs that have appeared on Earth. "As one of the earliest and oldest crocodylomorphs, Carnufex was a far cry from living crocodiles. It was an agile, terrestrial predator that hunted on land," says Lindsay Zanno. "Carnufex predates the group that living crocodiles belong to." Transported back to the Triassic Period, what would a person experience upon encountering this agile, roughly three metre-long, about 1.5 metre-tall beast with a long skull and blade-like teeth? "Abject terror," says Zanno.

Comment the kicker is "simultaneous" operation (Score 2) 47

the conditions of test in the abstract listed were not mentioned. this is routine in cross-polarization (transmit vertical, receive horizontal) or in time-division (squintillions of telco, digital TV applications) multiplexing. but if this was going to happen on one little dinky antenna in the side of a smartphone at the same time on the same chip, the echo cancellation algorithm on chip would be the size of a SUV. and echo cancellation is sort of TDM all in itself.

I'll believe it when the flying pig hands the document off to my unicorn for translation.

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