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Comment Re:Why is the White House involved? (Score 2) 227

Presidents, governors and mayors all do this kind of thing -- call up private businesses and ask them to do stuff. The mayor may call a local business and ask it to reconsider withdrawing its sponsorship of the local youth baseball league. The governor might call up union leaders and senior management in a strike, particularly if it affects things lots of people need like transit or health care.

This is the exercise of *soft* power, of influence rather than of compulsion. Obama can't call Apple and compel them to change their stance. But he can call Tim Cook and *persuade* him, possibly with more success than Michael Lynton, particuarly given that the two may be having some kind of dispute. Ego *does* play a role in CEO decision making.

Comment That's pretty much the idea (Score 5, Insightful) 116

You're not supposed to control your appliance! If you would, you could not only fix them instead of replacing them, you could find new applications for them instead of buying another, specialized, one. And the maker could not at will end its life so you'd be buying the next one, bigger and better than your old 6 month old ancient garbage.

It's not a bug. It's a feature.

Comment Re:How ghey (Score 1) 44

If we start doing major exploration of deep space we're gonna need to use less ambiguous names for the sun and moon, as other planets may have a sun and moon.

We will never do major exploration of deep space where we get closer to another star than to this one. If we do, humanity can define two constants in file headers.

Comment Re:Good job guys (Score 1) 276

This, and a billion times this.

9/11 would NOT have worked out if the drill for hijackings had not been "cooperate and nobody gets hurt". Today the pilot's capsule is locked. And no matter what kind of threat you would bring to the table, the pilot will NOT unlock it. Kill a hostage? Do it. If I open, you kill us all. Kill ALL hostages? Do it. If I open, I die too.

There is NOTHING you could threaten a pilot with to make him open the door. He actually has the ORDER not to cooperate with you, so there is not even going to be any kind of repercussion against him if you skin everyone in the back alive.

9/11 worked once, because the safety procedures concerning hijackings operated on a false premise. They don't anymore.

Comment Re:Good job guys (Score 1) 276

I can understand why they are forbidden, but if I read your post correctly they are utterly useless for a terrorist attack. If it incapacitates the attacker itself, it better be a (suicide) bomb, i.e. the attack itself being carried out by the time the device is set off. You don't accomplish much in terms of terrorism by incapacitating a plane full of people (hint: the pilots don't really get any of it, so the plane keeps flying, though I could be inconvenienced if the flight attendants are out of order and I can't get my soda, oh the humanity!).

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