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Comment Re:in further news show tanks (Score 1) 662

its not Clarkson that has make it work. Its the producer

You seriously underestimate the creative input from the presenters, and the other two happily acknowledge that Clarkson makes a massive contribution.

some of the best editing and camera work in the industry.

..although it's worth watching the show just for this, yes.

Comment Re:Let me fix that for you... (Score 2) 662

That's why I don't get this "he hit someone, and done". Even if so, there's very probably enough provocation on the failing there by the Producer alone.

You hit someone in the office, you get sacked. Gross misconduct. Gone.

You hit someone while working in a highly unionised organisation, while on a final warning, you really expect to not get sacked?

Provocation may be a defence against a legal assault charge, but not against gross misconduct. "Here's a perfectly edible meal freshly prepared and ready for you" is not fucking provocation.

I loved Top Gear, I had no issues with Jeremy Clarkson's lack of PC but don't go pretending that he didn't fuck up massively on this occasion, or that the BBC had no real choice but to reduce their income by around £50m/year and get rid of him.

Comment Re:Absolutely crucial (Score 1) 137

Which is why companies provide tax engines, that take on the complex calculations and that can be updated by the company providing the engine rather than the many thousands of retailers that use it.

It's not a single central database, it's one per vendor, and the tax jurisdictions don't update them, the vendors do, but otherwise it's the solution you're suggesting.

The downside of course is that those vendors want paying for this service...

Comment Re:Absolutely crucial (Score 1) 137

Ok, could you list the tax rates and rules across a range of goods in each country within the European Economic Area please?

Oh, and provide an update ahead of any changes, so that I can assure I stay current?

Incidentally, while you're at it, could you build the business logic and rules into my website so that it correctly calculates that tax, and reports it in a compliant fashion to each relevant jurisdiction?

Would it be too much to ask that you make this a robust repeatable process, that it's invisible to customers, that it doesn't cost me anything to operate, that it's secure against fraud or tampering, and that it doesn't rely on external services that might be unavailable?

Is it so hard to implement the different tax rates for different countries?

Yes, it fucking is.

Comment Re:NOT the same (Score 1) 886

when it orders people to endorse/support homosexuality it IS ordering them to violate their religion

Baking a cake does not endorse homosexuality. It does not support homosexuality. It endorses the tastiness of cakes and supports giving people sweet yummy food.

Anyway, the religion is full of shit anyway and people should be fucking ashamed of believing in that crap.

Comment Re:Here's MY test (Score 1) 522

Thanks for confirming that you're a prejudiced idiot.

Most people I know that have been diagnosed with Aspergers are married, usually with kids.
Nobody I know lives in a basement.
Nobody I know has hygiene problems.

You're just a blinkered fuckwit. Now go take your bigoted views elsewhere.

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