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Comment "advanced users" was the claim (Score 1) 360

The claim was that "advanced users" don't use Macs.
To reply "I use a Mac" would be pointless and not advance the discussion in any way, because it wouldn't tell you whether "advanced users" ever use Macs.

What does move the discussion forward is to show that some advanced users do in fact use Macs, so a relevant post must establish two things:
a) I'm an advanced user
b) I use a Mac

Point a is made quickly, and in an easily verifiable way, by mentioning where you can find my name on your system.

Comment That's the entire point of GUI over CLI - visible (Score 1) 360

If you want ununlimited choices, where you can do anything from anywhere, any time, that's called CLI. I open a bash prompt and I can do millions of things in one step, without opening any new windows, navigating to any other location, etc. Unlimited choices. I do most of my work at the command line because that's what I like as well.

The entire point of a GUI is to present the user with the most relevant and common choices for the current task at hand, in an easy-to-use way, so they don't have to KNOW all of the choices available, they can SEE the choices available at the present time.

If you want to memorize arbitrary key strokes to get things done quickly, that's precisely what the command line IS. A GUI is the alternative, for people who want to visibly SEE the choices, not LEARN them.

Learning hundreds of arbitrary keystrokes and using them in a gui is like using a motorcycle to move furniture- precisely the wrong tool for the purpose you wish to achieve.

Comment kernel developers on Macs - that would be me (Score 2, Insightful) 360

You're talking about me.

I've been a developer for 17 years. My name is in the kernel changelog. I've designed and built custom servers with power tools. I use Mac Pros for work.

It seems GP might think that Apple only makes iPhones. Mac Pros, which run certified Unix (OS X) are possibly the _best_ option for serious professionals. There are also a couple other companies making one or two choices in well-built hardware you can install enterprise Linux on, of course.

Comment iOS is toys, OS X is Unix. Learn the difference (Score 4, Insightful) 360

You're thinking of the iPhone and iPad, toys for people who don't care about control over their property, but perhaps do care about build quality, vs. Macs, which are powerful Unix computers.

I've been a developer for 17 years. My name is in the kernel changelog. I've designed and built custom servers with power tools. I use Mac Pros for work.

Comment Give Obama's answers to security questions (Score 1) 251

You're right that it's normally easy enough to find the answers to questions like "what high school did you go to?" I make that much more secure by secretly replacing "you" with "Barak Obama".* I don't enter MY high school, I enter Obama's. I enter Obama's mother's maiden name. So anyone who goes on my Facebook** to get answers will get wrong answers.

* I actually use another famous person, not Obama.
** You won't find much on my Facebook page, because I don't use Facebook. But if I did, it wouldn't show the answers I use.

Comment GPL specifically allows source on a different serv (Score 1) 171

The GPL requires that the program include an offer to provide the source code, either on a physical medium or on a server. It does NOT require that it be distributed via the same server or service that binary is on. v3 makes that very clear, saying:

        "the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)"

Putting the binary on the App store and the source on Github is exactly what that covers - provided that in or "next to" the binary copy you make it clear where the source can be found.

Therefore, if you are distributing a binary via the app store, and distributing the source via FTP or Github, you're fine. v3 also says that you CAN distribute the source the same way that you distribute the binary, or you can distribute it using a different method. Also under either version of the GPL you can offer it on physical media.

So no, the GPL doesn't require that if the binary is delivered by mail (or app store) that the source be delivered the same way. In fact, it explicitly says the opposite.

The issue that FSF pointed out in another, more specific post, is that while Apple may not be required to do anything at all in order to conform with the GPL, they are in fact doing something. They are stating that all software distributed via the app store has certain restrictions. A more precisely fitting analogy, therefore, is post office policies about what can and cannot be shipped.

The FSF position is that the policy is an additional condition imposed by Apple which means that APPLE can't legally distribute GPL code under those conditions. That, however, takes us right back around to the question we started with. _I_ may distribute the software, as long as _I_ don't impose additional conditions. If I'm the one doing the distribution, it's legal. Apple is imposing additional conditions, but it's fine for Apple to have conditions on it's app store if they aren't the ones distributing the software. Just like the USPS has policies and conditions, which don't affect the fact that I can distribute GPL software by using USPS to do it.

Whether the person who put the app on the app store is distributing via the app store or if Apple is the one doing the distribution is murky. Viewing that phrase in isolation, a court could rule either way. However, the court will read the whole document, not just one phrase. The top of the GPL license says:

"Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure ... that you receive source code or can get it if you want it"

Okay, so the purpose is to make sure you can get source code if you want it. That's the goal of the license agreement. Given the murky question of who is the distributor, a court should look at the purpose of the document. The purpose is to make sure people who want source code can get it. If it's freely available on Github and the app contains a link to that Github, the purpose is being fulfilled and the court should allow it.

Comment FSF was very non-specific, and probably wrong (Score 2, Insightful) 171

The FSF post didn't say either what terms of the license they thought Apple was violating, nor why they think distributing via the app store is any different than distributing via the post office.

If I mail GPL software via the postal service, I have to comply with the GPL, which mainly means I have to include an offer to provide source code upon request. The postal service doesn't have to do ANYTHING regarding the license, they are a third party facilitating my distribution. It could be argued that Apple is no different- the person distributing via the app store needs to comply, Apple doesn't have to do anything to be in compliance.

By the wording of the license, it would be possible to argue either way, so a court would look at the INTENT of the license, it's PURPOSE. The gpl helpfully states it's purpose and intent right at the top - to maintain the four freedoms. As long as the freedoms are being maintained (by having source available, etc.), the court would probably rule that it's perfectly okay to distribute via the mail, ftp, email, http, or the app store.

Comment images aren't a programming language (Score 3, Informative) 117

Pdf is a subset of PostScript, a turing complete programming language. It's most often used for rendering documents, but is in no way limited to that. You can program an emulator in ps and run Linux inside your pdf. Gif and jpeg are not executable code. They are just (compressed) color VALUES).

There was one security hole in one specific executable LIBRARY which processes jpegs, but jpegs themselves are not executable and therefore essentially safe. Not so for pdf.

It is hoped that pdf is slightly safer than pure PostScript, but it's not FUNDAMENTALLY safer.

Comment except when it is, because you don't (Score 1) 91

You make an excellent point. A corollary is a bit of a counter-point. Sometimes you DON'T need to decrypt it, and in those cases you shouldn't be able to.

The most obvious example is passwords. You store those as salted hashes which can't be decrypted. You don't need to know what their password is, you only need to know if it's the same as what they entered or not . We can apply the same principle to data we use for fraud prevention. We want to know if this transaction attempt is coming from the same device / os / ip / location that the legitimate user normally uses. We don't have to store their previous data, only a hash so we can see if the new attempt matches or not.

The OPM didn't need to store details of the applicants' past indiscretions. They could have simply encoded it as a risk score, 1-5. That's like a hash of the narrative, in a aay, irreversible but still useful. Then people couldn't be blackmailed or outed with the information.

Comment Navy has long done this. They hang out near foreig (Score 1) 59

The navy has been doing signals intelligence for a very long time. Ships communicate with their allied forces via radio using giant antennae, and they loiter close to enemy territory, and therefore enemy communications. It's only natural that they would point their large antennae at the enemy, and they've been doing so since just after radio was invented.

The navy also legitimately brings large numbers of personnel into foreign ports on a regular basis. It's only natural to give some of those sailors varying degrees of training in keeping your eyes and ears open while on foreign soil. Thus, the Office of Naval Intelligence has long been a significant part of our foreign intelligence capability.

Comment Navy did signals intelligence first (Score 1) 59

The navy has been doing signals intelligence for a hundred years or so. Ships do two interesting things - they communicate with their allied forces via radio using giant antennae, and they loiter close to enemy territory, and therefore enemy communications. It's only natural that they would point their large antennae at the enemy, and they've been doing so since just after radio was invented.

The navy also legitimately brings large numbers of personnel into foreign ports on a regular basis. It's only natural to give some of those sailors varying degrees of training in keeping your eyes and ears open while on foreign soil. Thus, the Office of Naval Intelligence has long been a significant part of our foreign intelligence capability.

Comment +- 500 miles is accurate enough (Score 1) 130

If you're underground or deep in a building, you're probably on wifi (or plugged in). That means we can geoip to within a 20 or 30 miles at worst, within a block in the best case (company IPs). That's far more accurate than we need to,know whether the acount holder COULD be there. What we're looking for is a transaction in southern California, folllowed 30 minutes later by one in South Carolina, then one in Mexico an hour later. We're computing whether it's possible for the account holder to travel that fast.

We then combine that other data points to score the likelihood of fraud. If it's card-present (swiped) that's lower risk than an internet transaction where they only have the card NUMBER, for example.

Comment extremely common fraud protection (Score 4, Informative) 130

Many, possibly most, ecommerce sites do at least basic location checks for fraud protection and have for many years. The 20,000 or so sites which use our software have done so for at least ten years. If you're on the site from Comcast San Francisco at 10:00, then an hour later someone claiming to be you tries to initiate a transaction while in Russia, that's suspicious.

That red flag is then combined with other available information to choose from one of four possible outcomes:
The transaction is approved.
The transaction is declined.
The customer gets a call / text asking them to confirm the transaction.
Verified by Visa (tm) or the cashier calls in for manual approval.

The system works pretty well.

Note "tracking" is slightly overstating it for two reasons. First, the bank or processor checks only the location of the transaction- we don't know or care where you are if you're not attempting a transaction against an account holder's funds at the moment. Secondly, the "location" is strictly numerical longitude and latitude to see how far you are from the last location. Is it physically possible that you traveled that fast? We don't know or care if you're in a grocery store or a strip club. We only care if "you" are 4,000 miles from where you were two hours ago.

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