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Comment "panic quick"? It has been four years. Zero-day bu (Score 3, Informative) 76

I can only guess you didn't read even the first sentence of TFS. The attack occurred in 2010, so this is hardly a case of "people panic way to quick".

"or it was just a bug" - we have a copy the malware they used, and they exploited at least two zero-day vulnerabilities, and were accessing the system for months.

This incident was kind of a big deal. Someone with sophisticated exploit capabilities had run of Nasdaq's network for several months.

Comment No endorsement implied. Jim Brown v EA, Tiger Wood (Score 5, Informative) 83

This has come up before in similar cases and the celebrity loses unless their image is used in a way that misleads consumers by implying endorsement of the product.
For a video game example, see James "Jim" Brown v. Electronic Arts, Inc. Also, Tiger Woods' agent sued regard a painting featuring the golfer, and lost, in ETW Corp. v. Jireh Publishing. Alyssa Milano's mom, Lin Milano, contacted us about her daughter's "right of publicity" 20 years ago and we found we could tell her to take a hike.

Absent defamation, the celebrity's name and image is protected in a way very similar to a trademark. (In common law jurisdictions, almost _exactly_ like a trademark). You can't sell "Britney Spears" brand headphones without permission, because that would imply that the singer endorses the product, misleading consumers. You CAN sell a comic book titled "Britney Spears is a stupid slut" because nobody will think Ms. Spears endorsed that.

Of course there can be other causes of action if someone does something else bad and also happens to be using a celebrity's image as well, but it usually comes down to implied endorsement. Laws do vary from one state to another.

Comment the other way around (Score 3, Informative) 148

The bill says that your internet bill won't be used to pay for government, not that government can't pay for internet. Concrete examples - you can't tax voting. Governments can and do pay for voting machines. You don't get taxed on sending your kids to school. The government does pay for government schools. You don't pay a tax on researching solar panels, the government does pay for solar panel research.

Comment source code of the processor? But software patents (Score 1) 59

A processor is a piece of hardware, correct?
TFS says the Verilog source code of the processor is available. "Source code" sounds like software. I bet you can even run that source code on a general purpose CPU, can't you?

So is the processor hardware, software, or are the people who scream about "software patents" utterly clueless about computer engineering?

Comment don't drive with nobody in it? (Score 1) 435

If the car would not drive without a passenger, that would solve those concerns. That would mean the car needs to be able to detect the presence of it's passenger, but it already has to detect pedestrians, other vehicles, stop lights, signs ...

If somebody had a need for a fleet of unmanned cars (pizza delivery?), they could get a driverless license just as we already have a driver license. Show an actual reason to be sending cars driving around without people and you're good.

Comment Slashdot is a low security service. Yelp also (Score 1) 280

> And what, exactly, is a "low security service?"

Slashdot gets my low-security password. If someone gets my Slashdot password and posts as me, I don't much care. I REUSE the same low-security password on Yelp, so if you hack Slashdot, you can post a restaurant review with my name. Whoop-tee-doo.

Comment politicizing the federal budget (Score 3, Insightful) 52

Whoever complained that this is "politicizing the federal budget" loses. I didn't pay attention to which side said that, but if that's the best argument you have, clearly you have nothing. Yes, deciding how to spend OUR money is a political process, and always has been. If you're position requires pretending that isn't the case, you're obviously living in fairy tale land.

Comment bandwidth delay product (Score 1) 401

Aside from the general rule that newer, faster network equipment tends to be faster, there's also the bandwidth delay product. The bandwidth delay product means that as bandwidth increases, it high latency tends to cost the ISP money.

Assume you have a 1mbps link and a 100mbps link.
Let's say they both have latency of 100ms. If you're pushing 1mbps and there is 100ms worth "in the pipe", that's 0.1mb stored in the router queues. At ten times the throughput, 100ms of data is ten times as much data stored in very expensive Cisco routers at any given time.

Comment Data suggests only suck so bad since 2000, 14 year (Score 1) 382

> Why do all our leaders suck?????

Everyone has their own opinions, of course, but looking at both objective and subjective data such as economic growth, approval ratings, etc. it looks like the suckage started in 2000. Economic growth crashed from 8% to 0.3%, and the president's approval rating went from 57 to 39.

There's certainly hope that we can get another Kennedy/Reagan/Eisenhower* next time. Maybe if we try to choose based on COMPETENCE rather than just whoever most extremely mirrors our favored ideology.

* (Not an actual Kennedy of course, the good one is dead. HW Bush / Bush Jr. should have taught us something about electing a guy because he was related to a decent president.)

Comment Here's a list of reasons. 100 years ago, car compa (Score 2) 382

Basically, 100 years ago the big mean car companies were sometimes mean to local dealers. Here's a list of things dealers claimed that manufacturers did, as codified in New York law:

If the car dealer fought back, the manufacturer would either a) threaten to open a new dealership next door or b) stop delivering cars to the dealership.
Like laws that force companies to work with unions, these laws force manufacturers to work with local dealers. If the manufacturer cut off the dealer's sales they'd be cutting off their own sales too.

This grew out of earlier laws that said you had to be licensed to be a car dealer, much as real estate agents are licensed. It was easy enough to tack on the sentence "manufacturers can't be licensed as dealers".

Comment Dems had both houses. Reagan led with Dem majority (Score 1) 382

> "Oh, I agree and am as passionate about (insert topic here) as you are, but that do-nothing congress, well, sorry but we can't do much..."
> It's not that it's Obama's fault but I find the whole thing disingenuous at best, similar to his campaign messages* that got everyone excited enough to vote for him.

It's not his _fault_ on a moral level, but I'd argue that it his ineffectiveness. From 2009-2011 the Democrats controlled the house, the Senate, and the Presidency. They got darn little accomplished. The dems didn't even pass a budget when they were in full control of everything.

On the other hand, Reagan had the leadership skills to get stuff done with the democrats controlled the house, and therefore the purse strings.

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