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Submission + - UN Wades Into Patent War Mess (bbc.com)

Rambo Tribble writes: The BBC is reporting that the worldwide, tangled mess of IP litigation has come to the attention of the UN's International Telecommunication Union. The agency has announced it will be holding talks aimed at reducing this massive drag on the digital economy. Good luck.

Submission + - Firefox remarkably improved in latest browser showdown (tomshardware.com) 2

Billly Gates writes: Tomshardware did another benchmark showdown since several releases of both Firefox and Chrome came out since the last one. Did Mozilla clean up its act and listen to its users? The test results are listed here. Firefox 13.01 uses the least amount of ram with 40 tabs opened while Chrome uses the highest surprisingly. Overall it scored medium with memory efficiency which measures ram released after tabs are closed. What is also surprising is IE 9 still is king of the lowest ram usage for just 1 tab. Bear in mind in the comments below is that these tests were benchmarked in Windows 7. Windows XP and Linux users will have different results due to differences in memory management. It is too bad IE 10 which is almost finished wasn't available to benchmark.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Choosing a database

bis22111978 writes: "I am looking at storing data from all the energy measuring meters in the surrounding. I am assuming that the maximum number of energy measuring meters will be 100,000.
I believe that the data will be streaming from all the meters concurrently.I would like to come out with a low cost storage solution. Should I use a normal RDBMS (Postgres,MySql etc) or a NoSQL database? Which database use will be leveraged in a better way? Can I use R easily to run analytic s from the chosen dataset in a reliable and fast manner? Please share your thoughts and experience in the scenario I have described. All your thoughts and reviews will be very helpful."

Submission + - EU:Microsoft fined $1 billion for antitrust violation (bbc.co.uk)

a_n_d_e_r_s writes: The ongoing sage since 2004 about Microsoft then misuse of dominant position in the EU marketplace to block competitors may be finally over and the fine has been set to 860 million euro (just over 1 billion dollars). In 2004 Microsoft was ordered to provide certain information to competitors but failed to do so and was given an hefty fine. Now the EU General Court in Luxemburg has upheld the EU Commission decision and ruled against Microsoft.

Submission + - Fit teenagers less likely to suffer from depression as adults (cisionwire.com)

G3ckoG33k writes: A study of more than a million men reveals that good physical fitness at the age of 18 is associated with a reduced risk of serious depression later in life. Previous studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of depression, but most of these have been based on interviews with adults. The study covers men born between 1950 and 1987 in good mental health on enlisting for military service. For these 1,117,292 men, the researchers compared the results of physical tests at the time of enlistment with national disease registers. Separate analyses were performed to allow for reverse causality – in other words the possibility of very early symptoms of depression leading to reduced fitness in the physical tests. But even after taking this into account, there were still the same associations. Even more remarkable is that the increase in risk could be observed up to 40 years later. By undertaking a special analysis of the roughly 380.000 brothers covered by the study, the researchers were also able to rule out environmental and hereditary factors. So, slashdotters, how fit were you when you were 18?
United Kingdom

Submission + - UK Government Retreats on Secret Courts System (bbc.co.uk)

BiophysicalLOVE writes: The current UK Government has been trying a pass a change in the justice system to allow for an expected increase in court cases which contain militarily or politically sensitive information — for instance the UK Citizens in Guantanamo Bay planning action against the Government. There has been much talk on secret courts and cases falling through due to witness exposure. I expect the courts to secretly still go ahead.

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