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Comment The brain adapts well to lag (Score 3, Insightful) 125

The brain adapts very well to lag. If you rig up a button and a light, so the light lights up when you push the button, then gradually introduce a delay, the brain will - up to a certain point - adapt and you'll still think the button push and light are happening at the same time. Remove the delay without warning, and you'll be convinced that the light lit up before you pushed the button.

Surgery isn't like a first-person shooter, cries of "but the lag!" notwithstanding. Surgeons aren't, for the most part, waiting for the right bit of aorta to bob into their crosshairs so they can jab it with a scalpel, nor are they competing against other surgeons to get the first stitch in.

Of course spikes in lag - and connections dropping entirely - are a big concern. But I don't think anyone's suggesting hospitals all move to remote working just because they can just yet.

Comment Re:50ms might not sound like much (Score 1) 125

but when you're playing World of Tanks, 50ms is the difference between getting the first shot in and losing.

And when you're trying to collide protons in the LHC, 0.0001ms is the difference between discovering the Higgs and not.

Remote surgery is about as similar to FPS gameplay as FPS gameplay is to running the LHC.

when the one thing that the whole shebang relies on (POWER) is the one thing that's out of control of any person directly involved in the operation.

Modern hospital surgery has relied on power for decades, and they usually get by without an electrician in the room. It's connectivity that's going to cause the problems here.

Comment I have no idea what to do in these games (Score 2) 31

I tried Paradox. No idea what's going on. Click, drag, click, something happens. Yay! What?

I tried dynamakr as well. Even less of a clue. "Left Seek Similar Patterns!" "Enhance Energy!" And then it turns into some weird shoot 'em up. It feels like the game equivalent of a book translated from Swahili to English via Japanese.

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