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Comment Re: Oblig (Score 4, Insightful) 662

That's obvious, but it still doesn't clarify whatever point it was you were trying to make.

He punched a colleague. He got sacked. Seems pretty reasonable. But it's also pretty much the ultimate sanction the BBC can impose on him, so I'm really not sure what you're trying to say by comparing it with a much worse hypothetical assault which would still have resulted in him getting sacked, albeit with perhaps a little more alacrity.

Comment Re:How many computers can you buy for $128k? (Score 1) 167

So their only copy of the student roster is gone? they can't even take attendance? they don't have back-ups?

Surely this is a problem that can be solved with money, and significantly less than $128K. (the point of my original post, I wasn't suggesting we actually replace all the computers, just that the ransom seemed a bit high)

Comment How many computers can you buy for $128k? (Score 2, Insightful) 167

Maybe 200-500 computers. Is the ransom higher than what it would cost to replace everything? (maybe not enough to replace them with Macs, but Linux and Chromebooks are possible). How many computers does a district with 1700 students really need to get the basics done?

Just seems like a steep ransom to me. Especially since if I replaced all the computers, the old equipment is worth something and I could probably auction it off.

The data is gone if you don't pay the ransom (or crack the encryption). Sadly I don't have a way to resolve that problem, other than to start over again and hopefully anything important has backups. (ideally in a form that doesn't spread infection)

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